Black civic nationalist with a IQ of 140 maybe 132 using SD so I'm far smarter than the average person that will reply to this tread. I'm sure all the white nationalist know that MY homeland America will never be ethnostate for whites. You have only two options. Number one: 1488s (all 4000 of you) get together & pool your resources & move to a place like Poland in Europe. Number two: Spread you conservative memes to the next generation & HOPEFULLY sustain your race. I despise the left & what they promote but I detest right-wing SJWs even more. I am far above the average nog, dindu or ofey because of my high IQ & excellent physical prowess.
>138 weight max bench press 290
I don't want to hear BS about my mating with whites. My high IQ physical superiority & even the size of my phallus proves me to be a more superior in every way. 1488s leave my country & start anew & we can be allies.
Aslo just so you know this is hard mode. No meme flags
Black civic nationalist with a IQ of 140 maybe 132 using SD so I'm far smarter than the average person that will reply...
Other urls found in this thread:
High IQ nog cant spell a 4 letter word, nice.
>138 weight
ignoring the sentiments of a manlet twink, why don't you put your IQ to work and raise up your own community. This has nothing to do with whites, and you need not worry about a fucking ethnostate.
get your head out of your ass pal and start helping your family and community, before you start talking about ethnostates.
We only want the best for our race. You should only want the best for yours.
I have a fiancé & I plan to start a family soon. I volunteer once a week to teach finance to inner city high school student so I do my part. I am simple helping out you white by giving you a better opinion to save your people.
Also 5'9" 138 with a max press of 290 is excellent. You don't lift do you?
You found a typo wow. You want a cookie or something?
Saving our people doesn't start with listening to someone who weighs under 200 lb lean.
>You dont lift do you?
Don't be so insecure.
>civic nationalist
>posts an ethnonationalist black guy
>leave my country
It'd collapse.
Good on you for that IQ but you're in the vast minority, not to mention that Spics would kill you on day one.
ps: nigger
Shill false flag thread.
>teaching finance to inner city niggers
>new study find outs:
>niggers to dumb for algebra and statistics
Fake and gay.
Your people are a victim of Darwinism they can't be saved. I/m just giving you an option to sustain it a bit more.
Also under 200lbs bench 290 get it right.
>Don't be so insecure.
Projecting much?
>sample of 1
>supposedly mensa-tier
>teaching finance
>without a HS understanding of stats
Sure, bud.
>all 4000 of you
I concur with that number. It's hilarious how the left think the country is rampant with nazis.
Kill yourself shitskin
USA won't collapse if the 4000 WN leave. What significant thing has any WN did for the US? Spoiler Alert: Nothing
Hahahaha 5'9 138lb and benches "290" sure thing buddy I'll let my friend whose a bean stalk at 5'9 145 lb know he can bench almost 300 hahaha
Fucking niggers I swear
cry more
Fake. Learn to construct a sentence and an argument. I would knock your teeth out.
>I would knock your teeth out.
Brown belt BJJ
Red belt Taekwondo
6 years mma
Kek good luck with that.
Nice b8 m8
Blacks, clever or not, belong to africa
It would literally take just following our current path to become an ethnostate.
Rewrite immigration to favor net producers. 1 million a year, 90% white.
End birthright citizenship and ramp up deportations.
These two things aren't far off in reality.
The only things more we really should do are fully fund abortions for the inner city, and pay the stupid, criminal and disgenic to get sterlized.
End the entire problem in 2 generations with that.
Except this guy.
Your friend must be a black guy.
you aren't even engaging enough to be a coon. more than likely you are some trolling self hating mutt. at least we have that in common
My IQ is 140
But you're still a nigger and therefore have nothing that is of any interest to me I hope you get hung from your monkey neck until you die
Is this guy a WN? I have heard of him but never really looked to his bio. Thanks for sharing I'll have to do more research on him.
You do realize that only reinforces my argument that you're a retarded mythomaniac, right?
>Also 5'9" 138 with a max press of 290 is excellent. You don't lift do you?
Oh my my misour you're spoiling me with ze bait ohohoh
Can't we share?
I'm serious. There's a lot of America, and we just don't like being around each other. There's no denying it. Let's get divvying.
No faggot I'm black.
>no meme flags
Amazing b8 m8 I r8 an 8/8. But seriously, op is a ginormous insecure larping faggot. You couldn't make up a less believable character. Drop the iq by 5 and the bench by 50 next time. Sage.
Don't worry about whites. The spics hate your ass more than whites ever did.
all your biological superiority aside your are still a nigger
go steal a bike nigger
You are assuming far too much about me. But it is understandable given the bias that exist within Sup Forums.
Im black cry more fag
>das racis
Good luck convincing anyone you've an IQ of 140 with a primary school level of reading comprehension. Or tutoring finance without even basic stats knowledge.
Don't seem like anyone's buying it.
Kek It's what Jay-Z said
I have an MBA so I don't see what you're getting it.
Then lets add the memory of a goldfish to that.
I drive a 2016 C-Class pleb. And I'm only 23.
Nigerians Immigrants are the most educated ethnic group in America. Far above Jews, Asians, native blacks & whites. But that's a Red Pill that's hard for Sup Forums to swallow.
>What significant thing has any WN did for the US?
Created it
Literally every single founding fathers was a white nationalist
Come home and settle in before the race war starts, we can show you a nog-run country and then you fucking decide if 1488s aka "white people" can leave you chimp fuck
If you realky had 132 IQ you would realise that living amongt other blacks is shit, and would grow to hate them.
Seems you are forgetting about people like Peter Salem & Benjamin Banneker. Also get your faggot meme flag off my thread you pussy. This is hard mode.
I don't listen to nigger orders so fuck off
I'm just happy you'll probably get shot by another nigger sooner or later
Your dumb race has no impulse control and low intelligence so your homicide is that of third world niggers
Best of luck you outdated farm equipment
I can't speak for all blacks but all of the black I know make 90k-200k per annum. This includes some of the shady types. Also no faggot meme flags.
Nope, he's white
Would never be friends with a nigger you all smell like sweaty asshole and steal too often
There is a reason fags like you hide behind meme flags. You just proved my point about my superiority to you. If you are too ashamed to show your true nation you have no right to speak on any issue especially WN.
>MY homeland America will never be ethnostate for whites
Your america? Kek
I'm not afraid
I am American mother fucker
I will resort back to my original flag after this post
So go get killed by Jamal and Tyron for your sneakers you dumb monkey
It is your destiny
Just so you know...
>pool your resources & move to a place like Poland in Europe
not a bad idea actually
Forgot to change flag
Nigeria -mail scam central. Nigger getting an MBA from some fake ass overseas diploma mill does not impress. And I bet you got that Benz from slinging dope, you bumper-lipped Ubangi.
Nigger, get the fuck out of my country.
How? Do you assume I live among the pleb, ofeys & akata? My family has old money. I have never even been to a public school.
>Leave my country
Alright fine we'll leave Africa just don't come to the U.S.
prove your niggerdness, that youre no slarping kekfagit.
take a sharpie, insert into rectum, use whoteout to timestamp, post pic of all this in thread
Thank you. So far you are the only one who sees that this is a great idea. They attack me because I'm black but they don't even take a sec to think about what I'm saying
I don't live in any of those places so what does that have to do with me?
As if niggers only top and kill poor niggers
Cool, so YOU are awesome. Your race still sucks.
No meme flags faggot. Lets see where you are really from.
You don't tell anybody what flags they can use, you fuckin' moon cricket. know that you are neither black nor even a leftist but a nihilist cynic shitposter.The US will be 100% pure white.
Look at my flag ofey.
Hey you fucking stupid nigger, why did you skip me?
>civic nationalist
stop right there buckaroo
>Says he's super smart.
>Fucks up spelling in the same sentence by typing tread, instead of thread.
What is your honest view of black women?
You have the option of lying to this question.
Yes it is a big problem that has to do with culture. Of course some are just too stupid & feral to be saved but a large portion can be saved if we changed the culture. I'm a prime example of this fact.
>muh dik
sweetie we are going to ship you back to africa.
Hard mode faggot. Didn't you read the OP? I guess you are just LARPing as an American. You are no better than the spics that come here illegally.
>culture isn't a result of genetics
um sweetie
I don't see your point that's why. Tell me your rebuttal then I will address it. I don't see the problem with wanting to marry a white. Nothing wrong with that.
This kills the nigger but it doesn't matter how many things you point out like this, they just go in circles with their logic. Somehow they'll loop all their shit "civilizations" to kangz and "we da best". It's like playing chess with a pidgeon, even if you win the bird will still shit all over the board and prance around triumphantly. You have to fight fire with fire when it comes to niggers. Please let me demonstrate this.They also only type in caps when they go kangz mode. Ahem.
But where does culture originate from?
>140 IS
> still mentions "muh dick"
Nice bait nigger
dude if you're gonna larp as a genius you should at least be somewhat intelligent.
he's saying that the USA should balkanize into ethnic enclaves. Say, north for wihites, mississippi and alabama for blacks, etc.
Can't believe once in my time on Sup Forums I am agreeing with a leaf.
To be honest it is vary rare these days to find a black woman that is to my liking. I have friends that have black trad wives that were raised in church so they are better women in general. My opinion is that black feminism & (((pop culture))) has fucked up a lot of things in the black community including the black woman.
I was born in the blessed by God Deep South , brillo-head. Lookie here coon, you don't get to set the rules on what flags people can use here, how to reply to you, or any damn thing else you might imagine that your porch monkey ass thinks you are entitled to, it don't work that way here,Sambo.
(((pop culture))) you mean?
>It's like playing chess with a pidgeon, even if you win the bird will still shit all over the board and prance around triumphantly.
Shut the fuck up subhuman.
This isn't your fucking blog. If you were as intelligent as you say you'd know this.
Your shitposting only serves to make more people hate niggers. Is this your goal?
How you view your women is important to the success of your nationalism, OP.
Some here might think you only date white women like many successful blacks, because you hate black women.
This might be good for the individual and his genes, but bad for his community and his nationalist cause.
OP you can just lie to my question and say you respect black women and you will appear consistent. I won't know if you're lying.
rofl ok troll confirmed. no one is this stupid
Ignore my last post, thanks for answering.
>Yes it is a big problem that has to do with culture. Of course some are just too stupid & feral to be saved but a large portion can be saved if we changed the culture
Don't play minute games with me, you know exactly what I am asking about.
people seem to think that lifting can outpower knowledge, technique and discipline. im proud to see that there are others out there that understands that this is not the truth