Pizzagate major clue breakthrough

Anons I was on a pizzagate thread and some Podesta emails came were posted. I have never looked muchinto pizzagate myself but I am top tier red pilled and wrote a book and know shit that I figured would help others. If you are not wise to the Masons/Jews link this shit will be foreign to you but I figured out a clue and I need autistic help get in here and help me I am on to something important.

Pasta Walnut Sauce



dig up what you can associate these with in free masonry anons time to get autistic

5) The P . . W . .

This word is said in the ritual to "denote" p..y, which, in a sense, it does as its meaning in Hebrew is "an e. of c." or "a f. of w." - an excellent reason for its being so "depicted in a Fellow-Craft's Lodge." It is possible that at one time in the evolution of Freemasonry the S.W. presiding over the F.C. Lodge represented the Harvest season, a subject which will be more fully discussed later. (3) It may be mentioned here, however, that a sheaf of c. as the emblem of the S.W. is often carved on his chair, and that an e. of c. was shown to the aspirant as the supreme mystery at Eleusis.

The use of this word as a P.W. in the Hebrew Testament may be regarded as an excellent example of a myth originating out of a custom, a process quite familiar to anthropologists, and, with the names of the p. . rs of K.S.T., is evidence of the existence in Syria of mysteries having a common origin with Freemasonry.

In the Scotch ritual no p.w. is made known to the candidate until he has taken the ob., - a practice that has much to recommend it; when demanded during the first part of the ceremony it is given by the "conductor" on his behalf.

master of cuisine mean master of "conductor" in PW ritual?

Other urls found in this thread:,-NY)-(SWP).html


>Master of cuisine
Obviously a reference to spirit cooking

yah but spirit cooking is a re-enactment of real Judaic occult ceremonies killing children and shit. It is related to masonry it is here we just have to find it. All this shit is linked


well thats a pretty fucking interesting e-mail
thats pretty autistic, but it could be some kind of lodge code so they work together

You have to be careful with this word. Yahwists of Judaea didn't do this sort of thing, it was more of a Canaanite/Babylonian thing.

Kabbala occultism is Judaic bro, but I see what you are saying. It is as old as far back as Babylonian however it is Jews and their lackeys practicing it now so it is accurate

Modern "Jews" are not the Jews of the Bible, they are near-eastern mutts and spiritual whores who usurped the identity of the Yahwists. But yeah, I agree, these "Jews" practice Kabbala occultism, and it is 100% a part of their religious system.

Autism levels too high
Abort thread

Yes I know all of this bro, this thread is not about the Jews as I said in the first post. It is for people know all this shit already to help with what I have started here decoding this email

Oh, okay then.
MK Ultra and spirit cooking have a lot to do with hair, it is cut and/or dyed during a subject's initiation. 'Pasta' could be taken to mean hair.

I am pretty sure it is just the initials that are important like I posted in the first post. That podesta is the "master conductor" doing hte pw ceremony. Also the Mason/Satanic cults like to do shit in revers as well which is why I said WSP as well. We need to find out what these rituals are bu the public material about them is encoded and cryptic


This is some Da Vinci Code levels of retardation right here

like I said if you can't understand it this thread isnt for you. The Da Vinci code a lot of it is real life shit you got no idea bro I promise you

discord/tox boys?

user who knows Hebrew here. Not exactly sure what you're saying. There are letters in Hebrew that correspond to p and y

For the love of God solve this

Public Warning System
Person with Stutter
Padded Wrist Strap

have you all seen the guys come into pizzagate threads saying they are sleepy and shit?

you are feeling very sleepy
im going to take a nap

eye closing feeling hoodwinked nigger?


you got no idea what I know and how I sharp I am
"And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."

trying to keep us from seeing the features of the room before the ceremony?

Wow I literally laughed out loud

If you dont see the irony in what you just said, you have mental retardation issues

great go ahead and fuck off then you are literally useless here,-NY)-(SWP).html

Sex Workers Project (New York, NY)

come on don't be shy now, where is your gamesmanship?


good find user

got awful tight lipped there fella, whats the deal? Let's play

Have you traveled any?

I see you’ve traveled some, how old is your mother?

we are busy with elizabeth beck right now
she is the reason all these pgate threads have appeared
when slide threads appear, something is scaring someone

do these fucking people specialize in only three or four different kinds of food items??! walnut sauce hotdogs, pizza, pasta. Is this map related??!!!

tell me more. The shills are monitoring the fuck out of everyone of these threads and posting non stop shitposts about lord of the rings shit. They are watching them all, as soon as I posted this

faggot said this