How is this guy considered a scientist?
How is this guy considered a scientist?
He went to school with my 6th grade science teacher. They were on the same cycling team and shared a few classes.
At the very least he can be a 6th grade science teacher.
Only a sexless virgin wouldnt consider him a scientist
He's considered a scientist by dorks like you, he's a television personality.
I don't consider him a scientist faggot. Im asking why everyone else considers him one. You probably thought he was one in the 90s.
No, not scientist. Science Guy. It's a subtle but extremely important distinction.
How can one believe in evolution but think that people from Africa and Europe evolved exactly the same?
>no such thing as race
good then racism doesn't exist, everyone go home it's over
Cream vs creamer. Cheese vs cheese-product. 100% white meat chicken vs made with 1-0% white meat chicken. No artificial flavors vs no HFCS.
He has a engineering degree and that's about it
He spouts a bunch of feel good shit about LGBT and holds a beaker.
unless you're stupid
you should know theres no such thing as race
breed on the other hand
This would be okay unfortunately it denies my 6 gorillion and therefore needs to be subject to life in prison.
Animals have no race
All animals are human and neutrum
He's not. I think he's education is in engineering
When you ignore reality so that everyone can be happily ever after.
what a shitty shill thread.
Bill Nye the Shabbos Goy
>being this much of a fag
Isn't "the good of the many over the good of the few" a huge part of leftism? One tranny faggot getting beat up is better than 2 dozen normal girls being uncomfortable, right?
>check out the "controversy" behind race realism
>only a certain percentage of scientists agree that race/race differences between humans exists
>look up the scientists, only half of them are actual natural scientists, rest of them are anthropologists and art professors etc.
>the ones who agree about race are biologists
Adios muerto
Such a disgrace to see an engineer become a sjw
Americans failing to separate TV from real life once again for
race is very much a real thing..
How does 23andMe work? how can they with almost 100% certainty say a given person is of Scandinavian origin or aboriginal. They can even calculate your genetic mixture with a similar accuracy.
It works because people have evolved genetic isolated for thousands of years.
For animals, we call these distinct racial group - different species. Like there is 4 different Giraf species.
For humans we call it race, most likely because humans have only recently been considered an animal, before that we were something isolated from the animal kingdom.
He believes in popular consensus, separate from facts. Not a scientist.
Because people think TV is an authority.
>How is this guy considered a scientist?
exactly what I wanted to say
given that scientists are this retarded these days, and that science is neither politically or economically independent, maybe it's time to consider they are wrong about atheism too
so hes a panderer. what a scumbag
A racist is someone who believes in race theories. Meaning that one group of people is genetically superior to others.
Is "race realism" the leftist equivalent of creationism? How does one just brush aside biology? Acknowledging race doesn't automatically mean one has to be racist or a literal Hitler, it just means acknowledging the differences. Surely someone could claim that acknowledging race differences would lead to slippery slope of enforced eugenics and whatnot, but that's not really an argument now isn't it? It doesn't have to lead into anything bad.
If anything it would help to but an end to all this race baiting and race related bullshit in media and politics. No more screams of raycism when people wonder why blacks don't make it in school; we could just acknowledge that certain type of education is not working on certain races. It could actually help us to find a way to bring up the blacks out of their misery by coming up with a system that works on blacks, instead of forcing them to go through educational system that is clearly not designed for blacks.
Same laws and responsibilities would apply on all people no matter what race they are, but there would be this soft-segregation system made solely for the benefit of the people they are segregating. I'm not talking about separate toilets or buses here, I'm talking about separate school systems and work environments. No way can United States just send all black people away, there's too many of them, so just change the system instead. Or maybe even a small nation inside the borders of United States, black ethnic nationalist state with their own president and law that would co-operate with the United States. Draw the borders around Detroit and encourage all black people to live there.
>be a snarky transfaggot with your preteen libshit and always kills the mood because you're a fucking bitch nobody likes
>transphobia is why the kids are picking on me!
>says something retarded
>y-you probably...
Nice try, dweeb.
Dolph "Aryan Perfection" Lundgren is more of a scientist than Nye.
No really look it up.
Lets ignore the fact that them getting beaten up for being a tranny is very unlikely in the first place.
If the problem is males would beat them up, wouldn't the ideal thing to do is fix that problem? Going into the girls bathroom because you are "scared" is just ignoring the issue. If males would beat you up in the bathroom, they will also beat you up anywhere else semi-private. Trannies should be fixing the problem they always say exists instead of running away from it.
Not only that, but if a male who would beat a tranny up in a bathroom SEES a tranny walk into a girls bathroom, I think they would be more likely to grab the tranny from that bathroom and beat them up because protecting women and such.
Captcha: Deviation flory
Race isn't real. People mixed all the time in human history. What is considered "pure" today was once a mixed. There are obvious visual differences between humans, but putting these differences in 1 of 4 categories is wrong.
shit b8
>tfw Nye has a bachelors in chemical engineering.
>tfw you hold the same degree.
He's not a scientist.
Isn't he an engineer?
yes he has a engineering degree
also isn't borat banned in your country?
He is jewish
Lol youre a sexless virgin
he's not
am i the only one with half the Sup Forums images not loading? 404s everywhere
If 4/pol/ were smart (hah), you'd all start claiming you identify as black or some other 'oppressed' group. Even Bill Nye tripped over his words when he called someone a white male and was then asked how he knew.
At first the officials were angry, and said "We hope the local distributors will not sell this film", while not banning the movie, because there was no legal ground to ban it. Half a year later they started praising Borat for "placing Kazakhstan on the map", because tourism had increased.
You would strip the left of its power if you used the tools they're handing you.
I already do that.
I'm a gender-fluid black woman.
Who presents as a cis white male.
But since the shitlord never asked my gender they're the bigot.
And I get to shame them.
If they say anything I'll just go off on a BLM rant.
And call them a bigot and a racist.
Exactly. You can turn any "fucking white male" or "you're so white, so your opinion is irrelevant" nonsense around at once. I'm astounded more people aren't doing this.
What GENDERs does it take to make children?
>Proof of existence
What color are the "peoples" skin in Africa? South America? Asia? Middle East?
>Proof of race
Who's a minority where?
>Proof of Race
Who were the slaves in the beginnings of america? The masters?
>Proof of race
Jewish is a faith also and therefor not subject to being called racism, hence the (((word))) anti-semitisim
Gender theory is the most anti-science ideology ever. I don't know why the left considers itself pro-science, or how they get away with it.
>how they get away with it
I wonder..
the problem with him is that he had a popular kids show way back then, which wasn't political.
Now, he hopped on the political dick for the funding and air time to be on media again.
SO in other words, he sold out hard as fuck.
Fucking entitled sheboons
So I can't be racist anymore?
Bill Nye the Weimar Guy
Like every rich guy ever in existence in USA shouldn't be rich. They are all there because they are the dumbest and most corrupt people available, therefore very easy to control by elites.
Capitalism basically promotes idiots who promote their idea of importing cheap labor, that's all this is about. USA never had any racial definition anyway, what's black and white? Not a race.
so you're telling me 23andme went back in time 1000 years ago to get some dna from the regions that were starting to fill up with the same phenotype so they can tell you that you come from there?
yeah nah its as stupid as them saying you're related to george washington because they went back in time saved his dna and brought it back to the future to compare with yours
Not an argument
He never said that he said they were social constructs
Liberalism is inherently anti majoritarian
Race is a social construct, who fucking cares about gender
quit being little bitches and worry about yourselves
Not an argument shlomo. Nice try
So if race isn't real, why is affirmative action and identity politics real?
Really makes me think
And if gender is a social construct, why don't we just destruct its less valid manifestations?
Really gets my noggin joggin
Bill Nye Science goy
Of course its not, you can't argue otherwise when it comes to race.
I never cared to look into the idea of gender these days, but my advice would help any of you neets out. If it doesn't concern you, why spend your time bitching about it
This guy is btw not talking about guys, he trying to guilt lesbian women into having sex with him.
>So if race isn't real, why is affirmative action and identity politics real?
Race isn't 'real' in the sense that money isn't real. They exist but they're contingent on societies existence.
>science teacher
He started in a children's show. That's why.
But nobody ever said they did. He's a TV personality who has the word "science" in his moniker.
Nobody is under the illusion that he is an actual scientist, except apparently you.
So why isnt Beakman considered a scientist too then?
louis ck. the greatest mind of our time.
because mexican immigrants get paid as much as natives.
It is not only mexicans, USA gets shit ton of IT from India with H1B1 visas.
I used to like him because the work to promote science but now he is an average crazy liberal politician, do not want
He isnt i am 5 times the scientist on paper/certificates/education than this dude is and i dont even consider myself a scientist.
Doplh is an engineer if I remember correctly
nah he's right, those that bitch are trash workers
This is retarted because foreigners get hired cause they demand less money and it puts pressure on the indigenious workers to work for less. Louis cuck is a idiot and so is everyone that thinks this is political education and not stand up comedy.. i now start to understand how libtards think late night comedy shows and stand up comedy is political education... they are actually that stupid. sad
source vid:
>Consider the utility Southern California Edison, which laid off 400 IT workers and forced them to train their H-1B holding replacements. SCE’s newly-acquired foreign contractors earn about 40 percent less than the Americans they displaced.
Normie vision vs. Sup Forums vision
If gender isn't real why the fuck do they insist I play along with their delusions?
Fuck off commie
If gender isnt real the pussy pass shouldnt either
>Degree's make the person a profession
When will this meme end?
Shit half the people who are working aren't even qualified to do the job they thought they signed up for in college. Why else did we meme the president into office? You don't need a piece of paper telling you that your smart enough to know something, it literally takes no effort to know anything besides being able to comprehend it. I guess it all comes down to what you define as a "scientist". Someone who is knowledge of sciences or actually using it as a profession. Either way an engineer can still be a scientist, for fucks sake, engineering is science.
Science is Luciferian dogma. It's as much of a cult, and spreader of lies as Christianity.
Normies conflate popularity with qualification.