America has declined from a first class world leader into an aggressive 3rd rate debtor nation occupied by fat slobs, poorly educated slob children and old folks who can't afford medicine.
What happened
America has declined from a first class world leader into an aggressive 3rd rate debtor nation occupied by fat slobs, poorly educated slob children and old folks who can't afford medicine.
What happened
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Unironically the jews.
I mean, have you seen our, GDP, military, and cultural dominance? Maybe once you graduate middle-school you will understand.
Eh we're still pretty good, but we are probably nearing the sunset of our empire. Give it maybe another 30-40 years
Everyone suspects fluoride but it is really corn syrup.
So the pilot gets a crippled aircraft into pattern altitude and lands with only superficial damage, with no damage to the passenger compartment, and you think this represents America's decline?
What's really sad is that they are still the best game in town regarding a World Reserve Currency. As bad as they are, every viable competitor is even worse.
I agree. Went to walmart today. Horrorshow. I hate this country desu. Problem is Europe is killing itself even more agressively. Jews and Christianity and Islam--basically all kiked shit is to blame. What do?
Wanna know the origin of HFCS? Hillary Clinton.
" HFCS was first marketed in the early 1970s by the Clinton Corn Processing Company, together with the Japanese Agency of Industrial Science and Technology where the enzyme was discovered in 1965." - From Wikipedia.
While the Federal Reserve lead to our debt issues, the rest isn't true for whites. America just isn't white anymore.
>fat slobs
Look at Mexico's obesity rate, and notice it has gone down. The fat ones are in CA now, millions of them.
>Poorly educated
Every black city in the USA has schools scoring well below the US average.
>Old folks who can't afford medicine
That's a meme, they have medicare. The US spends more PER CAPITA on healthcare than most European nations including the UK or Germany or France, where healthcare is free.
That's because the free healthcare we do offer (old folks, blacks, hispanics, illegals abusing the emergency room loophole) is unimaginably abused.
30 percent spics
Dems going socialist-lite
Neocons and Dems going to war for Israel
we have been the United Slaves of Israel since the civil war, our nation plateaued before we were a world power
You went downhill when you killed the space program ("whitey on the moon") and imported millions of Spics.
Iraq and Libya was the downfall.
Trump keeping you out of Syria is a glimmer of hope, but too many of your people are Spics and lefty morons for him to help much.
>What happened
Trump and his TrumDumpsters
you got school in the morning.
>America has declined from a first class world leader
For America to degrade into something it had to really be like you describe above at some point before, you silly anglo fuck.
Your imagination doesn't constitute a fact, anglo filth. You have always be a nation of schemers and backstabbers that owns its "success" to dirty trickery and mobster like threats and behavior. Even we have a history with you in that regard.
Then, are you implicitly admitting that you are jewish in any sense, you anglo parasite?
3 specific events:
>2000: rural and suburban retards become president
>2008: niggers become president
>2016: rural and suburban retards become president
Why do Jews always ruin every place they go with their greed and psychopathic ways?
>OP asks why Americans can't take responsibility for their nation's actions
>Ameritard responds that its the fault of a shithole on the other side of the planet they have never been too
This is why we fail
Federal reserve/petro dollar, Immigration Act of 1965, female voting rights, Civil War, Reconstruction, WWI, and the Sedition Act of 1918
Need I say any more?
your mom.
A lot of it has to do with the failure of our education system, the lack of Universal Healthcare, and general stupidity on the left and right.
Piss off globalist. If by schemes you mean doing the best for our country then yes. You cant blame us for how our nation was co-opted by a jewish war state something that has happened to nations for thousands of years.
so your solution is that we elect an effeminate hipster from the arts district of whatever city
not like those people are worthless or anything
Just because you don't have yids in flyoverland doesn't mean the centers of power aren't swarming with them. They are.
Less whites, more minorities
It's really that simple.
Mexicans are the downfall of the US overall.
Because this is always what happens when you don't keep the elite in check. The United States has been bought and sold for over one hundred years now, where the fuck have you guys been? The one time golden age of World War II is over, it's never coming back. The United States former prosperity is nothing more than some extremely lucky convergent factors. Now we are in terminal decline, and no politician or banker can stop the path we are on, even if they wanted to. This is the fate of every single civilization in the history of the world, and now it is our turn. Sucks we had to be the ones to live through it, but that's life for you. Read a god damn history book, you losers.
or we could just kick out the central bank and have the us mint print the money again
>What happened
The Jews made you great in the first place. Making the dollar world reserve currency and abolishing the Gold standard made you insanely rich post ww2: You could just print money and the world would trade you all its good for it. This is how the Jews operate, first they make you rich an gain your trust, then they suck you dry; same happened to France, Poland, Britain.
Neither your successes nor your failures are entirely your own.
Fuck off Columbia I've fucked one of your women who works at my local nespresso
Bill Clinton was giving a speech on Kohl's funerals and European leaders were like
>lmao dude
The speech:
They didnt make us rich they stole our gold and implemented a control system which made them rich and us slaves. The jews stole our gold twice. Once at fort knox the other time at 9/11. You are right though thats what jews do they boost your confidence then steal your wealth in control schemes. Its no accident every nation jews settle in they get kicked out from.
Went to Walmart too ... not a white person in there.
>What happened
It was me.
My bad.
Not enough jobs that pay well
>What happened
I think that honestly we all know where it went wrong. We're surrounded here by the evidence.
Muh jews its not the answer , what happened is that muricans specially boomers throw everything to shit after 1973.
Hey we just landed on the moon for the fifth time >boomers be like , fuck that shit there are poors bro
Us building nuclear power stations every month.
>leftist unions say muh take that away.
Now add that to an entire civilization and you have the answer why the us stagnated.
Also science was replaced by religion , both in the republican party and the democratic.
The first taken for 30 years by christcucks and the second by religious atheist that know shit about science and worship the state.
However the us can still come back strong , but not without.
1_Fixing immigration and not like trumps wants , the us needs more immigrants , about 200 millions in 50 years otherwise china and india will devour so much resources that the us will be like russia today a decadent power.
This requieres both fixing illegal immigration and creating a new system for legal immigration since the current one is fucked up and allows only families from citzens , h1b1 and a fucking lottery.
2_The second most important thing to fix the us is pushing for clean energy , i am not a fucking leftist , but the us is build based on the concept of suburbia its the perfect place to move all cars to electric ones , if the us does that , russia , venezuela , saudi arabia , and iran will go suck india and chinas dick.
Also both iran and saudi arabia will lack money to start shit in the middle east , which would allow the us to stop spending so much on world policing.
We got into a shitload of debt. It's not rocket science. Two wars. People are also stupid and make poor decisions easily and are easily influence by media.
It's simple, their unrelenting hatred for aryan people causes them to undermine white countries.