>Italy is white
Italy is white
Idiot, Finns aren't Europeans.
Fake, romania is 100%.
>italy is the place that started western civilization
t. gypsy
Romania is nordic
more than sweden lmao
>Sicily is whiter than Calabria
What did they mean by this?
Wow, Basque with 99%
Romania is full of gypsies.
>mexico whiter than italy
yeah, bullshit.
Kek who the fuck put Mexico on there
Italy doesn't need your bullshit "white" label regardless, so who cares.
>Mexico is whiter than Shitaly
Better version
What's the rate of whites for Iceland?
>Someone who actually sees the value in uniting against the common threat
I forgot people like you exist.
Your versions is what everyone who wants their own ethnic home needs to understand, if we don't eliminate the elites, we will never be able to live in peace.
>south park mormon dumb dumb song whites
>fake jew whites
>some other kind of spinter jew brownies or something
The map that makes nazi lovers angry.
>no source
>romania 79%
>mexico 81%
>london 91%
>sweden 93%
fucking lmao