As more and more information is released about Drumpf's collusion with the Russians I get happier and happier. I have no doubt in my mind that Drumpf will be impeached before the end of his first term. Once he is impeached, America seriously needs to move a democrat into the oval office. The Democratic Party is the only American political party that cares about real issues. Ending racism, women's rights, and the unity of all people. Why don't Republicans understand that we need to keep moving forward, not backwards?
We Need a Democrat In The Oval Office
*we need democrats in gas chambers
I tried to think of something gayer than that pic but i just cant. Its gayer than even the cumburping twink himself who pisted it. It breaks the gay scale. Its critical gay event horizon. My mind is bent, like OP.
Tell me this image is a fucking troll
> All people are equal
Working taxpayers are superior to welfare parasites.
> Love Wins.
Love does not file lawsuits for being refused service.
> Black lives matter
If that were true, then why do black people keep taking black lives?
>Immigrants and refugees are welcome.
Yes they are. They must be thoroughly vetted by intelligence agencies and registered with identification that will be inspected at any time.
>Celebrate diversity
But all people are equal? Then what is diversity?
>Respect disability
Literally what? The ADA already sees to accomodation for the disabled.
>Women control their own bodies.
And they pay for their own bodies.
Make the rainbow flag a white identity movement related symbol already you mongs. It'll be great.
Probably bait, but kill yourself regardless.
Wow your diction is incredible. Is "gay" seriously the best word you could come up with?
i sure hope they're ready to deal with the obvious contradiction of "all people are equal"
That's it leaf, no more rakes. The Day of the Bonfire is soon.
We need a Democrat to lick out our toilets.
Original thread?
>Working taxpayers are superior to welfare parasites.
Incorrect, both are the same person.
>Love does not file lawsuits for being refused service.
If people weren't discriminated against, lawsuits would not need to be filed.
>If that were true, then why do black people keep taking black lives?
People will always kill each other, that's human nature. The issue here is police officers intentionally killing black people for no reason other than their skin colour.
>Yes they are. They must be thoroughly vetted by intelligence agencies and registered with identification that will be inspected at any time When your ancestors came to America long ago, the Natives didn't make them go through that process, so we shouldn't force other immigrants to.
>But all people are equal? Then what is diversity?
Equality and Diversity are synonyms.
>Literally what? The ADA already sees to accomodation for the disabled.
Eliminate the Stigma behind disability that is held by a large amount of the populace.
>And they pay for their own bodies.
Women shouldn't have their rights taken away from them if they are not earning an insanely high amount of money.
fucking hilarious.
i want to have alliance wih russia.
if there were abortion clinics on every corner there would be a pile of fetuses on every corner
day of the rake is coming.
Dude just kys. But before you kys, check out on your wife's boyfriend to see if he needs a foot massage after work.
This is brilliant, i better go lick a toilet
No, just no. Rake yourself, my dude.
Even your twinky little response breaks the gay bank lol
>We Need a Democrat In The Oval Office
No. Fuck you. Saiji.
>women control their own bodies
>not everyone control their own bodies
Just keep on knifing off those foreskins then. Don't touch those clitorises though, its a WOMAN'S RIGHT to have one of those! Or do you respect that men have this state-forced disability?
we don't need a fucktard neoliberal corporate shill in ANY position ANYWHERE.
when you want to talk like an adult, you know where to find us
a fucking l e a f
"All lives are equal"
Legally they already are.
"Love wins"
The fuck does that even mean?
"Black Lives Matter"
I like the idea, but it's literally a terrorist movement. Thing about them being a movement is that they don't have a leader, no one to claim who they are responsible for, meaning, anyone can claim they are black lives matter can trash the movement with retarded ideologies, making everyone who has good intentions look like demons or just leave. BLM is literally the worst possible racial movement to ever happen.
"Immigrants and refugees are welcome"
Immigrants are already are if you have a decent criminal record and whatnot, it just takes a while and can be a weird process, obviously can be approved but it's for the safety and benefit of the people already living in the US, to make sure you're not just going to drain money from the economy by sitting on welfare.
ISIS hides in refugees, doesn't matter what anyone says. They legitimately said they would, with proper screening refugees are ok, but generally it's hard to be too sure, so once again, for the safety of the people already living here, it takes a bit for them to be accepted. Also, the place they're coming from is pretty fucking barbaric, so refugees in generally are a pretty big drain on the economy. Not saying we should leave them to die, but we'd be taking a pretty big hit by bringing them in.
Low bait
We already had a democrat in the oval office for the last 8 years. That's why things are so fucked up right now. Nice bait by the way, I only decided to chime in because I thought it was funny.
"Celebrate diversity and respect disability"
Neither of these things. Diversity increases segregation, the more diversity the more alienation. I'm not saying however, that different cultures are a bad thing, but generally speaking, the combination of cultures is OK, but keeping them separated is a fucking awful idea because you're literally telling them to not try and see another point view. You're saying "Hey, don't mix or try to understand their culture or way of life, just appreciate that it exists" which is dumb as fuck.
Disabilities should not be respected. Why does everyone think it's a bad thing to treat them like they're bad? "Autism is beautiful and everyone who has it is beautiful". No they're fucking not, there is something wrong with them, so instead of telling them nothing is wrong, let them know there is, and support them trying to move past it despite that. We should also work on curing that shit, not pretending everything is swell.
"Women control their bodies"
Legally, they do, no one can force women to do anything physically really.
Democrats are insane, they work on mundane problems like banning words and sweep real problems like poverty under the rug, they ignore the lower class and focus on not hurting feels or giving rights to women and minorities that they already have.
Also, racism and sexism aren't political problems, they're social ones, no one is going to fix that shit by being elected. No one changes they're attitude if Hillary is elected, might be a little salt (less than the Democrats, Holy shit you guys are pussies).
yes put me in goy i care about you a lot. patient little lamb all will be taken of
You had one. Most divisive sonofabitch we had.
Fuck Off Leaf
Femanon here.
I agree with OP's gay post.
I really want to get a good democrat into office so we can get more refugees from Africa here. I wanna try out some of those pureblooded Africans. I'm getting tired of those Mulattos.
At least they have bigger dicks than those white boiz.
Man, how I love that book!
>but we must demonize the white man
>but we must hate the white man
>but only when they are taken by white cops
>but only when they are not white
>but we must replace the white man
>but only when they are not white
Begone thot. Your sausage fingers and fat cushions are disgusting
Go to the nearest mirror and repeatedly say, "I am part of the problem."
>Because BBC is more important than actually running a country.
Go F yourself
Holy shit you're gross. Don't show your pancakes to IHOP they'll fucking sell that shit to a family of fouf
You are not American tho.
and not even good b8 faggot
Finding niggers attractive is a sign of mental instability. Like idk why a woman would chose to be a single mom and have a retarded and ugly child to boot.