Why dont you take steroids
Why dont you take steroids
for what purpose?
To make your cock smaller and I can penentrate your woman
Wrong flag. There you go
I do though
can you even lift ur arms to ur head
is wiping difficult ?
No because I'm not low test, so I don't need it to get big
I'm cutting fat before i roid up.
Made me chuckle
Because my fucking balls already work properly faggot.
He has great physique, but being so buff that it's hard to wipe etc. takes more steroids than that.
my penis is already small enough
what's the last book you think she read
i know this is off topic but who is this semen demon and what is her nationality
Awesome pic. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
I don't want to be bald and impotent
I'm happy just the way god made me.
Fuck man, that's the gayest thing I've ever read
For the same reason I don't decide to try Meth. Steriods can cause serious low testy production. It basically tricks your body into thinking that it no longer needs to produce testostrone. Which then your only option is to take steriods for the rest of your life. Or suffer from low testostrone for the rest of your life.
>Which then your only option is to take steriods for the rest of your life
So? Everyone does this, celebrities, actors, rich people, upper class, upper middle class, lower class, the only ones who don't are lower middle and middle middle class IT dweebs. Literally everyone who wants to look like a man does it nowadays.
Have fun with the cancer in 10yrs.
I do user, I do
Is that what you tell yourself? I know it may seem hard to believe that there are people out there that reach peak physical condition. Without the use of performance enhancing drugs. Just avoid eating garbage food and make sure to work out two or three days a week.
Yeah, just be dumb enough to spend 10 years on what normal people who aren't retarded achieve in a year or two, and then when you hit 30 lose everything.
At least people not taking steroids will get older than 40...
Haha yeah, for example George Clooney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Liam Neeson, The Rock, Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck, do you want me to go on? All clearly dead by now.
At least us normal people don't gotta worry about growing titties and losing our ability to impreginate a woman.
/fit/ pls go
It shrinks your balls, can confirm have done roids. Your balls to grow back but there are instances where they might now grow back to what they were.
GEORGE CLOONEY LOL. Retarded slav nigger. HF being dead at 40
You sure as hell do, since most men nowadays have low testosterone, which gets them those exact things.
why don't you go shitpost somewhere else faggot
That's a partial myth. If your balls don't grow back to what they were then yes you will have decreased testosterone output
Secksy baby!!#
Most of celebs are taking either steroids or hgh. Or both. Gotta keep young
You must get absolutely tons of action at the gay bar.
Is Blohole the biggest failure of all time?
Did he even use gear, or just lie about it to get YouTube views before getting his first channel shut down?
There is a guy who doxed him and found his dad, called him up, and even his dad basically admitted he is a huge piece of shit and a compulsive liar
It's sad to see him still making videos, he's hanging in there I guess
acne (i had bad acne as teen really don't want more), smaller dick, and the heart complications, my family has had some bad cholesterol and other bad heart shit so it scares me.
Because I'm not over 55. My balls still work.
He did, user.
I actually remember him from his old bodybyfinaplex days and was blown away that he looked so shit while taking grams of gear.
Newfag here, who the fuck is that?
because I'm not a bitch
Don't know where to find and do not
know enough about them.
there'es literally no reason to go retard level on anabolics if you're not competing in those fucked up bodybuilding cartels
when you're old, it might be worth looking at crusing on a moderate dose of test, and by the time we hit this age, we'll either be dead, in gulag, or we will be able to get it so easy i won't even be worth talking about
Jason "all the gear and no idea" Blaha (he claims he was a CIA agent, look him up)
>peak performance
>two or three days a week
top kek, keep eating cheetos fatboy
He looks more like Sam Hyde
But I do. I have the worst eksema.
oh you're talking about pic related?
that's Cody Cigar
why don't you take estrogen, bitch?
Only OG bbmiscers know
no they don't, it's on knowyourmeme dot com and /fit/
it may have started there, it ain't sekrit
Dude, Cody's coming round? I think he's pissed cause I ate all his chips
> what is pct
Oh well, morons like you are the counter balance to intelligent, masculine men
dont be a human garbage fagitleaf. gynecomastia, acne, shrunken testicles, etc aint worth it
I like to weightlift. However
> take steroids
> pass natty max
> stop taking steroids
> shrivel back down
I couldn't take rhr comedown peroid..where you lose your gains. Id rather just be natty and build something meager that can last
Im not against somebody else riding bikes though
Natty limit is pretty high though and hard to reach. Plus steroids and hgh do effect muscle fibers and testosterone receptor density and can increase natty limit even after you come off. Not sure by how much though.