The End Of Capitalism

51% of millennials reject capitalism. With people like Jake Paul and How Bow Dah Girl running around can you really blame them? The question is what will replace Capitalism?

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National socialism.

> The question is what will replace Capitalism?
captialism 2: electric boogaloo

I don't care, its not like this failed generation can change anything

Millennials can get fucked. What matters is what Gen Z thinks. If they disapprove of Capitalism once they reach voting age, then we have a problem.

Already lost cause comrade

millenials dont enen know what the fuck capitalism is.

t. 12 year old

Eventually the boomers will die off and they'll get jobs and actually care about their taxes.

you have a problem then, I know gen z and they reject capitalism to. no matter how many memes boot lickers push it won't change anything


>51% of millennials reject capitalism.

Breaking news: 51% of millennials are mentally handicapped lazy faggots.

Wow, what a story.

This makes me wish for a Pinochet

wow communism and facism sound way better than capitalism when you put it like that.

>The question is what will replace Capitalism?

Well deserved suffering and death.

haha you talk like that and you wonder why your youth rejects your economic system. Amerifats are a cruel bunch, their lack of empathy is their Achilles heal.


Not if your family """disappeared""" for being part of the wrong political party.

Now maybe all millennials maybe there's just a few that can be changed....just a few though with people like Jake Paul who's bringing back dead normie memes idk what's the world anymore man

fuck governments seizing control over the means of production, and fuck antifa people

what's wrong is your country fool. You bring in 3 trillion a year in tax revenue and your country is in debt 18 trillion. The USA cares not to balance the budget or give their own people affordable health care because it would bankrupt the federal government.. the federal government is already bankrupt! think about that for a second 3 trillion a year in tax revenue, we could easily pay off our debts and give every american affordable health care if we stopped giving money away to saudi arabia, Iran and private contractors.

I don't really have an issue with capitalism, it the way work is done that frustrates me. For one I'd rather do away with (seemingly) mandatory 40 hour work weeks. But what really has me thinking recently is why jobs are paid per hour rather than for the task. I've been burned by this at both jobs I've had because I'm an efficient worker, whereas I see the people I work with sit around or don't even do what they're asked to do. Yet we're paid the same, or I'm paid less because I'm finished before them, even though we have the same responsibilities.

>51% of (((millennials))) are lazy faggots slated to live with their parents for a long time and won't ever work a day in their lives
I'm ashamed to be born into this pathetic generation.

That's a valid point and you are right. The question is what do we replace capitalism with? I think capitalism, communism, socialism, marxism, anarchism and fascism are all failed ideologies. I do believe their are aspects of capitalism that work but i think it needs to be reformed to something more transparent and more like you just desribed where you are payed for your tasks not your hours.

>an anarchist who isn't completely whacko
Did they forget to inject the drugs into you?
Seriously, where the fuck are these types of anarchists?

I reject them

lol most of them are part of antifa and imho they are not even anarchists they are communist. I honestly don't even believe anarchists should have a flag if I had it my way. Anarchy imo is the athiest version of a political ideology. I chose a Anarchist flag for this /thread because i'm fed up with capitalism, communism, facism, ANCAP, marxism, socialism, libertarianism, Independents, Green Party, Nazis and etc. I believe the time has come to think up a new political system that actually works harmoniously for all men and women just like the founding fathers of the United States of America wanted for their people.

t. Professor Goldberg

Until they move out of their parent's basement

t. White Knight

time to get comfy

I voted for Trump, you know what they say about assumptions user?


the only thing that can replace capitalism is chaos and poverty.
51% of millennials will have their opinions manually adjusted by the scourges of reality, and at "best" we can stifle capitalism's bounty with social programs up until society collapses and we go back to capitalism to fix it.

>51% of millennials
why are they so retarded and still buy every wasteful thing they can?

oh right, because it's loaded with more niggers and spics than previous generations.

Jewish-backed public education teachings.


>go to commiefornia
>ask 2 people

Well the only economic system proven worse than capitalism is communism. I am sure someone can come up with something better.


thanks user i believe so to.

what's the range of gen z?

I'm a millenial, and even used to be a libshit commie in my teens. Then I found Ron Paul in 2007 and my views changed. I still don't disagree with any of his stances pretty much.

Why shouldn't they? Think of what "capitalism" has meant during their lifetimes - a massive increase in wealth at the very top accompanied by stagnant wages and declining employment rates for average people, bank bailouts, psychotic leftists using their billions for social-engineering purposes, etc. What is there to support when THAT is the outcome of American capitalism?

As a millennial i know who opened the borders and imported cheap labor fucking up the country forever.

More like crony Capitalists with friends in government.

As a millennial you don't know shit beyond your iPhone newfag

The problem arised when we went from a classical economics system to a neoliberalist system.

>51% of millennials reject capitalism.

51% of millennials are unemployed
51% of millennials have no education other than looking things up in wikipedia for a few minute before becoming bored.
51% of millennials can't shoot. ride, look after animals or children, cook, fix anything, make anything or use technology beyond facebook.Neither can they write or compose anything wants to read, hear, eat or wear. Even the simple concept of two genders is beyond them.

Just change them to generation shit already

>The question is what will replace Capitalism?
Nothing. No economic system has a suitable answer for the oncoming storm of automation.

Yeah pretty much. Neoliberals can take their excess regulation that kills competition, government subsidies for housing and student loans, and huge government stimulus and stick them up their ass.

This guy gets it.

>As a millennial i know who opened the borders and imported cheap labor fucking up the country forever.

Generation shit rides out into their employed sunset because even with a free education and growing up in a high standard of living they still could not compete with an illiterate Mexican who grew up malnourished in a chicken shack.

>more e-celeb spam

of course young people reject capitalism cause they dont have shit and want to be "equal" to 50+ year old successful middle class folk at the age of 20.

once they get older and actually have something youll quickly observe them seeing the light concerning this economic system

>The question is what will replace Capitalism?

It has already been replaced by monopolism: the monopolization of capital in the hands of a few American billionaires who are now about to destroy all remainders of non-American mini-capital (in Russia and in 20, 30 years or so in China). The market that was characteristic for capitalism is gone now.

To be fair, the old folks had a better go of it than the Millennials do now. Their economy was based around the New Deal.

>>The question is what will replace Capitalism?
>Nothing. No economic system has a suitable answer for the oncoming storm of automation.

Some solutions
Male Millennials who have five years of unemployment are drafted and sent to work in Chinese factories on contract so as they can learn to enjoy communism properly. Beatings and other compliance techniques are authorized.

Unemployed millennial women are rented to chinese sweatshops on five year contracts and if they are auctioned off as housemaids to arabs.

All millennial need is some proper motivation.

I'd like to bayonet one.

>A majority of millennials now reject capitalism
Then we will reject their right to live.

>once they get older and actually have something

They won't have anything but will remain broke.
Only during the Cold War did capital give the """middle-class""" some scraps to keep them calm. Once the Cold War was over, the middle class immediately got destroyed. Now the tendency is that a tiny minority of the ruling class is obscenely rich why all the rest is simply broke with no "middle-class" in the middle ... and here Sup Forums thinks there is not inequality ENOUGH yet...

Monopolism backed by government intervention. Pretty spot on though, for someone with that flag.

all the millennials I know jerk themselves off to the idea of going to chipotle so I don't think they even know what it means

Millenials see capitalism not as actual capitalism, but as two things: earning money through work, and "evul white business men that want to keep the poor people even poorer". They reject capitalism because they want to continue to live off of free handouts from their parents' hard earned cash and to continue being selfish and entertainment-addicted children.

current babies to 23 years old roughly

Oddly enough I agree here.

I think what millennials are referring to as capitalism is corporatism and creeping socialism. You can't say you've had capitalism in a mixed economic system, ESPECIALLY when you have a credit system in place and social engineers use taxation as a means to influence certain behaviors instead of actually pay off debt.


>Monopolism backed by government intervention.

Government and "market" have essentially merged. This is why the ruling class is fine with a kind of anti-capitalism that promotes a "strong state" or "more government" (or whatever kind of phrase they use in one's specific mother tongue) in contrast to the "market"; like the idea in ruling-class-approved anti-capitalism is that more government will kinda "tame" the market. But these two forces are already merged anyway. This is why lower taxes were actually a GOOD thing. Higher taxes essentially just means more money for intervention in Syria and Russia for instance.



na man. the middle class is still a very strong economic and political force in america though it is under steady attack. 75% of the workforce is employed by small business and the owners are middle class. just take a glance next time you drive through a commercial area and count how many small businesses you see compared to corporate branches

51% of millennials reject capitalism
>buys iphone
>buys starbucks


Until I turned ~20, I was "against capitalism", so were most of my friends, who are now gainfully employed.

Let them run with this one

The only thing that matters is what the military brass thinks. Unless they can be spooked by the specter of catastrophic warfare into making a bad decision and handing over the state to band of marxist jews, things will eventually revert to normal. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) via nuclear weapons assures that a hot war like WWI or WWII will not take place again for centuries, so rabble rousing jews are out of luck, and will probably be pogromed back to Israel before it is all said and done with if they don't put a damper on the more vocal members of their tribe, which they will never do.

>They reject capitalism because they want to continue to live off of free handouts from their parents' hard earned cash and to continue being selfish and entertainment-addicted children.

To be honest, all of the adults in their lives lied to them.
>Follow your heart and the money will follow.
>Women's Studies will get you a job outside of Starbucks.
>Debt is good.
>Don't complain about the lack of a living wage.
It's very easy to be hard on people.

What people mistake for capitalism is actually Judaism.

National socialism would be the preferable replacement. The idea that there is a need for some universal economic system is inherently multicultural, and globalist.

Capitalism is easily the best system every created. It just needs to improve.

Kek. What the fuck do they think they're going to do or "seize the means"? I wish a nigga would.
t.shareholder, property owner, gun connoisseur, investor, hunter, subsistence farmer and a 33 year old retiree

right now it seems pretty even between right and left.
t. 16 year old

And I'm a rocketship captain and I fuck your mom 5 times a day.

Jake Paul is actually a social media genius who hustled and earned $5 - $7 million himself at the age of 20. Pretty sure he is going to be a huge capitalist fan once he start paying more than 50% if his income to the government. Mad respect to Jake Paul though, smart business guy

The (((ruling class))) hijacked the government by tacking on more and more federal agencies to control the economic environment. It just meant more people in government able to be bribed and lobbied to. If government was kept small, in a minarchist state or similar there would be more efficiency in its operation and a meritocracy could be upheld. If technology improves where computers can govern, that could improve the situation over human backed government. But because humans will program those computers it's not necessarily devoid of corruption or malevolence.

This is the most autistic thing I've read on Sup Forums... and that's saying something.

The best part about them spouting that is they don't do any of the work they're talking about seizing, either. What the fuck are they planning to do, go into a factory with giant butterfly nets and try to capture laborers to take home and put on a treadmill in the basement?

in an economy is always better to specialize in what you are the best at. The USA is the leader in technology. It benefits the USA to manufacture products outside of the country to countries with cheap labor. This benefits the USA consumer, because it's a cheaper product. This also permits the economy to use its energy and resources for technological advancement. This would obviously hurt the national manufacturing sector, but as cruel as it sounds... an economy evolves. You need to adapt to it.

I'm sick of these capitalist pigs. Let's dress in black, burn some garbage cans, throw bottles at the police and then stop by mcdonalds for a good ol' anarchy burger to celebrate.

Most millennials don't even know what capitalism is. They just hear other lefties chant "down with capitalism" so they jump on the bandwagon.

There's a pretty ironic point there, too. When they say "Down With The 1%," that's just code for "Up With The 0.0000000000000000001%."


But then those products produced in cheap areas of labor are of shit quality because of poor quality control standards, and high minimum wage in your own country means your country can't compete with better quality products without drastic price differences that kill business. Specialization might be good, but not for an entire country. Plus we can manufacture products without de-specialization through automation, and the created products would fall within American quality control standards.

>boomers rip the whole up for their greed
>fuck it up for generations to come
>"hey guyz why dont u like captilasm, it was great for us xD"

They don't even understand that the government was incredibly leftist from the 30s through the 60s.


Idt it's millenials per se, I think since the 1960's Western people have become more and more entitled, spoiled, and removes from the realities of nature. The millenials just happened to be the generation of maturation when everyone started to realize things might have gone completely insane, in opposition to nature, in opposition to healthy social norms and structure, etc.

Millenials are getting blamed for the disturbed seeds planted by the baby boomers. The baby boomers have done more to destroy the West than the two world wars combined. And all they care about is a comfortable existence and willful ignorance of the absolute shit storm they created until they die.

In a capitalist society you don't live, you're lived.

Consumer driven society is the some hedonistic aids shit and a big mistake, and I don't want it.

We need to stop falling for this divide and conquer shit. The boomers are the only generation that might be compromised beyond salvation, but they're on the way out. If generational infighting grows, (((they))) win.

The only distinction that matters is race. I don't begrudge any white kid or even adult his lack of motivation to work in this perverse social climate. I doubt I would have any if I felt no connection to my race, my history, or my ancestors.
Deracination saps ambition like nothing else can. Scolding whites for this will do nothing but make more enemies. Give them something greater than themselves to work for and they'll find their motivation I assure you.

>just like the founding fathers of the United States of America wanted for their people

What the roach said

>But then those products produced in cheap areas of labor are of shit quality because of poor quality control standards
not necessarily. Foxconn, the company in China that manufactures for Apple, has supervision from Apple itself during the manufacturing process. You can se with yourself what quality Apple products have.
>high minimum wage in your own country means your country can't compete with better quality products without drastic price differences that kill business.
didn't understand what you meant
> Plus we can manufacture products without de-specialization through automation, and the created products would fall within American quality control standards.
good point with the automation part. I didn't take ir into account. but in regards to quality control, that's between the manufacturer and the company. The American company is the one that needs to make the product be inside American standards.

Capitalist society will continue as long as human labor has value. To the extent that it does, capitalism is a good thing, as it incentivizes this labor.

As machines begin to make humans obsolete and perform all tasks better and cheaper, we will transition into fully automated luxury communism. Some would argue that this transition has already begun.