How does Sup Forums view the kkk
How does Sup Forums view the kkk
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>what does Sup Forums think of x
How does OP view the sticky? Not at all?
Even though you didn't read the sticky I'll bite.
>How does Sup Forums view the kkk
Used to keep niggers in line.
Now they do jack shit.
fbi informing trump dick suckers
Spergy asslords honey pot existing just to be a boogie man.
The Democrats
99% fpi and 1 regular guy that only goes to meet ups for free crackers and juice
>Spergy asslords honey pot existing just to be a boogie man.
10/10 upvoted would give you Reddit gold if I could.
I don't even think they are real anymore.
The jews just give some poor people money to pretend, so they can have a boogyman.
Just recently, I think A&E (not sure of network) made a documentary about the klan... they had to cancel the whole project because it came out that a lot of it was phoney set up stuff.
From a viewing room. The same way you'd watch a live striptease in Cuckistan.
I desperately want into to any exclusive white nationalist group but have had zero luck
Honestly I don't know that much about it. I know they were supposed to have been Democrats, but that was before the monolithic uniparty of today. I like David Duke even though he can be a bit of an asswipe, since he is knowledgeable and honest instead of just pure smug.
To my knowledge they are a fairly small and old phenomenon and their actions were pretty benign. They were more like pranksters, similar to the people hanging nooses and writing in chalk on campuses today. I'm told the organization essentially died out and anyone involved today would be either completely sheltered from the reality of politics or a government agent trying to arrest any potential active shooters.
I'm not aware of any actual violent acts done by KKK members or I would more than likely have heard about a shootout with the ATF or something. My overall view of them is that no one else knows either, and they are just spooky ghosts used to scare college students into submission.
there no escape from this hole here
Financed and run by the FBI to delegitimise any far right movement in the US and other white countries. That should be obvious to anybody.
You should give back the hat you took from the 2hu.
>a racist Democratic group
>literally less than 1,000 of them
>literally mostly undercover FBI
>haven't done anything relevant in decades
>basically just play racism D&D
I'm not a fan.
It's something that doesn't really exist anymore, as today if you're a racist and want to lynch niggers you just go to Sup Forums instead of burning crosses in the middle of nowhere.
From what I've read there's only a few thousand members, literally nothing. My suspicion is that it's 60% FBI anyway.
A dead joke.
A boogeyman used by the leftists at the ADL and SPLC to get donations. The KKK more or less doesn't exist anymore, at least they have no real activities or members
not sure if im getting vetted Ive said those exact words not 10 minutes ago, r u fbi?
dunno 2hu google just gives some weeb shit
>not reading sticky
i guess ill answer anyway; its just some racial separatist group that hasnt been relevant for 50 years. no one should care that it still exists; all they do is burn some crosses, chill out and drink some lemonade while talking about the white race.
they're also pretty funny to listen to
Hello, does Mr AYAK live here?
They've been subverted for over a century
Get me in guys im highly weaponized have nuked many discords already and have built a small community in my home town, I have proofs.
Check em
Half FBI, quarter non-FBI infiltrators (IE jews), quarter white retards being set up for news headlines, 100% irrelevant to the modern era.
I sent them an e-mail a while back asking them not to march for the confederate flag back when it was getting banned, telling them that it was only going to enforce/reinforce negative connections with the flag. Got an angry e-mail in response calling me a race traitor, which is retarded considering I logically explained quite thoroughly that it was bad for the cause.
Saved the e-mail just because it's funny to have an e-mail addressed to me from
buncha rednecks wearing bedsheets
perfect, now you silver back gorilla alpha gened fat dick patriarch, give me the inv to your discord, fucks sake how hard is this shit, a nigger doing real shit in real life cant get an invite to a white nationalist tox/disc/dolby/ts etc
You need a college degree to join the FBI, so clearly they can't ALL be rednecks.
A boogeyman scapegoat used by the left that has been obsolete for almost a century.
Is that you rabbi?
Don't cry little anime thing.
Here's your hat.
Should have more international wings
Overzealous retards that ruined nativism by obsessing over degeneracy
If not a shill, then they are small/short minded, but reaching in the right general direction.
>Mostly likely they're the JJJ JewishJewJewers
Used to be terrorist scum.
AIUI they've now fragmented so much that there's no common goal (not even racism) and they're largely irrelevant. Which is a good thing.
Thoes quads