Postmodernist Story Thread

>Wasting my life with my friends playing Dota2
>Start softly singing " country boy" over mic
>teammate asks me if that's the song I sing while sucking Trump's dick
>I say it's better than it could have been, and it's the lefts fault for calling everyone racists for 8 years
>Responds with " they are racists", and proceeds to tell me that the majority of both parties are composed of racists
>I ask him how they are racist and he tells me that it's just ingrained in the system, and that most white people are racist
>I say that that is a racist comment in itself
>He agrees, and says that's the only way to fight the right, but not before telling me it's not about left or right

Pt.1, pic related was his steam pic

You deserve it for playing Dota 2

Tell him you're racist and he should fuck off or you'll put a pop not on the side of his head big enough to hang a spare tire from.

Guess I could have made this one post.

>He tells me he's a leaf, so I ask him about Bill C-16 and his thoughts
>He tells me that he sees no problem with it, and that anybody should have the right to be called whatever they want
>I contest that it's compelled speech, and that it's against free speech
>He starts talking over me over and over again, and I ask him to let me finish my point
>He tells me I'm a bigot so I don't deserve to state my point, and that dialogue doesn't matter because everyone has their own facts
> I state that I think that trans people have a mental illness, which he did not take well
>Told me that hundreds of years ago people thought that Witchcraft was a mental illness too
>I ask him if there is any scientific evidence that trans people are what they say
>He mutes me, then abandons the game
>I ask him in post chat to continue the discussion, add him as a friend, and offer to discuss it on skype
>He ignores me

He was a smurf too. Anybody have one they'd like to share?

I really do I guess, but it's a fun group game

>>He agrees, and says that's the only way to fight the right, but not before telling me it's not about left or right
The "any means necessary" cunts are actually beyond help because they're actually practicing an unproven theory that doing wrong will end in right, so they know what they're doing is wrong but they're two idiotic to realise it.

You can't unracist America with anti white racism, that's literally designed to make America more racist. That's the other cunts who know this, the true Marxists that want to race bait until the race war (and then they'll be enslaved by blacks by their own theory? Yeah shit makes no sense).

>He tells me I'm a bigot so I don't deserve to state my point, and that dialogue doesn't matter because everyone has their own facts
Yeah, he's literally post reality. This is the turning point of posgmodernism, are we going to become schizophrenics who believe only what we want? Or are we going to say, fuck this time for the least postmodern thing ever, neoclassicism.

That being said, only trans people understand why calling it a mental illness is actually protrans. You do argue fairly badly.

Lmao, if I ran into him myself I'd've just called him a faggot and played the game. Don't give these retards the time of day.

>You do argue fairly badly.
I mean, I was really just trying to get a word in edge wise desu. That's why I wanted to add him to the Skype call, to get a real discussion going. Certainly I don't proclaim myself to be king shit of debate land though.

Friends are useless. There is nothing in 'friendship' that actually binds you together, legally or otherwise. The minute they can't benefit from actively engaging with you, they will throw you away. The minute your political views contradicts theirs, they throw you away. Having 'friends' through hobbies is autistic. It has no real value because the hobby has no value.

There is only family, and then there is nation.

That's it.

Jesus man, get out of the house more. If you don't have a best friend then you seriously need to rethink your life. My family is a piece of shit that is never there for me, and my parents never wanted to give me an upbringing due to their own selfish motives, so I turned to friends and mentors to help me. Stop giving shit advice.

You're a fucking retard. Not everyone is out to get you, life happens. People generally have good intentions, but communication is not a perfect art.

I was watching ozark, second episode, with dutch subtitles over the weekend.

And there's a part in this episode where he's in a bar and he's confronting people for calling a kid a retard. He calls them rednecks and it translated into conservatieve. You can probably guys what that is in english

Friends are not useless, but it is very hard to make real friends now a days. Most people probably only have one or two of them, if they are lucky. What you described is not a real friend.

this is a redpill thats hard to swallow
modern art is modernist

Just get some chops from some of the better shit posters, don't worry we know what we're doing, the whole point is so regular people can argue like us.

Some tips
>never insult your audience, the subjects of conversation or your opponent
>always point out their hypocrisy, you did good there
>never become emotionally invested, something about staying cool helps
>never try to get a concession of defeat, making them look dumb or evil (preferably both) is enough
>try to use "socratic questioning" to drive points, focusing these questions on things that will cause cognitive dissonance
And always copy arguments if you're not going to come up with good ones on the fly. That's why I'm here, I just keep posting arguments and anything with a this response is a keeper.


Postmodernism is unadulterated cancer

>that pic
Fucking hell

you've never had a friend have you

Ok LoLfag

What's your mmr?

Bullshit, these are the ones that we need to shake the foundations of their ideology to the core. These faggots are the ones that will cause the most trouble so every chance you get to cause doubt, scare them and jam a redpill down their fucking throat you need to take.