I've heard abos are basically turboniggers on chimproids. Aussiefags share your best anecdotes/videos to aware me on how subhuman they really are.
I've heard abos are basically turboniggers on chimproids...
Other urls found in this thread:
My question-
Could they possibly be worse than Somalians?
Really? No one cares to share stories about these literal cave people.
>abos are basically turboniggers on chimproids
That's only true for rural and suburban abos.
City abos have extremely high IQs.
>turboniggers on chimproids
Nowhere near that bad, as an American living in Australian city the worst i've seen is public drunkenness / panhandling, they seem way less violent than niggers.
That being said.
> Waiting at a crosswalk to head into bar district.
> Come across mid40s-50s abo woman.
> Starts clucking like a chicken and dancing all retarded
> Some aussie tells her to shut the fuck up.
> Everyone else completely ignores her.
> She starts squawking violently at him flapping her arms like the chicken dance.
> He hooks her straight in the face.
> Light goes green everyone walks off as she scampers off making chicken noises.
Bought him a beer and hung out with him for an hour, hes a mate now.
I met a few on vaction and 4/5 were unintelligible. The one that I could understand asked if he could borrow my bike (I didnt have a bike) and he kept saying something about a "parvo" or whatever that is. I'm a dumb American so I gave him a little money to get him/her to stop talking to me. Never again.
I work in a hospital and have to treat this garbage race day after day, they use it as a means to get back into a healthy enough state so they can go back into the community to abuse their bodies with more grog and violence. Literally closest link we have to what humans evolved from. Our public broadcaster are constantly trying to validate how important they are to Australia...sad.
I guess they are just turboindians
Thanks for talking out of your arse leaf.
Are Abos really that bad? I admire their lifestyle on a certain level. They are carefree like no one else.
to be honest it's a really sad situation for them and they wouldn't ruin civilization
Everything is given tot hem on a platter, the amount of initiative programs, government support and incentives that are all in the name of 'closing the gap' between indigenous and non indigenous is just laughable. I empathise with them because the dumb sympathetic white man thinks they can coexist in a functioning society when all they are capable of doing is wandering the wilderness with no objective tot heir existence.
They can actually be based as fuck
they're not people. the only ones I've seen become people are half-castes or more.
and it's not even because they're as bad as ameriniggers. hell– if you gave them a fuckin gun they would probably break it somehow and just beat you with it instead.
theyre the same people whose inventions were just different kinds of fuckin sticks. poking stick, throwing stick, returning stick, clapping stick, blowing stick, fuckin everything made of sticks.
if that's not proof enough of how retarded they are, they legit have set up camp outside our parliament house for the last 45 years
How to get Abbo girl pregnant?
Cum on her feet, and let the flys do the rest.
at least they are not capable of ruining your country. whenever you see them remember that.
Do they ever shop for their own clothes?
city abos
Fucking poetry m8 bump
>tent embassy
What the hell, were they just living their huffing petrol and repeatedly setting the place ablaze? Christ sake these goofy critters.
An average of ~43 000 in gov funding is spent on every abo man woman and child each year. Many analysts think that figure is an underestimate. We literally carry them every step of their shitty life - from paying for their hospital bills to the clothes on their backs and beer in their hand.
t. Gov bureaucrat
As a white who grow up in Alice Springs i can tell you the pure abos are monkeys who can talk. I believe if every Australian knew a pure bread abo they would be genocided.
Are abos black? a lot of blacks(niggers) here is burgerland claim that abos are black and claim this as a way to prove that backs were the first polynesians and conquered the sea or some shit.
i would think not, i remember one of these aussie cunts posts talking about it, apparently they are only a real issue in urban environments, they are very at home and at peace in the wild as they were discovered
never know with the roo cunts though those fuckers are fucking fucked
Can someone explain why they are always carrying a liter of cola?
The British always try to shortcut jobs, should have just eradicated them.
I fuckin love you guys Sup Forums
I heard a story once of an American tourist getting beaten to death by a pack of abos because he intervened when he saw one beating it's abo wife near the road. Abos treat their women as property, so it is only customary to beat them. According to the story, the abos were leaping out of the woodwork to kill this American for attacking the abo man, and the abo woman helped kill the American as well. Utterly subhuman by all regards.
Only in skin colour. The Australian Aboriginals decend from a different line of hominids, Denisovans.
Why are the dark races... natural born cucks?
We're the cucks for carrying them/feeding/supporting the entire God forsaken race of humanoids
In South Qld Ive seen a big abo take a charge at a preggo drunk half caste abo gin and clock her out so hard she did not get up. I was only 17 and it was my second day at work so I did nothing. Now days I am so seasoned I would still do nothing. It is like watching 2 dogs fight - who gives a fuck.
The thing is you're not even doing them any good. They were surviving just fine for the last 50000 years. Now you're making them dependent on gibs, they're forgetting how to survive in wilderness.
I feel bad for these people. They don't seem violent or terrible. If the worst thing they do is live on government money, you're pretty lucky.
This. City abos voted for Hilldawg.
What are you implying? that white man is ruining the country? Or shitskin imports such as yourself? No abo's aren't ruining the country, the ruin neighbourhoods with their high crime levels and unsociable behaviour, littering their little camps with glass and shopping trolleys. I love seeing foreigners who bought into the whole 'abo's are a beautiful people' story.
orly? like how?
They are violent m8, very violent. I knew a white girl that was raped when she was 13 by one; my knuckles are all scared and have one improperly healed finger from the fights I have been with them.
The fuck you're talking about. I'm just saying they are incapable of ruining countries so you don't need to hate them. Get a grip.
Nice false flag post, shill.
Have fun losing house and senate seats in 2018.
why do they stay on the street instead of working in a suitable camp somewhere they do not distrurb humans
>Be me
>IN Brisbane
>Get boat from UQ to BBD
>Literal abo nigger sleeping on the boat
>Wakes up when the boat starts
>Starts screaming
>Fucking hammered cunt
>Smells like shit
>Walks round all the people heading into town for their nice evening
>asks for 'coin'
Fucking stinks
>Be me, from Glasgow
>Go into hometown mode, assume the employee will restrain the beast, make him refrain from begging, and eject him when possible, as happens with drug addicts in Scotland
>Can you throw this fucking idiot off I say
'That's not very nice mate'
>aboJoe continues his trail of carnage
Walking off I realise he has no shoes
>Be me
>at a conference
>Just left the boat in above story with about 5-6 guys going to the same dinner
I say
>Fuck me that cunt was wasted
>aussie cucks start talking about how bad the abos have it
>Talk for the whole fucking way about how downtrodden and sad they are
Not their fault mate
>Get to restaurant
>Busy dinner
>ditch cunts
>Moan about abo to guy I spoke to at conference earlier in the week
>Hear aboadventures from him all evening over dinner
Bonus II
>Be Me
>In Wellington
>Meet a Maori Lad
Couldn't have been nicer.
There is likely more context to this story. There are adds in certain areas telling Aboriginals to not sleep on the road (youtube.com
There was probably a few more detail in this story that the bloke left out.
Do you even persuasion? They will gain seats.
was meant for
are abbos at all capable of using computers/phones, hell, even TV's for fuck sake? I ask, as a group of people who rip out the walls of their welfare-given shelters for firewood don't seem like they'd even be capable of speaking
cola mixed with methylated spirits
Abos are not black. They are homo sapien denisovan; quite distinct from homo sapien sapien of sub-saharan africa. In fact, other than Melanasians they are the most different from sub saharan africa in the world.
Lived in Australia for a year.
They aren't really turboniggers. In fact, they are overall far less violent than say chimpcago niggers. This isn't saying much, but it should be pointed out. You generally won't see abbos waving guns around shooting at the sky and each other at random like some nogs in the states do.
But one thing I DID notice, is that abbos appear less intelligent than Nigs. Like they don't understand extremely basic though processes, appear to lack theory of mind. They are basically incompatible with modern society, simply because they do not appear able to comprehend it. Everything the "white man" does seems to just fly over their head. Niggers are fucking annoying, but I can accept that they are at least another breed of human. But Abbos are so dumb and lack such a basic level of insight that I strongly suspect they are more like a subspecies. A long lost cousin of Homo habilis that interspecies mated with poo-in-loos.
Apparently the Abos can't get along in life without a public service message for every little completely obvious thing in life, such as....
...Don't sleep in the road. I shit you not, they actually have to be taught not to do this:
underrated post. Don't give them any assistance. You are only harming them. They were bred to live in the Outback and coastal areas of Oz. Trying to teach them is fruitless and only disconnects them more from the only existence they can succeed at.
They should not get anything but sovereign land from the government.
grew up in a area here with a abo poputaion of about 40%. in the schools (lol don't get me started) it was even higher because these genetic jokes would have 4 kids each and they were all functionally retarded.
everything you said rings true. they just not built for the modern age. if i had to guess id place their subspecies as being similar to Sri Lanka if you oven baked it in the desert and encouraged 100 generations of careless inbreeding.
They still don't seem as bad as niggers
Please tell me this was in Melbourne
What was Maxine Waters doing in Australia I wonder?
Have any of you guys noticed that almost all abo Activists are not pure but mixed to some degree.
.Gordon Briscoe
.Burnum Burnum
.Kevin Buzzacott
.Ken Colbung
.Marlene Cummins
.Chicka Dixon
.Mick Dodson
.Pat Dodson
.Gary Foley
.Pearl Gibbs
.Jacqui Katona
.Marcia Langton
.Michael Mansell
.Michael Mundine
.Jack Patten
.Noel Pearson
.Mum Shirl
.Harold Thomas
.Denis Walker
This shows that it is more fashionable to be an abo then a white Australia (the founding stock of the nation). Why?
How are there even "half-castes"? Every abo I've ever seen looks like the missing link and I find it difficult to believe that even the lowest rung of white person could mate with one.
just import them and pay for their shit genes
They really aren't human. They're some offshoot species that never quite evolved right
Less violent than Africans.
This video was up next on my jewtube queue. Not even the same species
Fucking this
watch from 1:45
Have any of them ever heard of a comb?
God why can't life be this way towards all non whites.
Maoris are nice cunts. Too much sugar in their diets - they can't process it for shit. Not the brightest chaps but the most loyal and courageous, treat their women very well - very similar to Europeans in that regard. I like all Kiwis.
They bearly even understand sticks why should they know what a comb is? The only other major discovery they have made was petrol.
Always archive
>abc net au/news/2017-05-15/aviation-fuel-sniffing-on-elcho-island-a-public-emergency/8521020
>abc net au/news/2017-06-15/nt-petrol-sniffing-death-edward-laurie-coroner-findings/8621948
once were warriors
heard a while back that cable companies in Australia have a high turnaround for home technicians and shit likely due to dealing with liberal and abo retardation.
Granted its not much better here
>brother works for cable company
>50/50 call on if new people quit after one day of working on a niggers/public housing authority cable and internet
What would am abo with down syndrome look/act like?
I'm impressed. They may not belong in urban areas for their own good but they seem to have no problem to NOT hurt others too badly.
Would switch each and every somali with an abo.
>camera man stealing their souls
>without paying
Nah mate, Abos are fuckheads.
So they get fucking handouts mate. They get put on a pedestal for having to deal with the fact that they are part (1/64th) fucking Koori, as though that made their life hard with their white skin, blue eyes, and Sydney private school educations.
Fucking boongs.
This is the most recent coontact I've had
> Be me
> Go to Subway for lunch
> Park car
> Abo makes a b-line for me and a mate
> Haven't even got out of car yet. "Got any money brus?"
> "No, fuck off cunt"
> Walk into Subway
> Aborginal still pestering us as we move through the line
> Staff seem used to it. Do nothing
> Walking out with food. Abo still pestering
> Mate says " Hey mate don't have any money, but do you want this sub"
> Abo says "yeah farken oath"
> Mate throws sub in the air, Abo's eyes fixated on sub
> Crack. Mate punches Abo straight on the nose. Blood pissing out.
> Abo on the ground, crying. "Fuck you. You white cunts"
> Mall security guard comes over to see what the commotion is
> "Yeah you boys are right to go"
> Security guard holds Abo till the cops arrive.
this makes me want to move to australia. and i'll finally be able to use your flag to shitpost on Sup Forums.
Are they the missing link between man and ape?
Who's burned down all of straya for 1000s of years, making a scrubland into desert, and are the main reason gun trees are everywhere since they are basically fireproof unless it has termites. They burned everything for softer ashes to walk on. No joke. They didn't even have smash and burn farming. Tasman abos forgot how to make sure with sticks. Make if artificially.
Story I heard:
>Guy runs into abbo who is asking for change
>decides to be nice and gives him so me money, like $10
>nothing huge but enough for a meal
>next day
>guy walks past abbo and he asks for change
>guy says wtf I gave you money yesterday, what did you spend it on?
>Good drink he says
>abbo starts shaking and has a seizure
>The guy feels somehow responsible and calls emergency service
>take abbo to hospital
>Abbo had taken $10 and bought window cleaner
>drank the whole bottle
>somehow did not die
>abbo back on the street in a week
>guy asks if he drank any more cleaner
>"not much, it makes me shake too much"
>abbo grins as he walks away
>they use it as a means to get back into a healthy enough state so they can go back into the community to abuse their bodies
sounds like 90% of the human population in all first world countries
Im dying
i remember hte other version of this comic where the black person was like "can you help me up?" and the white person said "oh no i cant, that would be reverse racism"
A more accurate depiction of that comic would've been the white person pulling the ladder down and saying "hey you can climb up now", and the nignog going "naw whitey that ladder racis!!"
>Joined the army
>We get sent up north where we help build housing for indigenous aborigines
>Every day our fuel tanks are all siphoned
>See these houses partially burned down and decide to investigate
>Hole in the roof in the lounge room
>Sarge tells me they smash a hole in the roof in the lounge room so they can have an open pit fire in the centre of their lounge room
>"So we are building new homes for them as these ones caught on fire"
>But they will just smash a hole in the roof on the new ones and make a new pit fire in the lounge which will burn the house down again?
>"Yeah probably, we will be back next year to build them new ones"
>Having a smoke outside one evening
>Abo comes up to me asking for a ciggy
>Offer him one
>Lights out motherfucker
>Wake up and it's pitch black, crawl back in side
>It's 4am, last I remember it was 8pm
>Abos knocked me out and stole my 20pk of PJ golds and my BIC lighter
>Sarge: "oh yeah you do NOT want to be having a ciggy at night alone round here"
They're mostly harmless.
Their murder rate is about the same as Slavs.
They're much, much better than Negroes and Mexicans.
Oh yeah I remember that, I took a trip to the capital and saw the little Aboriginal Embassy outside of the parliament.
This. They should be left alone - they're too dumb to get anywhere in power without their mixed cucks and virtue signaller enablers.
Abbos are like flies. Annoying on their own but a fly isn't going to collapse your civilisation, but it will make you an angry shitposting bogan
I don't think their brains are even advanced enough to even be able to get downs syndrome.
Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Program?
i doubt that you would notice