Hello pol i'm from Russia and i discovered this board 3 days ago. Seems this is a white nationalist board
Am i white enough to post here?
Hello pol i'm from Russia and i discovered this board 3 days ago. Seems this is a white nationalist board
Other urls found in this thread:
If you have to ask, then no.
you are too Finnish, so no
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
don't have finnish heritage only russian
Stop wearing makeup. It's noticeable.
You look like a fag with the foundation.
Negroids in USA?
Stop wearing makeup you fucking twink.
I don't do that, only some cream for acne
Well, shit.. You look like a flaming homosexual. Sorry son.
Yes, you look pure Aryan. You're Whiter than White.
>only some cream for acne
Bullshit.. You're wearing makeup. Don't do that.
No. Communists aren't white.
You look gay bro. Seriously do something about ur face maybe punching yourself
We let Irish and Italians post here so yeah you make the cut.
Nice ghengis rape genes lmao
It's a political board not a white nationalist board gtfo.
You're White. But you have Down's Syndrome.
So your shit is still fucked up.
kek this
>the current state of wayne lambert
You've gotten pretty gross, dude.
Suomi Perkele!
Nice hostas. You vaguely remind me of those aliens that claim to be Tartars. Are you one of them?
I want to cut off that mole and make guacamole, keep lurking nufag
and mongolian, obviously. you are a direct descendant of genghis kahn, but everyone is white enough for this board. it's all anonymouse, just LARP like 99% of the people here
i guess
ylu have down syndrome eyes
but, pol
am I white?
>Am i white enough to post here?
Depends on if you are a filthy Russian liberal or redpilled.
More so than Americans.
>middle east
>only 85 percent European
>3 percent jew
I would be immediately distrustful of you. You resemble a Nordic alien. Do you miss your home Pleiades?
4 percent is NOTHING
you look half nigger to me
You clearly possess some sort of gook traits, but Asians are capable of being highly effective individuals so I will allow you to post here and will only call you a faggot for asking this. Lurk more though, you aren't ready for pol.
Hell yeah chink face
I don't know anyone Jewish in my family
I was raised a Catholic but have protestant inclinations
>all these retarded comments
was a nice thread tho, revealed your low iq
>iberian peninsula
>native american
moorish conquistador rapebaby
Post dick pic. It is the only real way to determine stuff like this.
I know PLENTY of whites with 10 percent Native American blood
I'm not a rape baby, that's incredibly rude
post your butthole or cock
I agree. I looked at drawings of the Nordics and the Bogdanoff style aliens and this kid is a Nordic alien playing a little game with us.
Be a Eurasianist, not a white nationalist.
>I know PLENTY of whites with 10 percent Native American blood
Yeah but you're forgetting about the spanish
also spics dont count
Fuck no, 5% west asian lmao
He looks like somebody who inherited his phenotype from eastern hunter-gatherers. Most Western Europeans can't wrap their head around it because they look like Middle Eastern farmers.
fucking lmao, what is the point of even LARPing like this?
the spanish are white
Besides, most of my spanish is from the NORTH of Spain
The middle eastern might be from the eastern European,
Notice that I'm not north african
average spanish girl
Hello pol i'm from Argentina and i discovered this board 3 days ago. Seems this is a white nationalist board
Am i white enough to post here?
ok, ok
how far am I from white, in your opinion
Squinty eyed fuck
I like dividing wh*Te subhumans.
>discovered this board 3 days ago
>am I white enough to post here
>3 days ago
>post here
Lurk More NuFriend
but anons
you all say im not white
but what am I
where is my homeland
it's not doing any dividing though. it did make me laugh though (literally tears). I love how autistic roaches are, amazing
strike a cord on that one Mohammad? 4% =/= 0% your argument is shit, just like your skin
once a jew always a jew
Our jihad against wh*Te subhumans will continue
Every wh*Te subhuman and amerimongrel will be killed
yeah boiiiiii
says the roach
fucking kek, there's that autism that I love. Keep it coming roachie
OP can you see with those eyes? Are you blind?
Silence, amerisubhuman. Or else i'll beat the shit out of you at incirlik.
But what AM I
I can't just call myself a spic, jew, or an arab
the most I have is British
lmaooo sure you will, keep being america's bitch
I mean how would you feel if you thought sandnigs were master race, and someone with 5 percent were to say, "I'm one of you!"
A-Am I noth-othing
kek nigger literally confessing to assualt
>jus nigger things
Remember, if it's brown, flush it down!
>Sub-human inferiority complex
>Sperging THIS hard
>when people still dont know what shitposting is in 2017
You can call yourself a jew, because you inherited it. Thats how one becoming jewish, through inheritance.
>expecting me to watch turkroach propoganda
keep crying roachie. You're still my bitch. Keep my nukes in good condition
>Niggers admit to crimes and get themselves caught over social media and in person
>Being this arrogant and retarded
>Having no sense of agency, despite demanding equality
>It's fine because he threw a water bottle
>You can trust me, so what if black people have a disproportionately higher crime rate and are more partial to being uncivilized idiot scumbags?
But some of them, I assume, are good people.
Aw shucks, you mean you all don't really mean all of those mean things?
But I seriously need to know
No shitposting
obviously, all niggers are niggers but not all niggers are niggers if you catch my drift
we literally beat the shit out of an amerisubhuman soldier
if you come here we will lynch you.
also your military is the worst, considering how you lost to rice farmers, commie gooks and afghans.
>if you come here we will lynch you.
I don't visit third world countries sorry
Hello pol i'm from Chernobyl and i discovered this board 3 days ago. Seems this is a white nationalist board
Am i white enough to post here?
>identifying with some fags you've never met because they ganged up on a dude
You look like a half Asian half white dyke
Sorry, but you asked
ps i have olive skin
sometimes im really pale because i dont go outside
but when i do, i look slightly golden
it's very charismatic
You look like a hapa, probably a mongol rape baby. Most slavs are though anyway.
fuck you turd. just cause you found some poor souls head on bridge doesnt mean you can claim the kill. cant wait til you become nuclear fallout.
anti wh*Te turkroach strikes again