This is what's coming:

If Drumpf fires Mueller, Republicans are going to impeach him and remove him from office. This is the "red line" they've been talking about.

If he doesn't fire Mueller, Mueller is going to present damning findings and give Republican officials cover as "findings that we can't in good conscience ignore." Then, yep, they're going to impeach Drumpf and remove him from office. Mueller is cooking up their excuse, their rationale. He's a fucking Republican, for crying out loud. This happened with Republicans having all the power.

There's a reason you see almost zero Republican officials pushing back against the Democrats and a reason Drumpf has started whining on Twitter about having no protection. Even Sessions threw him to the wolves.

I'm stocking up on popcorn. You dumb rednecks don't see it coming.

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't worry, alt right, you still have your 10/10 Asian waifus to comfort you

I see it coming. I guess we better get ready for Pence.

The glorious thing about this is the news is going to hit them like a ton of bricks while they're jerking off in their JQ/racemixing/PizzaGate/SlingshotStrategy/virgin-marriage/e-celeb/KnowledgeBomb/Light/Waifu threads.

Not worried about Pence.

nice bait shill

Screenshot it.

Samefagging cunt. Enjoy 7 and a half more years, faggot.

>Said the Democrat that has been nervously sweating non stop since the inauguration.

put your money where your mouth is.

I'll bet you 3/1 odds that Trump is not impeached by the end of the Year.

We can start at $3,000 - if you win and Trump is impeached by 2018 (January) I will pay you $3,000 - if he is not impeached you pay me $9000

If you are so sure you will have no problem taking this bet and making an easy $3,000 I am Refutal on twitter - we can have a 3rd party (Reputable) hold both stakes $3,000 from me and $9,000 from you we will also have a contract in place to secure all details.

You have such a low IQ that you didn't even realize 134736596 was a conservashit smartass.

Doesn't this get old after a while?

Back to work slave

>I'm stocking up on popcorn. You dumb rednecks don't see it coming.


You ready for the civil war that follows?

not green texting, you have to go back


He'll be gone before the midterms.
I'd like to hear what you think the flaw is with my OP.

So you just admitted this is a controlled shill thread? Nice job, kike. Now you have to go back.

"Not green texting" and Reddit spacing. Get back to T_D.

uwot? You're as dumb as a brick, evidently.


I was giving you additional room to copypasta that link newfriend. Wanted to make it as easy as possible to help you find your way back.

You seem to misunderstand the ways of this land. You don't make an OP, you ARE an OP. Which translates to faggot every time.

Nice story, bro.

"Original post or original poster, the first post in or person initiating a new Internet thread"
Go back, you dumbass.

damn I guess it's over then

Yes, impeach drumpf already. I want open season on the poofs.

I don't care if Trump is impeached. He's basically a giant vagina
>the Clintons are AMAZING people
I am, however, looking forward to the fallout. Because the people who voted for Trump, hate the DNC much, much, much, more than they like Donald. Donald can go fuck himself. We just want to see "progressive liberals" die. Literally die.


They won't do shit but whine on the Internet in their sperglord spaces. Deep down, you know it.

Oh, and before I sign off for the night, do tell me exactly what Trump has done to be impeached? List your sources and pray that they aren't well known to be biased circle jerk of liberalism.

>I'd like to hear what you think the flaw is with my OP.
>my OP.
Possessive isn't correct usage of the term.

My original post, you Kekistani T_D knuckle-dragger.

Did you just link a wiki for the definition of OP. Nigga you start the thread you are OP, this is how Sup Forums works, other sites make work differently.
Also like stated you are a faggot at all times.

I think you live in a faggot bubble in a city somewhere

ITT: Nobody can find the flaw in my OP.


In a memo to President Trump, a group of former U.S. intelligence officers, including NSA specialists, cite new forensic studies to challenge the claim of the key Jan. 6 “assessment” that Russia “hacked” Democratic emails last year.


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

SUBJECT: Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job?


irl: Trump is the only one being investigated.

>Everyone's face when nothing happens as usual

You've yet to post a single compelling reason for his impeachment, you John Oliver worshiping troglodyte.

Executive Summary

Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2017, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers, and then doctored to incriminate Russia.

After examining metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016 intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device, and that “telltale signs” implicating Russia were then inserted.

Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying and doctoring were performed on the East coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies [see here and here].

Independent analyst Skip Folden, a retired IBM Program Manager for Information Technology US, who examined the recent forensic findings, is a co-author of this Memorandum. He has drafted a more detailed technical report titled “Cyber-Forensic Investigation of ‘Russian Hack’ and Missing Intelligence Community Disclaimers,” and sent it to the offices of the Special Counsel and the Attorney General. VIPS member William Binney, a former Technical Director at the National Security Agency, and other senior NSA “alumni” in VIPS attest to the professionalism of the independent forensic findings.

The recent forensic studies fill in a critical gap. Why the FBI neglected to perform any independent forensics on the original “Guccifer 2.0” material remains a mystery – as does the lack of any sign that the “hand-picked analysts” from the FBI, CIA, and NSA, who wrote the “Intelligence Community Assessment” dated January 6, 2017, gave any attention to forensics.

First of all you are about as educated on the current political climate as most liberals in California.
Trump ran on the Republican ticket, but he was not a Republican, he was more or less a Partisan Candidate that spoke for the people and took over the Republican ticket, this is why he's having issues getting a lot of things done he wants to get done, he is one of the first presidents in a long time who is really for the People, and the Republican party is still focused on helping the upperclass, corps, etc.
Trump himself has not broken any laws worthy of impeachment during his tenure as POTUS

I'm also 100% certain that unless the Democrats put up a legitimate candidate for the average american, even those in FlyOver states, Trump will get a second term, so settle in for at least 7 years newfriend, make sure you save your first post so you can turn it into a stale copypasta for the next 7 years.

You get a bunch of "former" bozos chiming in to relive their glory days whenever something IC-related happens. It happened during the Clinton email investigation, and nothing became of it.

NOTE: There has been so much conflation of charges about hacking that we wish to make very clear the primary focus of this Memorandum. We focus specifically on the July 5, 2016 alleged Guccifer 2.0 “hack” of the DNC server. In earlier VIPS memoranda we addressed the lack of any evidence connecting the Guccifer 2.0 alleged hacks and WikiLeaks, and we asked President Obama specifically to disclose any evidence that WikiLeaks received DNC data from the Russians [see here and here].

Addressing this point at his last press conference (January 18), he described “the conclusions of the intelligence community” as “not conclusive,” even though the Intelligence Community Assessment of January 6 expressed “high confidence” that Russian intelligence “relayed material it acquired from the DNC … to WikiLeaks.”

Obama’s admission came as no surprise to us. It has long been clear to us that the reason the U.S. government lacks conclusive evidence of a transfer of a “Russian hack” to WikiLeaks is because there was no such transfer. Based mostly on the cumulatively unique technical experience of our ex-NSA colleagues, we have been saying for almost a year that the DNC data reached WikiLeaks via a copy/leak by a DNC insider (but almost certainly not the same person who copied DNC data on July 5, 2016).

From the information available, we conclude that the same inside-DNC, copy/leak process was used at two different times, by two different entities, for two distinctly different purposes:

-(1) an inside leak to WikiLeaks before Julian Assange announced on June 12, 2017, that he had DNC documents and planned to publish them (which he did on July 22) – the presumed objective being to expose strong DNC bias toward the Clinton candidacy; and

-(2) a separate leak on July 5, 2016, to pre-emptively taint anything WikiLeaks might later publish by “showing” it came from a “Russian hack.”

Better put your money where your mouth is faggot the only thing keeping you liberals alive. is donald trump as potus. We can do this peacefully or we can do it with a bullet to the back of the head. Which one you want motherfucker you faggots can't even shot a gun properly. I knew several people who are veterans who are just waiting for a chance to roast some commie ass. It's gonna be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Mr. President:

This is our first VIPS Memorandum for you, but we have a history of letting U.S. Presidents know when we think our former intelligence colleagues have gotten something important wrong, and why. For example, our first such memorandum, a same-day commentary for President George W. Bush on Colin Powell’s U.N. speech on March 5, 2003, warned that the “unintended consequences were likely to be catastrophic,” should the U.S. attack Iraq and “justfy” the war on intelligence that we retired intelligence officers could readily see as fraudulent and driven by a war agenda.

The January 6 “Intelligence Community Assessment” by “hand-picked” analysts from the FBI, CIA, and NSA seems to fit into the same agenda-driven category. It is largely based on an “assessment,” not supported by any apparent evidence, that a shadowy entity with the moniker “Guccifer 2.0” hacked the DNC on behalf of Russian intelligence and gave DNC emails to WikiLeaks.

The recent forensic findings mentioned above have put a huge dent in that assessment and cast serious doubt on the underpinnings of the extraordinarily successful campaign to blame the Russian government for hacking. The pundits and politicians who have led the charge against Russian “meddling” in the U.S. election can be expected to try to cast doubt on the forensic findings, if they ever do bubble up into the mainstream media. But the principles of physics don’t lie; and the technical limitations of today’s Internet are widely understood. We are prepared to answer any substantive challenges on their merits.

You may wish to ask CIA Director Mike Pompeo what he knows about this. Our own lengthy intelligence community experience suggests that it is possible that neither former CIA Director John Brennan, nor the cyber-warriors who worked for him, have been completely candid with their new director regarding how this all went down.

I have one question about this, and I bet you can't answer it. Who's claiming that the NGP VAN data was remotely transferred directly from the DNC and then archived at once?

Copied, Not Hacked

As indicated above, the independent forensic work just completed focused on data copied (not hacked) by a shadowy persona named “Guccifer 2.0.” The forensics reflect what seems to have been a desperate effort to “blame the Russians” for publishing highly embarrassing DNC emails three days before the Democratic convention last July. Since the content of the DNC emails reeked of pro-Clinton bias, her campaign saw an overriding need to divert attention from content to provenance – as in, who “hacked” those DNC emails? The campaign was enthusiastically supported by a compliant “mainstream” media; they are still on a roll.

“The Russians” were the ideal culprit. And, after WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange announced on June 12, 2016, “We have emails related to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication,” her campaign had more than a month before the convention to insert its own “forensic facts” and prime the media pump to put the blame on “Russian meddling.” Mrs. Clinton’s PR chief Jennifer Palmieri has explained how she used golf carts to make the rounds at the convention. She wrote that her “mission was to get the press to focus on something even we found difficult to process: the prospect that Russia had not only hacked and stolen emails from the DNC, but that it had done so to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton.”

Independent cyber-investigators have now completed the kind of forensic work that the intelligence assessment did not do. Oddly, the “hand-picked” intelligence analysts contented themselves with “assessing” this and “assessing” that. In contrast, the investigators dug deep and came up with verifiable evidence from metadata found in the record of the alleged Russian hack.

They found that the purported “hack” of the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 was not a hack, by Russia or anyone else. Rather it originated with a copy (onto an external storage device – a thumb drive, for example) by an insider. The data was leaked after being doctored with a cut-and-paste job to implicate Russia. We do not know who or what the murky Guccifer 2.0 is. You may wish to ask the FBI.

Delusion: The thread

The Time Sequence

June 12, 2016: Assange announces WikiLeaks is about to publish “emails related to Hillary Clinton.”

June 15, 2016: DNC contractor Crowdstrike, (with a dubious professional record and multiple conflicts of interest) announces that malware has been found on the DNC server and claims there is evidence it was injected by Russians.

June 15, 2016: On the same day, “Guccifer 2.0” affirms the DNC statement; claims responsibility for the “hack;” claims to be a WikiLeaks source; and posts a document that the forensics show was synthetically tainted with “Russian fingerprints.”

We do not think that the June 12 & 15 timing was pure coincidence. Rather, it suggests the start of a pre-emptive move to associate Russia with anything WikiLeaks might have been about to publish and to “show” that it came from a Russian hack.

The Key Event

July 5, 2016: In the early evening, Eastern Daylight Time, someone working in the EDT time zone with a computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network, copied 1,976 MegaBytes of data in 87 seconds onto an external storage device. That speed is many times faster than what is physically possible with a hack.

It thus appears that the purported “hack” of the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 (the self-proclaimed WikiLeaks source) was not a hack by Russia or anyone else, but was rather a copy of DNC data onto an external storage device. Moreover, the forensics performed on the metadata reveal there was a subsequent synthetic insertion – a cut-and-paste job using a Russian template, with the clear aim of attributing the data to a “Russian hack.” This was all performed in the East Coast time zone.

Hint: Nobody is claiming that the NGP VAN data was transferred remotely from the DNC on July 5. It's a strawman. You know why nobody would be dumb enough to claim this? Because it would contradict their claims about the Russian hackers being booted out by mid-June. What's being attacked is a strawman.

“Obfuscation & De-obfuscation”

Mr. President, the disclosure described below may be related. Even if it is not, it is something we think you should be made aware of in this general connection. On March 7, 2017, WikiLeaks began to publish a trove of original CIA documents that WikiLeaks labeled “Vault 7.” WikiLeaks said it got the trove from a current or former CIA contractor and described it as comparable in scale and significance to the information Edward Snowden gave to reporters in 2013.

No one has challenged the authenticity of the original documents of Vault 7, which disclosed a vast array of cyber warfare tools developed, probably with help from NSA, by CIA’s Engineering Development Group. That Group was part of the sprawling CIA Directorate of Digital Innovation – a growth industry established by John Brennan in 2015.

Scarcely imaginable digital tools – that can take control of your car and make it race over 100 mph, for example, or can enable remote spying through a TV – were described and duly reported in the New York Times and other media throughout March. But the Vault 7, part 3 release on March 31 that exposed the “Marble Framework” program apparently was judged too delicate to qualify as “news fit to print” and was kept out of the Times.

Gets blown out in another shit thread.
Starts another!
Still waiting for your explanation on how a sitting president is REMOVED FROM OFFICE

You gotta go back.
Constuir un miro cabroncito.

Removal from office = Civil war.
Traitors die first.
Then we'll dine on you.

The Washington Post’s Ellen Nakashima, it seems, “did not get the memo” in time. Her March 31 article bore the catching (and accurate) headline: “WikiLeaks’ latest release of CIA cyber-tools could blow the cover on agency hacking operations.”

The WikiLeaks release indicated that Marble was designed for flexible and easy-to-use “obfuscation,” and that Marble source code includes a “deobfuscator” to reverse CIA text obfuscation.

More important, the CIA reportedly used Marble during 2016. In her Washington Post report, Nakashima left that out, but did include another significant point made by WikiLeaks; namely, that the obfuscation tool could be used to conduct a “forensic attribution double game” or false-flag operation because it included test samples in Chinese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Farsi.

The CIA’s reaction was neuralgic. Director Mike Pompeo lashed out two weeks later, calling Assange and his associates “demons,” and insisting, “It’s time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is, a non-state hostile intelligence service, often abetted by state actors like Russia.”

Mr. President, we do not know if CIA’s Marble Framework, or tools like it, played some kind of role in the campaign to blame Russia for hacking the DNC. Nor do we know how candid the denizens of CIA’s Digital Innovation Directorate have been with you and with Director Pompeo. These are areas that might profit from early White House review.

I make local copies on my home LAN all the time. Pro tip: My home LAN isn't the DNC.

Putin and the Technology

We also do not know if you have discussed cyber issues in any detail with President Putin. In his interview with NBC’s Megyn Kelly, he seemed quite willing – perhaps even eager – to address issues related to the kind of cyber tools revealed in the Vault 7 disclosures, if only to indicate he has been briefed on them. Putin pointed out that today’s technology enables hacking to be “masked and camouflaged to an extent that no one can understand the origin” [of the hack] … And, vice versa, it is possible to set up any entity or any individual that everyone will think that they are the exact source of that attack.”

“Hackers may be anywhere,” he said. “There may be hackers, by the way, in the United States who very craftily and professionally passed the buck to Russia. Can’t you imagine such a scenario? … I can.”

Full Disclosure: Over recent decades the ethos of our intelligence profession has eroded in the public mind to the point that agenda-free analysis is deemed well nigh impossible. Thus, we add this disclaimer, which applies to everything we in VIPS say and do: We have no political agenda; our sole purpose is to spread truth around and, when necessary, hold to account our former intelligence colleagues.

We speak and write without fear or favor. Consequently, any resemblance between what we say and what presidents, politicians and pundits say is purely coincidental. The fact we find it is necessary to include that reminder speaks volumes about these highly politicized times. This is our 50th VIPS Memorandum since the afternoon of Powell’s speech at the UN. Live links to the 49 past memos can be found at consortiumnews.com/vips-memos/.

When an user does real research and shows without a doubt that Russia did not influence our Election with actual sources and a legitimate statement "Files from the DNC server were copied and leaked, there was not evidence of a hack"

This is why the DNC did not allow an external forensic audit of their servers. The DNC is one giant criminal organization fronting as a Political Figures and Workers

Don't you have anything better to do with your life skippy than make shit threads? I bet there's a couple hundred dicks out there with your name on them just waiting

>being this uncaring towards the plight of lgbt


William Binney, former NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical & Military Analysis; Co-founder of NSA’s Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center

Skip Folden, independent analyst, retired IBM Program Manager for Information Technology US (Associate VIPS)

Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq & Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan (associate VIPS)

Michael S. Kearns, Air Force Intelligence Officer (Ret.), Master SERE Resistance to Interrogation Instructor

John Kiriakou, Former CIA Counterterrorism Officer and former Senior Investigator, Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Linda Lewis, WMD preparedness policy analyst, USDA (ret.)

Lisa Ling, TSgt USAF (ret.) (associate VIPS)

Edward Loomis, Jr., former NSA Technical Director for the Office of Signals Processing

David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.)

Ray McGovern, former U.S. Army Infantry/Intelligence officer and CIA analyst

Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East, CIA

Coleen Rowley, FBI Special Agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel (ret.)

Cian Westmoreland, former USAF Radio Frequency Transmission Systems Technician and Unmanned Aircraft Systems whistleblower (Associate VIPS)

Kirk Wiebe, former Senior Analyst, SIGINT Automation Research Center, NSA

Sarah G. Wilton, Intelligence Officer, DIA (ret.); Commander, US Naval Reserve (ret.)

Ann Wright, U.S. Army Reserve Colonel (ret) and former U.S. Diplomat

ITT: Copypasta faggots with no understanding of what they're pasting.


No, you dummy, it's because lots of people make local copies outside the DNC and because not a SINGLE fucking Democrat is claiming that the files were transferred remotely on July 5. It's a massive strawman, and you're too dumb to realize it.

whatever I bet faggot tastes terrible.

Play Weimar games, win Weimar prizes

In all honesty how exhausting is it for you anti trump shills?? Jesus you always come here and shit up this board with these long drawn out puke of words and everyone here just laughs and calls you a nigger. How do you do it? How do you continue to live this elaborate lie you willingly believe because you're so naive? What keeps you going? Is suicide a reoccurring thought?

Op you are fucking delusional, the copy paste discredits your fictional claims. Better hope Trump gets his dick sucked by an intern in the Oval Office, and then lies about it under oath.
Oh wait that already happened with some other President. Sheeeeit.

Donkeyniggers are some of the most retarded people to exist. I swear we need 100x more McVeighs to kill you cretins.

Great! Now people will see that Democrats like you ALSO want to end Net Neutrality, and Sup Forums will, again, battle for the Net Neutrality.

btw, nothing will change you cuckolds, america isn't ruled by the president, there's a government behind your government, a president died for saying so at least.

You = can't name a single Democrat or cybersecurity researcher who's claiming the files were transferred remotely on July 5.

Hey shill, in 2018 senate and house seats are up for election. Your days of stalling progress is soon over.

America has a laughable "democratic" system where you can basically buy political power. The president gets elected by the people, but the whole senate and house can be bought by special interests.

It's an extremely flawed system that effectively puts power in the hands on billionaires and rich activists.

The people in America has no real power at all, and because of this, the US shouldn't be seen as a democracy.

ive been waiting for him to be impeached for fucking months now you god damn nigger

Daily reminder the DNC do not have evidence Russian state actors leaked any of the emails used to humiliate and dethrone Debbie Wassean Schultz for fixing the primaries and Podesta colluding with MSM

They are speaking specifically of the Guccifer 2.0 hack. You didn't even read the analysis, did you? Guccifer was a DNC false flag to attribute the original DNC leak to wikileaks as "russian hacks". Check the timeline.

And then Seth Rich turns up dead a few days later.

>1,976 MegaBytes of data in 87 seconds
That's about 22 megabytes/second or 176 megabits/second.
Around the speed of a usb2 connection. Faster than 100M LAN, slower than gigabit LAN. Depending on the speed of their internet connection, I'd say it's still possible this came from the outside.

>highly embarrassing DNC emails

How does this make you feel?

jesus, the GOP has been absolutely at the Clinton's throats for years, going as far as to bend and contort the law and justice system to destroy them

it's literally the biggest and longest political witch hunt in american history

This refers to the NGP VAN data, as analyzed by "Forensicator":

>July 5, 2016: In the early evening, Eastern Daylight Time, someone working in the EDT time zone with a computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network, copied 1,976 MegaBytes of data in 87 seconds onto an external storage device. That speed is many times faster than what is physically possible with a hack.

The EDT part is correct in terms of the embedded RAR files such as FEC.rar. Pro tip: There are machines in the EDT time zone that aren't DNC machines. What you're asking the infosec community to believe is that hackers don't have access to machines all across the world.

The "computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network" part doesn't at all follow. You can scream about it all you want.

The DNC leaks showed then colliding to steal the primaries from Bernie sanders

The Podesta email Phish showed the Clinton camp colluding with news outlets so far as to cheat in The primaries

And again, not a single Democrat or cybersecurity researcher claims the files were transferred remotely from the DNC on July 5, so proving that they weren't doesn't accomplish anything. If you find a single Democrat or cybersecurity researcher claiming that, then you can nail them at once, because they also claim the hackers were kicked out by mid-June.

Massive strawman.

just a vast right wing conspiracy right?!

Whats the russian "hack" then? are they implying that russian broke into the DNC and copied the files spetnaz style?

>Trump impeached.
>Civil war.
>Trump has support of military, cops & gun owners.
>Dems all dead, libs in concentration camps.
>America finally great again.

There was so much juicy dirt in there. I don't understand how anyone could remain loyal to the democucks.

The official story is that they grabbed files from the DNC machines and were kicked out by mid-June. Nobody is claiming they transferred files between the DNC and Russia on July 5, so analyzing transfer speeds and claiming local copies doesn't contradict the official story at all. It's called attacking a strawman of one's own imagination.

So pro tip: Leave the analysis to actual infosec experts, because your little sperglord "Forensicators" are just going to give you short-term gratification but ultimately cause you embarrassment when it's revealed they don't even understand what the official story is.

Here, BTW, is where you can see that the official story has the hackers being kicked out by mid-June:


If you can find a single Democrat or cybersecurity researcher claiming that files were transferred remotely between the DNC and Russia on July 5, then you can trot out your transfer-speed analysis. Until then, massive strawman. Sorry, Trumpers.


What if we archive it

Considering the fact you are still here trying to shill this shit, I think you have proven yourself wrong. Sage this shill garbage. Op should hang itself.

He's entitled to his opinion. I may have even shared it at the time he wrote that. But the Republican strategy to remove Trump began to dawn on me. Next to none of them are protecting him, by his own admission. He has a Republican special counsel on his ass as a result of Republican machinations.

America will burn in glorious hellfire !



>this is the red line they've been talking about
Does it scare you that you have to resort to pulling shit out of your ass to make yourself feel better? Or are you used to it?

>been over two years of this shit
>still falling for "It's the end of Trump this time for sure!"