Be me

>be me
>from age 2 - 4 I had medium to dark blonde hair
>blue eyes

>dad looks like a dark haired english man
>mom is half Sicilian, could pass as a iranian

>literally looks like a posterboy for nazi propaganda advertisments

>hair gets darker and eyes turn hazel
>by 1st grade legit has dark brown hair and brown eyes

Any other americunts with european descent or eurocunts had this issue growing up?

When I was REALLY young, my eyes were blue. I used to have blond hair but it darkened when I was in late elementary school.

Yeah, is this the only trait europeans have? or do middle easterners have the hair and eye darkening when they're born

had brown eyes until around 19yrs old then over summer the pigment in my eyes started to wash away when I was on eye drops for medication and they've been blue since . Ppl havent noticed yet outside family

We don't

what the fuck? I've never heard about this shit. You probably should make a post about this soon and give the medication name kek

>born with olive skin and black hair
>now palest of whites with blonde hair

Guess I won the lotto.

I was born with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes, and yeah, by the time I was about 2, they had darkened to light brown and green. Been considering dying my hair blonde just to see what it looks like, but I'm unsure, might just look gay.


same thing happened with my sister, used to be super tan and looked indian and now she looks like an offbrand bjork

Looked this up and this could theoretically happen. Blue eyes are brown eyes with less pigmentation.

Nah, but you definitely are not of purely central and northern european heritage, as you said yourself - you had some southern european in you

Same, but my eyes got green

Some glaucoma medications can cause a change in eye color. For example, eye drops like latanoprost (Xalatan) and bimatoprost (Lumigan) that are prescribed to lower internal eye pressure in people with glaucoma can cause darkening of light-colored eyes due to an increased amount of pigment in the iris. Maybe some drugs can cause a decrease in the production of pigment?

interesting, why haven't they looked further into that?

I heard some expensive blue eye surgery will come out soon called stroma where they remove the melanin in your eyes but it probably wont be for a long time.

Yup, I had blond hair and lighter eyes when I was younger. It was really sunlight dependent, I'd be blond in the summer and dark brown in the winter.

I'm now an adolecent, permanent dark brown hair and green eyes.

If only we could remove the melanin from the country

>black eyes and black hair as a kid
>grow up
>get blond eyes and blue hair as an adult
>13" dick
Life's been good to me so far

Can confirm, happened to half the men in my family and we're 1/4 Spanish, 3/4 British.

Pretty sure (((they))) are putting chemicals in our food and water to eliminate the pure Aryan race.

Happened to me. I'm 4/8 Serb, 1/4 Croat and 1/4 Montenigger.

Was born with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.

Eyes are now mix of brown and green. Dark brown hair in winter, gold brown with lots of red haired tint in the summer.

Interested in those eye meds tho. :^)

>eurocunts had this issue growing up?
No, this is an only amerifat issue. Every burger is turning nigger at 10. It's in your water, deal with it.

Well there's all these fucking roasties pissing estrogen into the water, wouldn't surprise me if something like all the glyphosate is making us have brown eyes. Although we may also just be getting bean'd.


What the... Med name now plz.

Zyklon B

I was blonde and blue eyed than one day an old gypsy woman rubbed my head and the next few weeks it started to turn brown.

Then it turns out your supposed to wash your hair, who knew.

>6' 2"
>blue eyes
>flowing locks of light brown/dark blonde hair
if only i werent acoustic