Doesn't "assimilation" just mean "dating Latinas?"
Doesn't "assimilation" just mean "dating Latinas?"
I mean...I'm dating one. She's half German, but eh.
It also means dating/marrying Asians.
All look same ese
Also, Jesus they're like clones
No, assimilation means "dating the best girl you can despite skin colour." Stress on "you can," no one wants to be told they're lucky to have an obese white girlfriend because she's been told by feminists she's worth it. That's you being put down and made into a beta cuck.
Stop and don't forget to sage
Sage goes in options
Oh my God...They're copying themselves
why do hispanics all look the same?
thanks leaf :^)
Ayy Lmao
Assimilating them back to Mexico
are they actually quadruplets or something
All of those illuminati tattoos.
Technically they are because identical twins have the same DNA
No clue, just image searched the OP and found that one
All of those tattoos.
omg this is the exact type of face/features i like
are these venezuelans? colombians?
Just imagine... If you dated one of them, then there's a chance you could end up fucking one of the sisters and never know it.
It's degenerate for white bros to date latina chicks.
Second highest incidence of incest after Muslims
Sauce, user
Damn, based Brazil. Cheers to you senpai
Latinos will just merge into the white lower class. If you've ever seen white trash you'd know there isn't much difference anyway. We need to ensure that they stay separate from proper whites though.
>all my serious girlfriends have been Latina
what do I mean by this?
Also, if you guys start dating and marrying them, there would be left only the fatties for us.
Post sluts already
they are vastly superior to white women
I honestly feel sorry for white men because it's either white sluts (good luck finding a pure white woman) or race mixing.
The amount of burgers defending spics in this thread is astounding and the reason why the USA lags behind Europe.
Lower class is lower class, they look swarthy anyways.
Maybe, but only for 30 years until they inevitably turn into pic related
north mexis/"old north" (CA/TX) mexis can be pretty white
>The amount of burgers defending spics in this thread is astounding
that number is 0
idk, some of my bean friends have decent looking moms
people dont change race as they age, cletus
No white guys with white whores, spic men with spic grills. Stay away from my womyn you pasty fucks
Fuck I wish we had Latinas in Australia. Aussie women are horrible
better date a beautiful white girl instead who ends up being a worse wife/mother
America has never been a fully white nation.
The ideal for America is and has always been multicultural but segregated and without political correctness.
Asians are girls (70% european) are better than asian girls...
Because those burgers are either:
1.) Jeb-tier racemixers
2.) Spics
3.) Mongrels/Mutts
Jesus, the first two look fucking creepy as hell.
You date their woman and their men will date your woman.
The solution isnt to race mix.
forgot pic
>wanting indio blood in your family tree
slide thread by shitskins
Back to the containment board on Reddit, please.
Get away from them.
The 52% percent thing isn't a meme, you see so many americans defending spics because they're spics themselves
t. spic
>Asians are disgusting
better than indios
>muh reddit
I notice you didn't have an argument.
yeah i think
t. Jeb Bush
Sorry, but it is scientifically proven that latinas with native ancestry age slower than white woman. White women start getting crows feet around their eyes at age.
Yah sure the Koreans are, but most Chinese and even a lot of SE Asians look great
Your pretty little dark haired girls love my white skin, Jose.
this bitch is a hapa
The only Asians who look good are ones who get plastic surgery to look more Caucasian like the girl in your video. The majority of Asians in the real world are ugly as fuck.
>look more Caucasian
She doesn't look cauc at all wtf
>The majority of Asians in the real world are ugly as fuck.
same can be said of every race of women.
you're too retarded to bother even responding to
Because I don't need one, you clearly learned about Sup Forums on r/the_donald and have no idea that the USA was always meant to be for whites and controlled by whites ever since it broke from Great Britain.
Latinas FTW.
Why is it that non-white girls always have a "dirty" look to them? They can never achieve 100% purity like pic related.
The gold digger have white fever but the decent ones dont like white guys because they don't share the culture and tend to be cucks. Sorry to get your hopes down
>(((Civic Nationalist))) detected
>t. spic
having curves and an ass is dirty? fuck off tiny-dicked virgin
also the bitch you posted is a hideous freckled monster under all that makeup
Have fun fren
While you dick a bunch of fugly latina mongrels, I'm out here banging your white sloots with my PBS (Persian Big Schlong).
Seriously, white men who choose Latinas or Asians over white woman are either stupid or can't get white woman, simple as that.
whatever you say
ew, she looks like a poo. If a big as makes you horny, than you're definitely a nigger. The flag also gives a hint. Go figure.
This picture accurately depicts the aging cycle of a mexican woman. They start as far right, then go to middle, and end up as far left. Drive by any bus stop in southern california sometime and you'll see what I mean.
>white girls
White girls look cute at 18 (pic you posted), but they age exponentially worse and their skin becomes are wrinkly and turns to shit by age 35
There's nothing more beta than yellow fever. You still working that knee-jerk response of calling everyone a cunt of some kind when they call you out on it?
Nothing wrong with having curves and ass, but putting it out there for everyone to see is dirty. Women need to be more modest.
LOL Paco, you just know that bitch if probably snorting cocaine off of some gangster's dick after that photoshoot.
Could you honestly imagine a Latina or Black girl achieving this level of innocence?
You're actually correct even if you're just trying to troll
I don't know what's worse, being a shitskin race or being a race that's a literal meme
>the fat one not wearing maroon like the rest
what a fucking bitch
You got any hot redneck cousin's you aren't banging ATM? I'd love to do some kind of cultural exchange if you know what I mean..
>2 are wearing maroon, 2 are not
checked also love this gif
>Women need to be more modest.
quintessentially beta
>Ugly face..
Ahh, the ol' Babushka syndrome
white doesn't count
gangster? she exclusively dates white men.
also lol at you posting an east european as innocent when east european women literally are the biggest whores
Those are some very disgusting fingernails.
>mud who fucks other race
>calls whites losers for liking other races
Californian beans must look different from texan beans because I rarely ever see any that ugly.
I rarely see my cousins, but I do have one that had a kid with a nigger. She was disowned but the damage was done. I care literally nothing about them and the white race is fucked anyway so if some bean were to knock them up I wouldn't even care. What I'm worried about is getting a spic wifey to cook my fajitas and raise my kids
so you rather be with a slut showing her body to other men?