Man hate thread

Men commit 99% of all violent crime. Most illegal immigrants are men. Most race mixers are men. Men invented communism. Men invented "free love."

The coup de grace, men's IQs in developed countries have slipped below women's IQs for the first time.

Men are the niggers of humanity.

Here's a statistic: 100% of women have tits.

>checks flag

well fuck me in the asshole


Hitler was a man.
Checkmate atheist

all women give birth to men.
women are the problem

>Be woman
>Invent nothing
>Interested in nothing
>Bitch about everything
>Pay for nothing

I almost fell for your tricks you leaf!
But women are better than men.
They have boobs.

We built the world, we can do whatever the fuck we want with it, you go build me a sandwich like you always do.

>Most race mixers are men.
It's sounds like you've really thought this through user


Louis CK said it the best.

"Men fuck shit up, women are fucked up."

>t. super cuck
thought id never see the day.
remember to report bait.

Men built the entire world. It's ours to do with as we see fit.

>Most race mixers are men.
It is mathematically impossible for the number of male and female race mixers to be different, because homosexual sex cannot result in a child, and therefore cannot be "race mixing".

Myriads of IQ test have found that the average IQ of men and women are the same. What remains different is the distribution. Women are clustered towards the average while men are more widely distributed. More geniuses, but also more idiots.

>Men invented "free love."
Have you ever heard the phrase "it takes two to tango?"

Gotta fucking love Canadians!

SAGE for the faggot

Incorrect. Plenty of people don't get married anymore. That's how the stats are calculated. Monogamy also isn't mandatory.

Ok then

Btw this is what men do for fun

Congratulations you've just won the Leaf Post of the Day award!