>rarest substance in the universe
>essential to life on earth
>quite literally rains from the sky
>atheists will try to argue that this is a complete coincidence
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>rarest substance in the universe
OP I'm starting to wonder if this sin't bait and you're literally retarded.
>Canadian education
The sun is literally made of water dumbfuck leaf
That is pretty fucking redpilled myman
beer is quite literally water mane!
Fun Fact: In Lord of the Rings, the Ainur considered water the most precious substance in the universe.
>>rarest substance in the universe
>leaf education
>Thinks first and third most abundant elements in known universe are rare.
>organic compounds combine with the aid or ware
>compounds evolve around the use of water
>organisms live off of water because they have completely structured themselves around water
>theists believe this is a coincidence.
If the first microorganisms evolved while floating in liquid mercury, you would probably think mercury was a gift from god. The water came first, retard. Every other paradigm was built around the existence of water, not the other way around.
>rarest substance in the universe
lolno. It's hard to find liquid water, but even Mars has a bunch of water ice.
The most common substance in the universe is hydrogen. If there is oxygen around, then burning hydrogen makes water. When the Earth was first formed, it was a giant molten ball of rock. Certainly, it would have been easy for hydrogen to combust and form water.
>rarest substance in the universe
atheists drank too much fluoride and can't feel their spiritual energy
Except its not fucking rare at all. Meteors got a ton.
how would I get water if it's in the sun dumbfuck.
>rarest substance
>planet is 70% water
>laws of physics state that something can't from from nothing, and nothing can't be created from something
>"big bang"
>believe that a void of utter nothingness exploded and we have the universe
>atheists actually believe this
And what makes you think some almighty Jew in the sky is responsible for all this? Did you ever stop you think that maybe it's just due to evolution? Or maybe, aliens?
No, it's definitely some dead Jew.
Funner fact: The Fremen in Dune didn't cry because it was a waste of water.
>rarest substance in the universe
do leafs even try anymore? day of the rake when??
This is why this "goldilocks zone" shit never meant more to me than the right criteria being met, albeit rare. There are probably extremophile organisms living near gas jets on ice moons--big whoop. Why is providence attributed to something like that? Given the unimaginable medium (size) that is the universe, it was bound to happen and did. The Earth is the distance it is from the Sun, because . . . it is. Pretty neat that it accumulated enough mass to sustain an atmosphere, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Remember to sage, kids
also, hydrogen and oxygen are two of the three most common elements in the universe, water is not hard to find
it gets ejected from the sun every second of every day
or you know... life is able to exist on this planet because there's water
lol, i didn't know that. I love that movie (even read the book once but barely remember it)
I want mooooore...
The oort cloud is literally filled with it.
>>rarest substance in the universe
Im all for God but that's just retarded
How is it rare to us if, as we are living creatures and require water, there is a 100% chance that water exists on the planet we evolved on? Whichever that may be?
human need to figure out how to make the water or you die soon, op
>Water is the rarest substance in the universe (only 0.02% of outer space is made of water)
>Humans are 97% water
>We are the universal equivalent of a creature made of diamonds
Damn. Really makes you think.
>Gold is the most precious metal
>Whites can have blond(e) hair
Muh oort clouds and kuiper belts and shit. Never rained for long time then the atlantic ocean appeared out planetary-way and smashed down and in four seconds we have our water im smart im a scientist. Xenon was in caves n sheit. We werent there to see when it reacts or decays. We just tell you it was a long time ago on a pear