Rate my theories on intelligence within each race, Sup Forums.
Racial Intelligence Spectrum
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blacks? creative? lol
EXCLUSIVELY creative (in an artistic sense). They have no intellectual/technical intelligence.
They dominate the American artistic and musical culture. There are white/asian Americans who are prominently artistic, but they are not confined to artistic intelligence. They have intellectual chops.
>creative intelligence
Jews contribute way more than blacks artisticly. How many black directors or authors are there? They just make shitty rap and twerk.
>inb4 rock
Some nogs are creative. That does not mean the majority are creative.
Clear misunderstanding of IQ.
Do you not understand Venn Diagrams? I am saying blacks are EXCLUSIVELY artistic. Jews have artistic AND intellectual chops.
>creative intelligence
Is this something like how they invented "emotional intelligence" in order to have a way of saying that women were "emotionally smart" even though EQ ended up being completely unsubstantiated bullshit?
Then arabs should be in the technical section even though all they really did was advance math a bit centuries ago.
>creative intelligence
This is what most music by black people amounts to: youtube.com
>creative intelligence
Pick one. If they were so creative, they should've come up with more inventions than Whites, or even Jews.
>They dominate the American artistic and musical culture.
Most nigger music are written by Jews, with the sole intention of degenerating the already primitive nigger and (as usual) to corrupt Whites.
>They dominate the American artistic and musical culture
Only because jews promote them.
It's incredibly pathetic the lengths you faggots will go to in order to make yourselves feel superior to others
Miles Davis? Aretha Franklin? Biggie Smalls & Tupac Shakur? Kendrick Lamar? Chuck Berry? Ray Charles?
You're going to let nigger "hood" rap represent all of those greats?
>all they really did was advance math a bit centuries ago
Yes, before the countless generations of inbreeding, that is.
I agree that blacks have had a disproportionate role in American music for a long time, and I have had similar theories to your own, but I'd like to play Devil's advocate.
1. Creative intelligence is not really well-defined (unless you'd like to propose a definition for it).
2. Artistic tastes are subjective, so there's no way to say that black artistic creations are "better" or "worse" than those of whites.
3. Going by appeal to the masses may be flawed, as black art may be appreciated by whites because of its otherness or exoticness to them. (Maybe whites have a tendency to seek the unfamiliar, while blacks have a tendency to seek the familiar, causing them both to seek out black art?)
4. On the asian side of things, to claim that asians are less creative than whites is just as bold. While its true that they did not industrialize as quickly as we did, on most other metrics (culinary, religious/philosophical, artistic) their societies have been about as creative as ours.
I can't believe you're a real human being that walks around talking to people
>calling what blacks do "art"
Yeah, nah. Shaking your ass isn't dancing. Screaming about doing drugs and shooting people over a stolen backdrop isn't music. Graffiti isn't art, it's a cave painting.
I think the chart needs some way to depict magnitude because it seems like it's trying to say blacks are the creative ones
Why put them both on the same axis?
should put gorillas, chimps, dolphins, crows, octopus, all about abos
>both types of intelligence
you're off by an order of magnitude, faggot.
also you should read what is encompassed by "iq." you'll quickly see that you can't compare intelligences the way you're attempting here.
Honestly we don't need anything beyond "the median iq is lower for group x than group y." pic casually related.
obviously we'll only see the outliers, or "the good ones." (assuming there exists a way to filter the meritless ones shoved on society by the industry itself.)