Sam Harris Intellectually BTFO by cartoonist
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Bump, almost half way through right now. Sam Harris sounds like a sperg.
Nigger, I'm not watching 2 hours of debate.
Highlights reel?
its worth it, Sam sounds like an emotional wreck all the way through.
Listened to this a few days ago. Not sure where the BTFO comes from, they agreed on most topics except for Trump. Adams even called Harris a "force for good" and has his book on free will in the recommended reading section on his blog.
Seems like he was having fun to me. I agree more with Scott on Trump, but Harris seemed to enjoy the more casual conversation style. It felt like two people discussing topics over drinks, which was kind of cool.
>that video length
>ctrl + w
Fuck off Sam. It's literally nothing.
is sam harris a determinist ?
Oh fuck yes I had no idea scott talked with Sam, this is gun be good.
Seriously a boring discussion, except some of Adam's analysis of Trump's 4d Chess.
Seriously Sam Harris is such a fucking basic bitch. Why do so many leftists think he is some brilliant "thought leader" or some gay shit?
it was more conversational than anything I've heard sam do before. Both guys were having fun, and Scott was probably the more rational, persuasive, and interesting person that day. Doesn't mean he BTFO Sam...
pic related. now you have your answer
at least 2/3 was specifically them disagreeing about Trump. Also adams is an excellent persuador and complimenting is a good way to get people to identify with you. It's same way Trump flatters people so much (kim jung un, chinas chairman, putin)
Can't watch right now, link me good parts
He's great on basically any subject other than Trump, he even did a podcast like 2 months ago I think talking about racial differences in IQ with the author of the bell curve.
People like this unironically believe sam harris is a "dog whistling" racist neocon. Ask any cuck or SJW about him and just watch the melt down.
Sam has a PHD in Neuro- Science and he got BTFO in a discussion about cognitive dissonance with a cartoonist.
Did you miss the part where Adams butt fucked Ben Stiller on his beliefs that Trump is a conman yet a buffoon at the same time?
>Why do so many leftists think he is some brilliant "thought leader" or some gay shit?
Atheists who are atheists for the sake of not being uneducated, illogical, magical book followers, redneck Bible thumpers (did I miss anything?) need something to cling on to because they have no thoughts of their own. They just need people to follow because that's how they got into their atheism and need to justify it.
Because he's the atheists cheerleader
Sam Harris seems like he's jealous of Trump.
Sam Harris is an emotional tumblr-tier little bitch in this interview.
I was just talking to my mom about this yesterday:
Trump triggers the living fuck out of leftists and turns them into emotional puddy. They are 100% obsessed with him and he has made them into complete maniacs. It's the craziest shit I've ever seen.
Here is Sam Harris, a supposed "modern intellectual", sounding like an emotional feminist college student. How is somebody this fucking stupid? Even if you hate Trump, denying that he plays Machiavellian mind games and not seeing his brilliant marketing skills is just fucking retarded.
Yes. He and Adams align strongly on that topic.
I forced myself to listen but I never want to hear this preachy fucktard Sam Harris talk again. He is more annoying and pompous then Obama, Al Franken and Jon Stewart put together.
Sure. But I also think Sam was enjoying the conversation, it felt more casual than planned out. Sam is clearly questioning some previous positions, and I think he's enjoying that process. Whereas most people fear cognitive dissonance, I think Harris is one of the rare people who likes to be challenged. That's probably why he and Scott get along despite their disagreements.
But in all seriousness, how embarrassing for Harris. First his Peterson debates where he comes off looking like the bigger pseudo intellectual than the psychologist, then comes this where he gets BLOWN BTFO by a cartoonist.
You should have put Scott Adams in the thread title. He's the only cartoonist with an ounce of intellect.
>Why do so many leftists think he is some brilliant "thought leader"
Leftists hate Sam Harris because of his stance on Islam and torture, though.
>sam debates drunk black comedian about cop shooting and black crime statistics
This podcast just goes to show that leftists are fucking retarded and do not understand how negotiation and Machiavellian tactics work.
They live in a fantasy dream world which resembles a movie. Truly 2-Dimensional retarded thinking.
Even though I hate Obama, I would never say that he is "unintelligent" or something. Obama was constantly scheming and dog-whistling and doing backwards shit all the time.
Any efficient leader does this.
Leftists would NEVER win a fucking war.
Why would you post that? The IQ of that nigger almost ruined my buzz and had to turn it off.
Just showing Harris being right about things for people who don't know much about him
I listened to the whole podcast.
Scott Adams sounded crazy and just wouldn't give up an inch despite obviously being in the wrong
This is true. Harris doesn't even consider himself part of the Left anymore, based on the excesses of SJWs.
>Trump is a lying cunt
umm, no sweetie
Lots of whiny Harrisbabies in this thread.
Adams just dodged every question with his usual "master persuader" banter.
Yes Scott, I get that Trump is a super genius and literally everything he does is 4D chess autismo calculated. But that doesn't mean his ideas are good. Sam directly tried to navigate this issue multiple times, and Adams just kept going back to "master persuader, master persuader, master persuader".
Adams, like Trump, is very skilled at the "reframing" technique and that was pretty much the bulk of this interview.
Adams acknowledged that he does not agree with Trump's political views right off the bat
>Sam Harris being right about things
By debating a low IQ, drunk nigger with Joe Rogan nonetheless? This doesn't help your cause, newfriend.
Not exactly.
He distanced himself enough to give himself room to maneuver in the conversation with Sam.
This is my problem with Adams. His style of "persuasion" is intended to do just that, persuade you. He doesn't care whether he is right or wrong, only that he wins the argument. He steers the conversation into directions where you are forced to concede to some convoluted example he gives you, and right after that he dismisses every point you've made because "analogies are not arguments".
Sophistry plain and simple.
Harris is an irrational bitch when it comes to trump and politics in general. This kike faggot wants an EU style administration to run the whole fucking world and his arguments for a scientificly superior universal morality are even worse than Moly's.
Seems like Sam was trying to understand why it is that the other side considers trump a good fit for president, while Scott instead was just explaining why Trump is a good persuader. Might not have been the best person to talk to for sam to reach his goal of understanding the mind of a full-on trump supporter.
It is an example of him being right about black crime statistics and police shootings. Moving along
Who decides what is right and wrong?
Harris seems confused as to why Trump is popular and whines about his character all day. Does Harris want a President or a Father figure?
The entire point of the discussion was so that adams could reframe the events we all know about so that harris could understand why people like trump.
Yes overall that was the point of the conversation, and I think Adams addressed that issue properly.
But later, Harris directly steered the conversation to whether Trumps ideas are actually good, and Adams still relied on his "master persuader" argument, completely dodging the question.
How can anyone with a brain be a determinism
He believes our actions are a result of our thoughts and that we have no control over what we think
>It is an example of him being right about black crime statistics
I can do that in a meme and a few government websites. Why does black crime statistics mean he's right about anything else? I don't see the correlation.
no proof for supernatural?
>Why does black crime statistics mean he's right about anything else?
didn't say that
this really isn't important. was just posting a link so that someone who only knows him for his anti-trump stuff can see that he's not some complete sjw. moving on
He's known for being an atheist cuck not just anti-Trump. Why do you keep posting "moving on?" Newfriend, you should get used to being questioned.
You are too fixated on this, you've had enough. I'm cutting you off
You posted something that had nothing to do with OP. Back it up faggot. So far, you can't. Make your own threads with your own shill links.
Harris has worse fact checking than CNN then goes crazy talking about morality of lying during the campaign. Like Bernie really was gonna give free college.
>Muh 17 intelligence agencies
I am impressed Harris would post himself being so BTFO.
>muh 99% consensus
I understand the argument for determinism, but it relies on the notions that time moves in a linear fashion and nueral activity follows physical laws... and that makes us victims to our thoughts
Isn't it obvious that time starts in the present and creates both the past and the future, and you can't have physical laws without neural activity to create the measurements needed to conceptualize them? The will is where it all begins unless you believe in a soul under the will
i'm new to sam harris. is there a reason sam keeps saying that doing something is "immoral". that seems to be an opinion to me. shouldn't the immorality of a thing be evident in how it hurts people, or something along those lines? it just comes off as sam saying "I don't like it, so it's wrong"
>trump is such a mean jerk
>hillary was implicit in the murder of millions of children in the al shifa bombings
>but mah intention yo we good guys yo!
Harris had the bought and sold global warming believer. Scott was diplomatic and talked about waiting for a better scientific solution.
Honestly Harris could have been Senator Schumer and you couldn't tell the difference other than accent.
Actually, that's pretty much what leftists tend toward.. some kind of imaginary relationship as their guide. So whoever would make the better friend or alternately gives the best sex dreams becomes the politician held in the highest regard.
>just comes off as sam saying "I don't like it, so it's wrong"
You are exactly correct. Sam was talking offense that Trump would tell lies during his election campaign. As of other politicians tell the truth.
Harris is hallucinating.
>you can't have physical laws without neural activity to create the measurements needed to conceptualize them?
Isn't that essentially the question of if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If we aren't here to conceptualize physical laws, are there any? I would say they're still there. But something for you to check out might be his conversation with Daniel Dennett, who disagrees with sam about free will.
A big focus of his career is ethics, and he has a book called The Moral Landscape which is about scientific explanations for morality. That's why he focuses on that so much. "how it hurts people" is actually pretty much Sam's position on morality, that it's based on the suffering/misery of consious creatures. He also has a book all about how you should never lie except in extreme circumstances, so that's another explanation of his view of trump.
harris has faaar too much faith in the american government, its one of his biggest blind spots.
I watch at least 2 hours of debates every night you absolute filth. Did you know that you actually deserve to die? How does that make you feel? I don't even HAVE feelings.
Here is how you shut down a determinist.
>If we are deterministic then I am forced to believe in free will and this conversation is both mandatory and meaningless.
The alternative method is to beat their ass with violence until they admit that you have the free will to stop beating them. Then you can decide if you want to get a few more licks in.
Kinda funny that sam harris criticism is basically he is a morally bad men. Ok? and?
Something has always irked my about Harris so much.
Gets under my skin like fucking crazy even though I find his arguments to be generally agreeable and at the very least reasonable.
Yeah, he said he dodged the morality of it intentionally, and said he wasn't expecting Harris to talk about the ethics and whatnot the way he did
How are you moving your hands?
do you control the neurological mechanisms that facilitate you not being paralyzed?
You dont control that stuff,. theres no such thing as free will, only facilitated pseudo deliberation.
not going to give Schmuel Horowitz, the jewish fake atheist, any youtube clicks no matter how much I hate him.
Is there anybody who can post at least the audio on zippyshare or mega?
I've never been to college but I wonder how does an BA in Philosophy go to a PhD in a medical science field?
Don't you have to have some credentials in biology or chemistry to get there?
Most likely his "paper" was some sort of "theoretical" science bullshit. Like Ben Shapiro, once they get that "degree", a false pedestal to bludgeon you from, the first thing you notice is that they have accomplished NOTHING with that degree, except arrogant ad hominun attacks, usually against Christians and Christian culture.
Seriously, without that "degree", he is nothing more than another whiny arrogant jew pushing another flavor of cynicism.
do you think sam would upload his own podcast and label it "scott adams destroys sam harris"
It's a re-upload haha
I've read all of Harris's work and it just isn't epistomologically sound.
Besides, if a tree falls and nobody is there to hear it, it cannot make a sound by definition, since the vibrations in the air do not become 'sounds' until perceived through an ear and interpreted by a brain.
Hooktube needs to start making its rounds but newfags still haven't learned how to archive articles, much less how to not get shilled by clickbaiters with JewTube. Replace the "youtube" in the address with "hooktube." There you go fag,
God harris is truly unbearable. I love how he records his forward after the conversation and tells how it goes so it can attempt to gain moral highground and influence listener's opinions beforehand.
that's called solipsism
I would continue to talk with you about this but it's late so I'm going to bed. Though if you've read his work then I doubt I would have anything else to offer
And he turns into a sleepy poster. You just can't unsee it.
If we don't control what we think, do we even think? Or is that just an illusion? Since thinking, being a verb, implies some choice or action on our part. But if thinking is done to us, not by our own will, then we really aren't thinking.
If we don't think, how do we know we exist?
Do you really expect me to listen to 2 hours of that Jewish serpent?
Give me the juicy bits.
I quit listening to his podcasts after he spoke to some other guest about some Hindu mystics and this one dude who loved everyone equally to his own kids and how that dude seemed to neglect his family. Sam then said he couldn't do that but he thought it might be morally superior.
Then I realized I was listening to a glorified pot head's level of discourse.
Or the time he said statistically have children makes people less happy so he and his wife didn't want kids but then they did it anyway and found it fulfilling.
Like, the dude is such a sanctimonious hack. His attitude is so farcical. His theatrical cadence and calmness screams tryhard at best, fraud at worst.
That said, I don't dislike the guy intensely. I find his extremely offputting.
i'll never listen to this shill Harris again, but it's nice to hear le persuasion man again
We are thinking, just like you're computer is processing various information. We are the computer.
>Sam then said he couldn't do that but he thought it might be morally superior.
But many people say that, it's a relatively popular position in philosophy.
based dilbert man , master of persuasion......
Sam Harris is a hackneyed douche.
Not quite. Solipsism isn't the same as recognizing the will to interpret as the source of voluntary action.
>Be Athiest
>Constantly harp about dangers of religious belief
>Support Jewish theocratic state
Really makes you think.
harris has stated that he doesn't support a jewish state
He supports all western states.
Even though it's a theocracy, israel is fairly westernized.
>Beleiving Jewish lies.
Good goyim.
you're the one who said he's atheist
>he actually believed his lies
>doesn't support
when is he going to write an entire "book" about it?