Why do Americans pretend that they're wh*Te?

Amerifats are clearly not fucking wh*Te at all. They're amerimongrels, a new race consists of Amerindians, Mexicans, Blacks, Asians and a little wh*Te admixture

Why are Amerisubhumans even become wh*Te nationalists?

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i was planning on posting this in the afternoon with a nazi flag asking about the american problem

Life must be real slow in Turkey.
I'm sure you can find more goats to sodomize, keep looking.
If your country is so glorious, why do your hivemind dune coon brethren keep moving to Europe? Tell them to go back. Keep dune coon filth in the dune coon homelands.

Reported for being a retarded roach.


Lol you're a roach.

stay the fuck home then shitskin.

you're not wh*Te, tyrone bin al taco.

epci trol

>a nigger telling me what's white

Roaches don't have jurisdiction to determine is who is white or not. Shoo shoo back to the hole you crawled out of

Oh for fucks sake, just say white. Are you triggered by the word white? WHITE WHITE WHITE! Why are you such a faggot? By the way we're a hell of a lot whiter than your filthy mudslime ass

Why do roach niggers have the worst posts and obsess over white people? Oh that's right, they're subhuman filth envious of humans. How does it feel to know that every day that passes the world gives less and less of a shit about your shitstain of a "people"?

int is too slow so you post here right now? pol isn't fun, they're too stupid and easy trigger, their (you) value is very minimal

The state I live in is 98% white please kill yourself if you hate living in Turkey this badly.
It must be really horrible to not be white in whiteville where theres 10 whores from every european country in my neighborhood.

What compels people to type this, niggers?

Being ''white'' is an american invention.
I'm European and burgers are certainly not.

>Replying to Turkish shitposters

This fag just wishes he was Greek, that's the punchline.

ONLY americans are white. there are no whites in europe. there are germans, irish, british, french, polish people in europe. there are no white people in europe.

american created the white hybrid race, which has defeated the various european races.

I don't see his German flag though.

questioning anything brain dead hill dawg and dump voters do was your first mistake

Being a dumb r*ach

Divide and conquer thread. Sage

Here's a (You) turk.

I love these threads it really fuels my racial hatred. I LOVE BEING WHITE SO MUCH.
Turkey seems like hell

wh*Te subhuman btfooooooooooooo xDD

Americans are the definition of mixed Humans. Its build on Immigration. I dont think that this is bad, just funny to read comments from Nazi americans. Pic is all American.

at least 4 of these pictures are of Europeans

What's up roach?


The turk is right, american wh*Tes were domesticatd by the comfort of their wealth, they had no reason to protect their interests thus they are forever slaves to ZOG and other races of men.