Is this accurate? Why do many "racial realists" get so defensive and upset when you bring up Jewish IQ in relation to white?
Is this accurate...
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Goyim just can't compete.
Jews get their intelligence from their European background.
Race Realists recognize that Jews have the highest genetic IQ in the world and this explains why they hold such a disproportionate amount of power, control and prestige. This is why one must always be wary and skeptical of them.
any sort of "racial realism" is just straight racism. mostly, these people are insecure about being imbecilies so they just try and pretend they're part of some superior group. you have to lie to yourself to live with yourself.
Everyone knows Ashkenazi Jews are on average more intelligent than other whites because they encourage marrying intelligent people
If white trash (most people on this board) were culled, the average nonJewish white person would be as intelligent as Ashkenazi on average
This has been answered a million times, but for those who haven't heard I'll give my take.
Part of race and gender realism is a recognization that not only do differences in iq exist, but differences in the way races and genders think in general also exist. That is to say an African has a predisposition towards certain ways of thinking that are distinct from Whites, Asians and Jews. Whites tend to be more creative than Asians, Asians tend to be more logical than Whites, and Jews are all stars at understanding emotions and human predispositions. While it can be said that Jews are smarter than Whites this really only extends in to certain areas of intelligence, which is why Jews dominate entertainment; they simply have brains wired to be highly successful at it.
Our different brains are a huge reason why we can't live together in peace.
Ashkenazis have very little semitic blood, they are Eastern European caucasians.
besides, most of their nobels are in shit like economics which is a pseudo science
So if the world was only Asians and Jews it would be perfect.
I'm a racial realist who thinks Jews are the master race.
>Whites tend to be more creative than Asians
Will this fucking meme die already? Think of all the crazy ass tech and bizarre porn that comes out of Asia. Your own logic doesn't even hold up against basic scrutiny
>Our different brains are a huge reason why we can't live together in peace.
Motherfucker, there's never going to be peace, no matter what the racial composition is.
Fucking race """realists""" man
Stop posting this, I've never seen that second used by anyone here. I told you this the last time you posted it you fucking moron.
Show me an instance of someone saying the bottom half on Sup Forums
>Is this accurate?
100% accurate.
no they dont faggot - Jews are a small sub group. There are white sub groups that have higher IQs like Episcopilans. Jews hold more power because they have high IQs, a codified race supremacist religion (Judaism), work in organised groups and are nepotistic. If whites started to act like that we would control the entire planet 100000 times over.
here is my take on that. i know i am nothing special. i am just a regular working class idiot. i lived in the hood for about 3 years and honestly watching niggers in their daily lives is disgusting. imaging giant children. nothing is ever their fault, everyone needs to help, helping others is for suckers for them, just an attempt to get over on them because that is how they view charity. this is not my uniformed view of the black man, these are actions i have seen everywhere from the house across the street to the fucking lazy coons i have hired as dishwashers. one of them killed someone last week. he could have been scrubbing pots for 11 an hour. nope he shot someone in a parking lot trying to rob him. he had to work the next day. he called in. i was in the position to buy a house in that area of my city. i determined i would move, rent a shitty apartment in a better area. wouldn't you fucking know, there one fucking month niggers across the fucking hall. these were super niggers because as far as i could tell they never slept or there were so many of them it never looked like it. the landlord legitimately tried to start eviction 10 fucking days in. niggers are garbage everyone else is at least a step up.
t. hasn't listened to 5 minutes of Jared Taylor or read 1 word on amren
>Will this fucking meme die already? Think of all the crazy ass tech and bizarre porn that comes out of Asia. Your own logic doesn't even hold up against basic scrutiny
How is i a meme? Maybe creative isn't the right word but whites are certainly more risk taking and innovative. That's not even a jab at Asians, they're still more innovative than most races and also excel at other areas, whites just happen to excel at risk taking and innovation.
This looks professionally done
Hard working mexican doing his job.
it doesn't take into account the various jewish sub-groups, only the ashkenazim
you're just looking at the mean, higher SD implies higher representation above a high enough cutoff
In order to compete you will need Eugenics, sorry
>Risk taking
The motherfuckers eat dogs for dinner and pollute their own atmosphere for profit. Nuh uh
Once again, crazy ass inventions
Do you have a sauce for these claims about whites being this and Asians being that?
no one says that faggot
No, we all have different brains far more complex than 2 variables. Preserving racial diversity is important, they just should stay with their own people who they can truly understand.
Nice rebuttal buddy. Whites have been the drivers of innovation for most of history. Look up who files the most patents, it's not asians. Their lack of creativity has to do with the lack of interconnectedness with the different parts of their brain. Both Jews and Whites to a lesser extent have developed with a deep spirituality permeating our epigenetics which has allowed our brains to open up to the collective unconsciousness more readily.
I want to help the white race open up to the spiritual universe. The sons and daughters of Atlanteans have been held back by the sons of Abraham long enough. We are blinding our souls to the universality, all we need is to wake ourselves up from our induced slumber.
The difference is that Anglicans/Episcopalians aren't a distinct genetic group, retard.
>only the ashkenazim
Which is the biggest subgroup.
Literally no one says or thinks this.
Well, not exactly. Anglicans are not a de jure genetic group, but since most Britons are Anglican and most Anglicans are Britons, it can be seen as a de facto, or near de facto genetic group.
>i-its not all about IQ, bro! Whites have this thing called empathy, honor, courage, loyalty, we wuz knights n shieet remember!
t. ubermesch
Reminder to NEVER use the Nazi flag. It has been co-opted by /leftypol/. Let only them have it, and they'll be easier to identify.
That was just an example. Anyone that knows genetics knows that there are semi endogamous groups within populations i.e. substructures usually in the form a 'class'. Ashkenazim Jews are just a substructure due to the selection pressure in the late medieval period - Jews that could not be professionals became goyim.
Yeah see my point above faggot.
Jews are NOT smarter, they just have a higher level of education and more opportunties, though they only have high IQs because of their European mixing NOT their semetic blood
Just flip it around and focus on jews being smarter than blacks. keep focus on blacks being total fucking retards, while at the same time creating resentment among blacks towards jews.
It's precisely because the Jews are cunning and crafty that they are our greatest threat
Jews have an overall IQ of 98, as per Israel
Euro Jews are literal fake Jews and are a well off family in regards to genetics. It's like testing wealthy Anglos.
it's more like jewish IQ is specialized to cheat on welfare and commit business fraud, all the while feigning ignorance and screaming like a spoiled child when caught.
I've never really seen anyone around here categorize jews as being dumber than whites. Part of being able to scam and manipulate people is intelligence. Many white people fall for jewish tricks.
The problem isn't that they're smart, it's that they literally regard us as cattle. This is evidenced plainly by how our ruling elite end up treating the world and those in it.
That has to stop, so if we could stop bitching at each other for five minutes we could get back to throwing wrenches into (((their))) plans.
sage the shill threads.
>*faggot shill pulls up his own post from three months ago*
I always just say jews are white
Yeah, give me 5 generations of controlled pairings among Europeans, add tightly regulated upbringing and I'll give you a population with an average IQ of 110.
>Koreans, Japanese, all the same!
T. ”""""”“""race realist""""”“""
>Why do many "racial realists" get so defensive and upset when you bring up Jewish IQ in relation to white?
becaue most people have been brainwashed by Hollywood and dunno the truth.
It's very easy toa rgue against jewish IQ, considering it only became very high after the 0s and only in the US. Before that, jews were among the lowest IQ immigrants according to the stats froma round the turn of the 20th century. Then, there's also Israeli IQ, which is low even after calculating out the Arabs.
That's not how it works in any universe.
Ergo Ashkenazi Jews represent a distinct genetic subgroup. You can't reliably produce a subgroup for any other population in the same manner unless you knew what the loci for intelligence were. That in itself should make it obvious why the Ashkenazi are special.
I never said jews weren't smarter than whites on average
Only askenazi (European) Jews display this high IQ meme. It is quite clear that this intelligence is European in origin and not Semitic.
Ashkenazi Jews are just one group of Jews and if you were to break Germans into a bunch of smaller separate groups im sure you will find one among them that is on average equal to or smarter than the ashkenazi especially given the fact that a huge chunk of modern inventions are German in origin.
The reason the Jews have more power than whites is because of their culture.
The closed and nepotistic nature of Jewish culture combined with European intelligence has enabled them to overcome the open and divided Christian cultures of white nations.
This is also why nazi Germany is so hated by the Jews. Not because they hated the Jews and debatably killed them many nations have done the same and some still hate Jews and don't receive the same level of disdain.
No the real reason nazi Germany is so hated is because national socialism is the European equivalent of Judaism. And that is a threat they cannot allow to exist
If whites had selective marriages and practiced eugenics as the Jews did in the Middle Ages, we could see some differences, too.
IQ is both nature and nurture. Jews are overrepresented in the upper echelons of Western society, which gives them on average the best possible nurture. Compare that to a society where Jews are equally distributed like Israel and you will find the opposite is true: Jews have a LOWER IQ than whites (95 vs 100).
All things being equal Jews should score lower than whites on IQ because of their inbreeding, and in fact Western Jews actually do score below average on spatial intelligence - DESPITE the wealth discrepancy.
basically this
Man I wish people would figure this shit out already so I didn't have to post it over and over and over again.... sigh, let's do it again.
The Jewish population is 20 million, average IQ 110-115
The European population is 750 million, average IQ 100
That means that the top 20% of europeans have IQ 140-160, making 20 million european geniuses. There are as many european geniuses as there are Jews total..... You can't just take the average number of IQ, and ignore the population size dumb ass.
Literally nobody denies jewish intelligence
Jews average IQ is what, like 105?
Thing is, they can't into long term planning nearly as well. They also inherit pathologies and neuroticism.
What they don't tell you is how wide they distribute beyond the average. They could top out at 120, and bottom out at 90.
If you haven't talked to many jews, they aren't all bright clever fucks. They can be cut down by a high IQ qoy.
Why don't black people convert to judaism to increase their IQ to average level?
this is another great argument
Whites absolutely dwarf Jews in all scientific fields, it's just that Jews sell themselves better. Read any science textbook and the ratio of White to Jew names is 10:1.
>Race Realists recognize that Jews have the highest genetic IQ in the world and this explains why they hold such a disproportionate amount of power, control and prestige. This is why one must always be wary and skeptical of them.
And I would add; whilst they are higher overall, whites are still significantly greater in number, and there are a significant number of whites with genius level IQ's.
I'm not one of them (such is the way with standard deviations), but I'm smart enough to be rooting for my team.
I have a lot of respect for all the people fighting the good fight out there right now, from the main-stream 'alt-lite'ers, to the Lauren Southerns, to the Sargons to the weaponised autism on pol.
For all their differences everyone seems to be on the same page: fuck all this jew shit - mass-immigration, feminism, BLM, white genocide, corruption at the highest levels, it's all jew shit, the writings all over the wall.
Our high IQ'ers are dormant, subdued by the mainstream media narrative, but as more and more awareness gets memed into the internet ether, discourse on the issues will shift the needle and we'll get more high IQ, motivated individuals joining on, like the Lauren-Southerns who fill a different role to the autists on pol.
We'll have the fighters like McGregor fighting back and saying fuck you, and the high IQ nerds making superior weapon technology.
That is what makes whites so formidable and scary, their cuck empathy might be their weakness now, but it also means they're good at working together to make amazing shit when they pushed too hard. Everyone knows what happens when whites have a chimpout - shit gets real.
Jews might be smarter, it's true, the data shows it, but they just look out for themselves - This same narrative has played out over the years hundreds of times.
Everything is cyclical, and this is no different. The further away from the mean this deviates the harder it will be for the Jews to control.
I accept that Asians and Jews have higher IQ's than whites, and that many Asian countries and Israel are more developed and have a higher quality of life.
That said, I'm white and prefer the culture and societies of my own people to those of Jews or Asians, though I wish the best to both.
That's actually precisely how it works, but you keep shilling.
>The reason the Jews have more power than whites is because of their culture.
lmaou stormfag you literally just admitted that joos have a superior culture
who's stupid again?
>If whites started to act like that we would control the entire planet 100000 times over.
Whites did control the world. Then they got weak and gave it up to the savages
>You can't reliably produce a subgroup for any other population in the same manner.....
hahaha But I did and I can give more examples.Ive come across this before in my field. You kikes are never as smart as you think you are.
We're not talking about all Jews, we're talking about Ashkenazi Jews which are a genetically distinct racial group.
>hahaha But I did and I can give more examples.Ive come across this before in my field.
Please do.
I'm a racial realist, but
1. I don't consider a high IQ person superior in general, but it's one of many mental attributes and it can be useful
2. Even if niggers had high IQ I wouldn't want to live with them
3. Asians have high IQ and I still don't want them, although they're not as bad as niggers
4. I consider European looking Jews "white" and I don't mind them
I have advice for all of you goyim. Pic related.
IQ means nothing, there are so many factors aside from the data, the whole race realism thing is a meme, just a way racists justify their racism with "reason" and "evidence" trying to look smart.
Aspects of their culture are indeed superior white cultures
This does not mean that they as a people are superior. Without white genetics kikes are nothing but a race of beta semites the retarded ugly and frail cousin of arabs.
With some white genes and their culture combined they are indeed as a group superior. But god save your hooked nosed asses should any group of whites ever develop and sustain the same combo.
Culture can change quite rapidly your sand monkey roots on the other hand...
That's not calculated risk taking that's called not being rich enough to give a shit about the environment.
They're certainly doing now, but let's take an example, gun powder, Asians discovered it, Europeans took it and conquered the world with it.
They beleive the meme. looks at Israels IQ lower, than most euro countries.
If jew were so smart why is Israel a basket case.
If subversion was an area of any IQ test, granted they'd max it out
You can convert and become a jew over night.
Jewish genetics.
Using your logic, agnostic wins
but I did - episcopilans have higher mean IQ you fuckwit and middle class IQs are higher. There are many examples. You know mean Jew IQ is shit in Israel right? Ashkenaszi living in europe in the past were just a caste that had huge drop off from the main endogamous group in the middle ages onwards because they were no allowed lands etc. Jews outside of Ashkenazim living in ME like sephardim are shitskin tier IQ. All this points to the Ashkenazim as just a middle class substructure produced through selection with the lower classes over the centuries being absorbed by the goyim. You wanna say kikes are smart - then compare ashkenaszim with middle class nordic IQs which are much higher i.e. ~120. Go on and do it kike faggot.
1 post by OP.........
Because early studies showed Jews had similar IQ, and it was only a few small studies that were used to bolster the false notion that Jews are smarter.
how many nobel laureates have been jewish?
Not really. The earlier studies, that had vastly more partcipants, showed Jews and Europeans being equal. It was a few Ashkenazi studies on elite Jew schools that were used to make them appear smarter. These studies had very few participants compared to other studies.
I used to be a huge Jew supporter, then I got red pilled on the intelligence thing. Turns out the Jews steal a lot of inventions. THey only produce nobel prizes in Europe, Israel doesn't really seem to be the powerhouse it should be if this argument were really true.
Debunked. The studies are fifty fifty on this, and the ones saying they are average have way more participants, and weren't done by Ashkenazi with an axe to grind.
I'm not Jewish, but I'm also not a nitwit. It's funny reading your blabber. I knew you were never going to come back with anything substantive. You're low IQ. It's as simple as that. Sup Forums is only entertainment. Real racial science isn't done here, certainly not by the likes of you.
Dumb ass. You are looking at a small N value for those studies vs. others with greater statistical power that imply parity.
Irrelevant due to the way that Jews organise - they have a race supremacist religion and are very very very nepotistic. They would work themselves into any position and then work tirelessly to bring their own up with them - that is why every single people on the planet that have to deal with them hate them. They are parasites to the host population.
>180 714 is a small N
I don't.
Meh. It is clear as day little cuck. Check out Cochran's work on this. I could not be bothered hand feeding a kike cuck.
Re my IQ: yeah m8 I have a 70 IQ and Im real dumb, I totally agree with you. On a personal note, I really hope you can some day come to terms with being short fat and having a small penis.
what u should be asking yourself is how many of the people who decide who gets a nobel prize have been jewish.
i started looking it up actually and i came across this guy. what did kek mean by this?
Pretty much this
Yeah, nice name-drop there. I'm sure Greg Cochran can vouch for you. Too bad you couldn't come up with anything you've seen in your field besides the "episcopilans" again. Sad.
yeah real, real sad. I am totally heart broken and you are so, so smart and right little kike cuck
Jews are dumb as shit. 95 IQ
The arabs are dragging them down. Of course Ashkenazis are all European mutts with made up identity.
> (((Nobel Prize)))
Kang Nigger got the peace price for basically being a nigger. This organisation lost all credibility long time ago.
Now gas yourself George.
But, but divisive idpol literature needs more recognition goy.
>divisive idpol
What do you mean? How is my identification to the European race divisive?
What a fucking joke. When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.
>One Jew.. 1:50
>Two Jews in row.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row.. 1:781,250,000,000
Israel completely BTFO'd the le chosen meme. Poorer than most post-Soviet countries despite having more foreign investment than Spain & Italy combined, ranks consistently among the top three in the OECD when it comes to corruption both perceived and convicted and it's the only country where immigrants are on average poorer after ten years.
Of all things the white man is the measure.
We will not be replaced. Obviously Europeans have created virtually everything throughout history and could wipe every other race from the planet before Christmas but who cares. We will not be replaced, and the people trying to replace us need to be removed from our lands forever. This is what we all agree on.
They rigged the rest of the races with autism.