I just tried to describe the fundamental concept and vision of communism. Everyone via taxes pay for everything everyone needs, and everyone is helped into job, that more or less successfully constructs the society and world in such a way that they receive pay, and taxes.
So like, enough decent cars are made, everyone gets a decent, well made, long lasting, greenish, energy efficient car, if they need one, or in budget is public transportation so they don't need a car. The modern system is kind of a blend, pure capitalism, with a bit of 'if a citizen needs help, we the people will help them out'.
I guess one of the biggest claims to fame and lame of capitalism, is the great expanses between rich and poor, quality and quantity, and what that offers, in terms of luxury, free time, culture, etc.
People already think there are many people, overcrowded in some places, a lot of people complaining, and grotesque situations and depravity and violations of humanity, already due to population size and the stampeding and stammering fervor of life, so some people don't like the ideas of helping people out. They cant imagine if everyone, poor included, were given a humane shot of life, access more cheaply to all necessities, and education.
Everything is a fierce competition between every man, every second is fought for, every grain of rice, every piece of wheat, and apple, and carrot, every drop of water.
everyone wants the best spot on the beach, everyone wants dinner at that fancy place at that time then, or the one of a kind this or that, dock space, tee time. Etc.
Capitalism is a filter of exclusivity, of rarity. Also what is commonly brought up in relation to rates of work, some people naturally would want to work 5 or 6 days a week, being a dentist, designing and constructing complex mechanistic factories, some people would be armed forces, and some people will get in the groove playing video games 15 hours a day