How to we solve the NEET problem with young white males?
The NEET Problem
Who is this?
>come to autism town
>says there's too many autists
You're not smart.
>that vocaroo
some next level red pill right there
Dude the neet problem is not only a white issue it and issue with everybody that's born in the 90's, not giving a fuck and they don't even bother too look for jobs that much.
There's a giant problem with the amount of white children adoring the gay video game people on YouTube. I talked to my nephew yesterday and asked what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said he wanted to be a YouTuber. This is after he got a laptop for Christmas, he's only six by the way. He spends all day on it. The only time he goes outside is when I take him out to shoot his little BB gun he has. A year ago he said he wanted to be a fireman or a soldier, someone who saves other people. I think the reason YouTube is becoming more popular than TV is so that (((someone))) is pushing it so that these beta fucks become more popular to white children and make them docile and beta, just like their favorite YouTuber.
Why do you want to solve a problem deliberately caused by affirmative action, feminist infiltration of HR and post modernism? If white men are allowed to have STEM jobs easily, standards in STEM would be too high for anyone not white and male.
Beta shut ins and drop outs? I'd say the problem is solving itself. Lefty-cucks and beta neets are competition which you need not worry about. Why would you want more competition?
Unless you yourself fall into that category. Which would be beta-tier, seeking others to solve your problems online
Start telling them to make money. Stop telling them that money isn't the meaning of life, it's a general utility, it is literally what you are born to make. People here have this disgusting idea that money is for communist jews, not the white man. All degeneracy comes from this millennial consumer culture that only wants to spend money, where are the capitalists, the investors, this an information age for Christ's sake!
>Why would you want more competition?
Not very patriotic of you.
>Start telling them to make money.
Oh. Do you also need to bee urself for that?
Man, it's weird. an unprecedented amount of men are dropping out of the workforce, and at the same time it's never been easier to fuck women before. They'll literally sleep with strangers they meet online the first night they see them.
I don't know how to solve this but I say, as soon as you're able, go on welfare and just fuck whores and enjoy life until it catches up to you.
only stupid dumb assholes get in that box
Also who is this man?
>an unprecedented amount of men are dropping out of the workforce,
Not willingly
Check out the recent blind recruitment studies, white men are disadvantaged by about 20%. Youth unemployment is already high so when you isolate it to white men you get dumb shit like
>an unprecedented amount of men are dropping out of the workforce,
And no one cares if you can get a girl drunk and follow the escalation ladder, they're doing it to rebel against monogamy rather than any deeper feelings.
Teach them how to program. There's a huge shortage of skilled people in the tech industry, we need more people. You don't need a CS degree to be a programmer, you just need a bit of grit and the ability to problem solve independently. These are skills lots of people have even if they have zero technical skills. We need some kind of training program to give them the technical skills so they can do the job at an entry level.
Youtube is like hanging out with a really popular person. It gives them the illusion of friendship. If you ever had an older brother you watched play video games that's what i'd liken twitch/youtube to. Except the streamer only talks to you when you donate.
I wanted to be a pop star when I was that age. He'll grow out of it. Aren't you glad you aren't who you were at 6 years old, or even 16 years old, forever?
Patriotism? Why should I go out of my way to help lazy vidya gamers who are socially awkward and haven't developed maturity despite being adults?
I work hard and the more of you at home surfing the webz the easier it is for me to climb the ladder.
>solving the problem at the source
>not a smart idea
>Do you also need to bee urself for that?
Gas chambers. I should know, I'm NEET myself.
>feminist infiltration of HR
This is an HR teambulding exercise used to motivate employees in a modern leading US company
(Trigger Warning)
I believe it's harold covington
So, my theory is that there is a direct correlation between controlling a society and obligatory military service.
Since wars became "privately" owned military service became a choice.
Before very early young men knew they are doing service sooner rather than later and that they are getting rekt there. This resulted in masculinity.
How many out of the closet fags were there in the past?
This trend cucks the society. Think of Sweden.
I think either women are that oblivious to men's emotions that they don't understand being forced to sing and dance is demoralizing for us (dance, dog, dance for your food!) and that especially hip hop style calls are only ever going to be effective for white women and black women, everyone else hates this shit.
I love that the only women I work with are either Asian or old enough to hate feminists, there are no white millennial women in STEM.
ship me 300mg of cyanide and I will solve my own problems.
Help them get jobs instead telling them that they're human garbage.
>there are no white millennial women in STEM.
they are coming...
>interaction engineer
Sorry, there are no white women in actual STEM and there won't be until women realise they're not signing up because they're the only demographic that actually believes the all STEM are autistic meme.
White men are literally being punished for a stereotype held by white women.
>interaction engineer
>gay video game people
Pic related was the reason why I dropped cable, because they're far more entertaining if anything tv is gay
Their character things even looks fat and disgusting
i miss channel surfing though... so much so that I starting making my own cable channels with pseudoTV Live
Step 1. Arrest the pedos
Step 2. Replace all the job openings with NEETs
Step 3. Profit
engineer is not a legally protected title in the united states
Simple they won't provide or offer anything to their world so they will die out and not spread their genes. This is what nature wants, they're being punished for not being smart enough to find a way to support themselves.
Pic reminds me of myself. I'm just not neet and have a decent haircut.
This is the kind of hell of not having any friends
do you have any personal birthday pics to share?
>NEET problem with young white males?
called ww3 and the draft
would a real WWIII toughen this generation up?
No thanks I dont want anymore pointless wars unless it inolves eliminating niggers and muslims from the west
We can't. Expecting someone to solve someone else's problems is the root of the whole mess we're in today
>niggers and spics are literally mentally retarded and have too low iq for the army to recruit them since they'll just cause damage
>send all the white men to go fight and die in ww3 against chinese, russians, and iranians
>spics, niggers, and mudslimes are back at home blacking white women making mixed babies
>white men lose half of their numbers so white women now are forced to make 5+ babies with shitskins
>white race completely disappears from the planet
nice solution
I don't see what the sound clip is getting at. If a "white boy" can't make something of himself, why is that our problem? Some people fail. Some people succeed. Doesn't matter your color. But if a "white boy" with a sub 80 IQ doesn't make the cut, I'm suddenly supposed to uncontrollably shed tears? Fuck off.
Yes this would be great. Lucky i am autistic and suicidal so i wouldnt get drafted. It would make so many jobs available. And so many chicks who lost their bf would be available too. We need war now! I dont care if its for the jew bankers.
I am a woman and even though this is aimed at men (supposedly) I feel incredible anger listening to this misogynistic piece of shit. WHere can I find his youtube challenge to mass report it?
My problem is just my horrible panic attacks. I know it's fuckin genetic because a majority of my elders have Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. I had a job as a grocery bagger and loved it when I wasn't getting the attacks. Man when I did have an attack, people would just fuckin categorized me as a crazy person. It would suck too, when we had a large crowd and would just start having sweats and would have to take my 10 min break. Some people in their encouraged me for trying to fight the fear but others wanted me gone. Right before I got the chance to get medical insurance, they fired my ass. I couldn't do anything because I was just a day short of getting union. It sucks going to interviews but I'm trying guys.
Its a sacrifise the west needs to make to become great again. Its the only way to make men out of the cucks.
I would fight for a 80% white, christian America, not an America with too many mestizos, faggots, niggers, and commies that all want me dead or jobless
Require people to do weekly community service (being watched to prevent Nihilists from doing nothing on the job and each week having more intense service), be monitored all the time, and have a list of things they can buy (basic Food, basic/cheap clothes, water, ect.) and can't buy (electronics for personal use, luxury food/clothes, ect.)
There. Now the welfare system can't be cheated to get NEETbuxs from tax payers for your whole life.
>I've had five, maybe six children
>"maybe" six
This guy is a fucking degenerate
These people need a purpose.
Without one they become trash.
But a lot of them are passed that point where they can turn back and are irredeemable.
stop being rich
Let society collapse.
Ban anime and videogames
>Fuck it slave labor will help these lazy good for nothing's
Are libertarians actually Nazis in disguise? I've suspected for a while
Ban any recreational activities. Then kill yourself out of boredom. I agree with this user.
I think people just don't have a good grasp of the ideologies that they proclaim to follow
Being a neet is the future. When robots do everything and we get basic income. Enjoy your shitty, completely meaningless job, and your shitty white trash kids that'll be bombarded by shitskins and forced to submit whether you like it or not.
If man of age does not work for regime, he will die like dog!
>>Fuck it slave labor will help these lazy good for nothing's
What's wrong with having taxation with representation? If the people's money is getting stolen by the government, it should be used to represent the people it steals from. Giving people money to do nothing and spend it on vidya or Jordans doesn't represent the tax payers.
It's perfectly fine to be unemployed and not demand welfare, but when you do demand money from the government, it should be used to help society and yourself.
If it were up to me, nearly everything would be private with no taxes, but the next best thing is to have those taxes be put to use that will improve the individuals
If you think this website is the source then you really aren't all that bright, desu senpai
>REEEE why aren't you buying overpriced diamonds?
>REEE why aren't you having overpriced weddings?
>REEEE why aren't you buying overpriced houses?
>REEEE why aren't you working yourself to death for us?!
>REEE why aren't you rising Chad's children?
>REEE why aren't you buying my PUA books?
This. Jobs, and cheap "bachelor pads".
These days you'd need a medium-pay job to afford Raskolnikov's attic space.
But the NEETs are the pedos.
> un ironically realizing the future is Neet
> fun is degenerate
> not worshiping a sky daddy is degenerate
> when your neet levels exceed 9000
This isn't the source, it's a symptom.
So ban the only medium not owned by Jews? Ok
It's not happening fast enough. We are in a grey zone where older generations still expect us to progress like they did in youth.
the jews did this
How would you solve me guys?
>neet atm, but have had jobs in the past.
>Never made more than near min wage in any of my regular jobs but have had temporary gigs that paid $15-$20/hour
>worthless BA in political science
>3.6 GPA not good enough to get into a decent law school.
>diagnosed with depression and anxiety by a professional, so military service is no longer an option. Not really interested in enlisting anyway. Don't think I could stand the meat heads, the Tyrones, the sluts, and Lashawndas.
>not interested in trades really. Shitty, routine work with no real opportunity for advancement outside of opening your own business. You have to compete with spics. Unions have been destroyed. I'm not much of a blue collar type.
How would you solve me guys?
>neet atm, but have had jobs in the past.
>Never made more than min wage in any of my regular jobs but have had temporary gigs that paid $15-$20/hour
>worthless BA in political science
>3.6 GPA not good enough to get into a decent law school.
>diagnosed with depression and anxiety by a professional, so military service is no longer an option. Not really interested in enlisting anyway. Don't think I could stand the meat heads, the Tyrones, the sluts, and Lashawndas.
>not interested in trades really. Shitty, routine work with no real opportunity for advancement outside of opening your own business. You have to compete with spics. Unions have been destroyed. I'm not much of a blue collar type.
step 1: get gassed
>get gassed
Im not even Jewish, you faggot.
It's not my fault nobody hires me. If I was a woman, I'd have a chill office job by now.
What are you good at?
The only person doing the right thing with their pol science degree is roaming millennial. No one will hire you to be a political commentator anymore, you have to do it yourself. The big business media died, no loss they wouldn't hire someone they "felt" was right wing.
Step 1 in how to life, use your fucking skills.
lower the cost of housing and stop giving entry level jobs to old faggots who cant speak english
I work at Safeway for another few weeks until classes start again and holy fuck these people are worthless
Hired for "diversity" into a customer service job and cant understand a god damn thing the customers say. always just "HUH?" "WHAT YOU ORDER?" can I get some ham "HAM?!" yeah honey ham "HAM?!"
A guy my age just started working last week (kid of the boss's friend, just a teenager) and he's already more useful than the chinks who have been here over a year
Dad: hey, phil check this shit out
NEET: I hope this pictur doesnt end up on Sup Forums
Gramps:Why didnt I die in 'nam?.
well then kys before you reproduce
Pressgang them into our future army. They can get adequate training by being sublet out as mercenaries in Africa.
Take the rope you made out of backlinks and tie it around your neck.
I was thinking of going into teaching, but the pay sucks. Like 40k a year starting (in california, a high cost of living state) and none of the overtime opportunities like firemen and police get. Lots of police in my region start out around 60k and can make 120k if they get over time which is practically guranteed. I've worked insane shifts before (16-18 hour days). I don't mind working as long as I it's worth it.
Why the hell should cops make so much more than teachers? Working with shitty kids all day (most of them spics in my neck of the wood) doesn't sound appealing at all. It also really competitive if you haven't majored in STEM.
Public school teachers are also incredibly left wing and it just permeates the whole professional atmosphere. There's no debate. No thoughtful dialogue. I have several relatives that are teachers. They're typical self hating Americans that don't mind seeing the country being over run by foreigners.
Teaching is a career job though, you can job hop a bit more than a cop for pay.
And yes, any institute with a large number of employees, like a high school, is very necessarily going to have some left wing culture that'll shit off anyone who's been here long enough to see it.
Schools are worse, the children count. Imagine these ~1000 person institutes, the lefty shit is bad. That's high school. No idea about cops and police stations, but I know they're a bit lefty in some German cities. Any Kraut help me out?
Pick the easy battles, is there anywhere else you've thought about working? Anything entrepreneurial?
california is a scam and everyone working there is in on it
>Why the hell should cops make so much more than teachers?
because a cop could be killed, shot or in a fight for his life at almost anytime. Even if your law enforcement career results in you never having to shoot your gun you still end up having to deal with the human trash all day. Just nothing but white trash and random niggers etc.
All day dealing with BS being trash can't just fallow basic laws and leave other people alone. They have to get into fights, steal, rob, drink and drive, beat their wives etc etc. We would not even need police if people just lived an honest life style but of course that's not going to happen.
so the only way you can get average normal people to put up with the crazy shit cops deal with all the time is pay them more money. The real BS rip off pay scale is fire departments. 100k+ for a JR college AA degree at best in fire tech and mostly just sitting around a fire station. To the point entire cities can't afford to even man all their stations anymore.
Nothing that doesn't involve going back for another bachelor's degree in a STEM field. And that's something I don't really want to do. Not sure if I'm really that capable. I scored 123 on the IQ test I took when I got a psychological evaluation, but I honestly feel like an idiot most of the time. Maybe that's just the depression talking.
I'll probably just continue to live at home, work menial dead en jobs, and never find any friends or make any money.
Yeah, forgot to mention I'm a 29 year old kissless virgin too. I try to save that for r9k, but it shows how Im just a total disaster.
100k in San Francisco doesn't go far man. I doubt he's commuting 2 hours to work.
i so scared
lost cause
feel bad
this wont end well
friendly reminder that Hitler was a far right khv neet from 16-25, when he was drafted into the military, and that you are literally following the footsteps of a genocidal warlord
>side note: this is the story of most of the Nazis
a bullet to the head, please
t. neet
she replies to facebook posts and edits twitter handles