what is it like living in a baltic country?
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Safe, comfy, white, not plagued by sjw's.
Could be a a little richer, but if you dont work at a supermarket, then you can live a good life.
Like shit, but we don't really have any prominent cuck groups besides ANTIFA LARPers
I spent 4 years in Riga and studied at the University of Latvia. It's really comfy and the German cities are beautiful.
what's the politics like in latvia?
is it true that the wealthy latvians are returning to their folk and pagan traditions?
are people racist there?
how come you guys can't get rid of your russian scum?
how vulnerable are you to future enrichment?
We are constantly being labeled as Nazi just for pointing out that although Russia was on the winning side, we did not enjoy the next 50 or so years.
We have good internet. ~1800 EUR per month income will set you on nice middle-class lifestyle.
Roads are not Russia tier, but you will feel how your car dies a bit every time you go for a milk run.
People are mostly nice, but we have ton of Russians. Vocal majority of whom demand that russian is made second language. Can't be bothered to learn local language.
Corruption is a problem, but not very bad. Problematic to open business - State revenue services practices will make you either go bankrupt or find a gray-hat book keeper.
Little to no SJW, at least for now. Most of the 'muh poor rapefuges' run out of our country for ones with better GIBS.
You get 18 months paid (~~80% salary) maternity leave. You get 8 EUR / month child support payments.
Have reasonably good schools and beer.
a clusterfuck of parties, russians have one party that they rally behind, Latvians have like 5. Thats why the government is stagnating.
Why would only wealthy ones do it? Every Latvian holds up tradition to some degree, some more and some less. Our traditions and culture was the thing that kept us out of assimilating into Germans.
>russian scum
Missed our chance in the 90's, now they only whine how great and big russia is, but dont leave because its shit over there.
>enrichment threat
maternity and child support gibs are gonna get a lot larger next year
Poverty and depression is everywhere. Suicide is common. Don't come here.
We tend to loose 5 year old kids in forests on random. Police get slap on the wrist for that.
We like to kill wolves and lynx en masse due to ' muh dangerous animuls'. At the same time we have the most legal hunters who like to shoot deer. And by coincidence wolves and lynx do like to eat dear....
Most of our fields belond to Swedes who grow crops.
If you buy second hand car, you will get swindled since every car you can buy is from ' granny driving to church every other Sunday ', while they will fall apart as soon as you pay the money.
Lot of what we call ' pencils ' who drive BMW's and like to show how successfull they are for owning a rust bucket from 1992.
Car sevices are mostly reasonable, but you must be aware of what you are looking for or you will pay twice.
You don't need to tip and no one will spit in your drink.
Have some comfy places to hang out and spend time.
Reasonably safe country, chances of getting nig-nogged in some alley are small.
>maternity and child support gibs are gonna get a lot larger next year
was not aware. even now matternity leave is one of the best. we hope to have child on the way before wife emigrates.
people mostly have their hands in correct places, so can build geodesic dome homes and create diesel out of old tyres.
politics is fucked up. largely tug of war between local corrupt fags, pro-russia fags and soros fags.
beautiful countryside, if you buy a property and fix it up a bit.
>Be Lithuanian
>Go to Latvia
>Ask stranger in Russian a question
>Pretends that doesn't see me and hear me
>speak to a friend in Lithuanian
>His senses comes back to normal, and answers instantly
Why you hate Russians so much, Broleliai?
>USSR fall
>Person I know lived in Latvia for long time
>Gets Latvian passport
>Nationality: No nationality
what do you guys mean by this?
The only major problem is that all of the 1.5k+ wage jobs are in Riga.
If only Kuldīga had good jobs, I'd love to live there.
>speaks russian
checks out, and you should stay out, l*th
Coastal, nice cities, no nig-nogs.
1.5k per week jobs?
no, we're not australia, 1.5k a month
It's Latvia that we are talking about.
>Now they only whine how great and big russia is but don't leave because it's shit over there
So like turks?
Estonia is comfy, haven't been to any of the others
nice cities, all white people, etc.
Eastern Europe will be the last bastion with how fucked Western Europe is
1.5k USD PER MONTH? surely this is after taxes or some shit?
The country is being ruled by mafia. Corruption is disgustingly high. Politicians are doing everything and for everyone except for the majority, us the citizens. Wages are really low, prices high. We travel en masse to poland and latvia to buy goods. The same lithuanian good, that is exported to europe is cheaper there than if you would buy it here in Lithuania. Reaching record numbers of emigration because our "newly" elected goverment is creating laws and legislations that completely ignore the public, they dont even hide it anymore. Our national simbols are being destroyed by the incompetence and the gov would rather talk about how we should for the 5th time tax alcohol even more. Middle class is literally non existing here. You either are a hobo who thinks that he lives ok, or are you rich. Income inequality is one the highest in europe. In Lithuania, prices are increasing the most compared to the rest of europe, while wages stagnate.
Hey, but at least we have no immigrants, am i right bros??? xDD
Sorry, I don't know what eastern euro funny money is worth. Although that looks like a lovely town
I went to Estonia and iyou could clearly see who was a slav and who wasn't. No disrespect, just pointing out that they are different people.
>is it true that the wealthy latvians are returning to their folk and pagan traditions?
this is interesting question. there is a lot of ' shaman this, pagan that, and tradition other' clubs springing up. judging by the people who join mostly due to the fact people just don't know what will happen in the future and hope that traditions will help them understand how to act / be when DOTR comes.
racism. ask russians and they will tell we are nazi bastards out to get them. amongst people I mingle with - you can be whomever you like as long as you don't push your shit to me and my family.
problem with russians is twofold. one - old fucks who have been here for most of the life and who don't want to learn language and integrage. two - we are not really encouraging them to do so. also, they have non-citizen passports.
enrichment probably will not happen for a time - we are too small potato.
>what do you guys mean by this?
if you know how old German cities feel like and if you like that feeling, then you will be comfy here.
>The only major problem is that all of the 1.5k+ wage jobs are in Riga.
not quite. there are quite a few IT oriented jobs in other bigger cities as well (for everyone else 'village at most' ). you either are in one of the industries we are good in (like IT, chemistry, some niche production) or you are stuck with bad job.
>1.5k per week jobs?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. no. 1.5k - 1.8k per month is very good job here. and you can be reasonably good middle class.
>Estonia is comfy, haven't been to any of the others
Esonia is most differnet from two other states. They like to think they are like Findland. We like to think they are slow.
>surely this is after taxes or some shit?
yes, 1.8k after taxes is 2.5k before taxes and costs your employer something like 3.5k
I'm not Russian by any chance, 100% Lithuanian. I grew up in Birzai region, not often you can meet a Russian here. The fact I know Russian doesn't mean I like/love/am Russian. It's mandatory second language in Lithuanian school. In Lithuania you get teached English and Russian. How other way you suppose for Lithuanian to talk to a Latvian?
>They like to think they are like Findland. We like to think they are slow.
Exactly, only they drink more, commit more crime and smoke some weird russian weed that is mixed with chemicals.
Things are a lot cheaper here to match the wages, America has higher wages and higher prices.
I've got a place in my family company that has large salaries compared to the rest of the country, but its in Riga, so he most I can do to escape the city is to live in the close municipalities.
Lithuanians come here to steal cars and tractors, also scam pensioners.
interesting that my flag shows USA, I'm in finland
maybe that's why I like Estonia, but I think I'd like the other baltics as well
The thing is you look at wages as westerner here and might think we are poor but that is not the case, sure we aren't as rich but not as poor either, our products cost MUCH less here then american products, we have much more purchasing power here then we would have in america.Being raped by commies for 70 years put a scrach on us but we are healing and FAST one of fastest growing economies in Europe, i can see that in my hometown as well, new bars, new shops, new roads, new cafees, and so on.
I wasn't making fun of you, just wondering. You know some currencies like Hungarian monopoly money is like 8000 to 10 USD or whatever, so I thought maybe 1.5k Latvian shekels could be whatever in American dollars.
>How other way you suppose for Lithuanian to talk to a Latvian?
if the person you are talking to is under ~~35 English. A lot of young people in Latvia don't learn Russian anymore, or know only cyka blyat. Older people will switch to Russian automatically.
>smoke some weird russian weed that is mixed with chemicals
oh right, there was that epidemics. quite a lot of young people messed up their health with that. For anyone interested it was 'spice'.
>close municipalities
Marupe is for stupid rich idiots from the bubble. Jelgava is too many ruskies. Kekava is nice. Valdlauci is very comfy. Ikskile is also very comfy.
>family company
Interetsing. Bread? Beer?
>scam pensioners
well... if you can convice some old geezer to part with 5-10k EUR just by calling in the middle of night and saying 'your grandson had a boo boo', although said geezer does not have a grandson...
Don't forget they like to ' fix up cars ' and sell them to our people ' straight from Germany (tm) '.
>Lithuanians come here to steal cars and tractors, also scam pensioners.
They do same in Lithuania sadly. Heck, last time scums stole 4 car batteries/bike and etc from me(We use them for electrifying fence for cows). Go to sleep, it's there, wake up, it's not anymore.
We use Euro as our curency since 2011 i think, but yes as i said we can but here 2 times as much products here for 100 euros then average german can buy stuff in germany so, it's not as bad as it seems, i even know one german guy who moved here, he says it's comfy.
>so I thought maybe 1.5k Latvian shekels could be whatever in American dollars
We had Lats, which was most valuable currency in the world and looked nice. At one time 2 dollaridos was less then 1 Lats. It was fun to buy stuff from Amazon US.
Now we have shiteuro. If you can cook, then you can feed your self with home cooked meals for some... 50 or so EUR a week. Rent is like 200 EUR per month. 100MBps unlimeted internet over otpical line - 15 EUR. Unlimited 4G mobile data - 10 EUR.
We use Euros now, when Lats were a thing, it was quite the currency. I think it used to be like 1 lats = 3 usd.
I have a big summerhouse in Carnikava that my dad and granddad put all their money in before dying.
Also Jelgava is a city.
>Bread? Beer?
Nah, Its really specific, dont want to dox myself.
>baltic country
The only real country on the Baltics is Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are typical non-countries.
are the politicians mostly anti-refugee?
does it get very cold and lots of snow?
do you guys feel more like nordic country? germanic? slavic?
h-haaa, j-just 1,5k EUR per month. p-poorfags, am i right
>Rent is like 200 EUR per month. 100MBps unlimeted internet over otpical line - 15 EUR. Unlimited 4G mobile data - 10 EUR.
Damn. My internet would be like 40 Euros for 15MBps and another 50 Euros for 2GB per month 4G. Maybe I'm the poor one. Although I live in the middle of nowhere so there's that.
>do you guys feel more like nordic country? germanic? slavic?
Estonia feels Nordic and Finnic. Latvians like to pretend they have a German heritage but they have driven out their Germans in the early XXth century. Lithuanians mostly feel suicidial.
>if the person you are talking to is under ~35 English.
I know that one, that's why I was talking in Russian. because she was like ~40. In Lithuania it's pretty much same age barrier for English/Russian, not counting gopniks who can't speak neither in Lithuanian, Russian or Polish well, and majority of them steal/scam and etc.
Explain your claim please, we won our batle of independance have our own culture/language and ethnicity.
the russians and liberals are pro
nationalist against
farmers dont give a fucm
yeah, i think the coldest was around -25°c this winter
>le feels
We're Baltic, but if we have to choose, then I'd say we're the closest to nords, then germans
hello, 200EURpermonth-garia
We are still better off then you though.
2 weeks per year you have +35, 2 weeks per year you have -35. Snow can be none on one day, and up to your dick the next.
It's less anti-anything more like they don't want to come. We were given some quota, who ran away as soon as they could for ' more gibs ' to other countries. They do get monitored the shit out of though. And they do like videos of chopping heads and beating kids.
>do you guys feel more like nordic country?
a lot of businesses feel that LV/EE/LT is like poor nordic countries - you get good quality for way less money. not sure if we feel to be nordic. LT / LV had a lot of common ancestry, even lot of words are still the same.
>p-poorfags, am i right
it's not amount of shekels, its about how much you can get for them.
>Although I live in the middle of nowhere so there's that
You can get 4G in ' 99.7% of the country ' here, althouhg, if you are in the middle of nowhere, you will have good speed only until some other people start to use it.
gop-stop, I remember that one.
>Talks shit
Russian is in no way mandatory. We learnt German as second foreign language.
Most people who lived during the occupation speak ruski because it was actually mandatory then. Now almost
everyone under 25 knows only English
>Lithuanians are our brothers meme
We were seperared from 1300 till the 1900's. Our similarities end with the common language group.
How are Germans seen in the Baltics? (I mean actual Germans, not Nu-Germans.)
Is it true that Estonians are Nazi apologists?
Finno-Ugrians are white:
Nigger I get 400 a month and get by.
Anyone who earns 1.5k is Rich as fuck and can afford basically every luxury
Also, what's the point of being separate countries if you have the population of a city?
Why not unite into a Baltic Federal Republic [of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania]?
I said it wrong, you're right.
Second language is mandatory, but most common is Russian, and German far second to that. Sadly I didn't get a chance to choose German, because it was a small school
>Nigger I get 400 a month
We used to hate Germans up to WW2, then they became our brothers in arms. We even did a language purge for Latvian to remove most of the German from it, since literal Latvian was composed by a German priest.
Nowadays, I dont think we really care, although the huge tourist groups in the center can be annoying sometimes.
Three languages, two cultures, nationalism
Eastern Europeans have more access to essentials like education and health care than Americans, despite being far poorer.
Just think about that for a second.
>being too poor to afford health care or educations
>needing big daddy government to take care of you
Pleane name one Latvian king, or saint, or any country in the middle ages run by Latvians.
Fucking Mongols.
>since literal Latvian was composed by a German priest
>then they became our brothers in arms
What the hell are you on about? The forest brothers would hang you by your balls for saying that.
Stop projecting your "MUH GOOD GERMS" cuckery upon the rest of us.
That doesn't affect me, my 56% white friend. Neither does it affect most Europeans. It affects many of your citizen.
You measure your wealth by GDP, which is inflated by your ridiculously expensive health care. We Europeans measure our wealth by the amount of things we actually have.
GDP has nothing to do with healthcare my muslim friend.
>Russian is in no way mandatory. We learnt German as second foreign language.
I had a chance to do either Englsh-Russian or English-German. I went with former, since I knew Russian a bit already from Saturday morning cartoons. Not saying I'm proud of that decision.
>We were seperared from 1300 till the 1900's
Gee, I wonder why? Oh, right, those German bastards pushing the carpenter's agenda. If you compare the ' traditional ' things there is a lot of similarity.
>Why not unite
But Germanbro, there was a plan to do such thing (LT + LV). It fell appart due to stupid shit. also
Don't forget those idiots in Latvia who think their dialect is seperate language.
>like education and health care
state health care is beyond shite and you will die if you have serious condition.
educaton is ok-ish.
>Pleane name one Latvian king
Jersikas Visvaldis (first word is place, second is his name).
>or saint
there official reports addressed to pope that ' those dirty bastards ' in Baltics have more advanced religion then one they were shilling for at the time.
I don't know about Estonia, but avoid Latvia like the plague. Subhuman russian language is more common than their "official" one.
There was a time when we and Latvians were such bros, inseparable, but here we are at each others throats?? WTF HAPPENED
The sad thing is that were small countries with Russia as a neighbour. During soviet times eastern europe was filled with russians, we've got a lot of them lot of them are OK folks but a lot of them are total retards howling on muh oprression evil nazis and shit talking about glorious Russia but not moving there. Some of them are even waving bloody commie flags for fuck sakes.
And OK nor not the Russian administration will use them anyway as an excuse to mess with other countries business talking about protecting fellow russian interests* and stuff like that. Alway ready to "le liberate".
Thats why we suck up to Western powers like NATO and EU - unforntunately EU is trying to "enrich" its member countries as you all know luckily we're poor,cold and unknown place so the enriching elements do not want to come here and tend to leave soon anyway.
So here we are stuck in the middle of "liberation" and "enrichment".
* the disturbing thing is they call russians and russian speakers in other countries "compatriots". (Fellow landers?) So anywhere someone even remotely russian related steps is automatically Russian clay? It is very ironic how they call other people nazi-s and iperialists if they want to keep they'r small countries not becoming part of Great Russia. I cannot fathom the hypocricy - its probably that the popular words nazi,faschist and imperialist doesn't have any other meaning than "poopo-head" for these guys anyway.
It's an unqualified job.
200 € rent, 150 for food 10 phone plan with 4 GB 4g , 15 for 200mbps internet.
Yah I get by. End game is to earn 1k+ for very comfy life
It does. The cost of health care services produced flows into GDP.
Soviet Union wanted to dissolve us into their 'peoples republics' and they did. And then Russification happened.
Nazi Germany wanted to dissolve us and form Ostland. Germanification would follow suit.
Stop sucking occupant cock.
Agreed. Stay away from this shithole.
>House: Rurikids
>Vassal of the Principality of Polotsk
>Son of the Duke of Polotsk
>some swamp-dwelling bandit who owned a hillfort
Holy shit, and I thought you can't get any better than the "Slovakian" Greater Moravia.
Wages are quite low but prices are much lower (not if you're trying to buy a pc or a car though). Pretty comfy, everyone is chill, piracy is very common and cops don't give a damn about that. Really nice elderly and the common folk, but the most of villagers are kinda dumb.
Latvia: young country inferiority complex + tons of Russians
Lithuania: suicide issues due to the glorious past and shitty present I guess.
Becouse we are realy diferant, culturaly.
>name one Latvian king
easy - Namejs
>country in the middle ages
easy - Tērvete
I personaly like germans but most of Latvians (who know History) feel a bit hateful towards them for northern crusades and 700 years of slavery that being said most of them don't hold any bad against modern day germans, if you would move here no one would hate you, we aren't Poles.
t. Riomerio studentas
>the country is being ruled by mafia
The country is "being ruled" by dumb fucks who vote for other dumb fucks.
You sound like a little whiny faggot.
>700 year slavery
shit Ulmaņlaiku meme
serfdom started only in the Duchy of Courland
>don't hold any bad against modern day germans
Germany literally wants to replace us with niggers and ragheads in our own nation. WTF are you smoking?
Andybody who knows even a bit of foreign politics hates Germanistan with a passion.
kasdienis priminimas kad brazauskas komunistas o (((lansbergis))) vagius yra ir paksas nekaltas
>some swamp-dwelling bandit who owned a hillfort
kek. well put. then again, those swamp dwelling bandits and 'kursi' were people whom Vikings were afraid of. One of methods they liked for torture was to cut your stomach open, cut your intestine and attach it to large oak, then beat you until you ran around and wound your intestine on it. then your ran out of intestine and fell down. Also, no hate the small nation.
>piracy is very common and cops don't give a damn about that
unless you are a company. then they tear you a new one as soon as they find that out.
>by dumb fucks who vote for other dumb fucks.
I remember we got ' priest party ' some years ago who was led by one of the upstart oligarhs.
look at this
>are the politicians mostly anti-refugee?
We aren't as anti-refugee as Poles/Hungarians but not as pro as western euros neither,we are something in between and that is only becouse of EU gibs that being said we don't have any, refugees.
>does it get very cold and lots of snow?
Last years it's been warm, wintter can be as rough as -25C at times though.
>do you guys feel more like nordic country? germanic? slavic?
Fuck the SLAVS and fuck the NORDKEKS (except finland) we are our own thing desu.
>he is sometimes referred as semi legendary ruler in Latvian historiography
>another fucking HILLFORT of a "semi legendary" king
As shit our history has been in the past 500 years, at least we have another 500 of it as a real, European country (and then some centuries before that as steppe nomads). Though at least you haven't tried to find some ancient empire/kingdom as your ancestors to justify your claims to be a country.
sounds like between the russians and the liberals you guys are kinda fucked
It's their govermant, that is to blame just like we have Ushakovs at power.
>as a real, European country
What makes a country 'real' or not?
>kek. well put. then again, those swamp dwelling bandits and 'kursi' were people whom Vikings were afraid of. One of methods they liked for torture was to cut your stomach open, cut your intestine and attach it to large oak, then beat you until you ran around and wound your intestine on it. then your ran out of intestine and fell down.
See, I've always wondered why the Baltic countries have such a high murder rate. Especially Lithuania, which has the highest and has the least amount of Russians. Now I'm starting to understand.
Not realy, all people i know held anti refugee wievs, i haven't yet found a single person who would whant them in.
also pic related
If Europe was a one country and countries were cities, Baltics would be a nice village. It's small, quiet, clean, orderly. There's trees in the cities, you can walk everywhere. Comfy.
Oh, and most importantly: no niggers/muslims/commies/SJW's
We got an independent Kingdom in 1000 AD. We count the foundation of our state from that date, even though we have owned the Carpathian basin for more than a century before that, but we were busy raiding all of Europe or fighting as mercenaries on horseback to care about shit like statehood.
>their folk and pagan traditions?
Ah, almost forgot. We have a lot of what we call 'castle hills' - supposed places where castles have been. If you count them, then there would be too many castles. Popular theory is that those hills were used in various cool pagan rituals. What is more interesting - in recent times some unknown people have started to steal dirt from these hills in large volumes. As in they dig large (some 5 by 5m pits) and take all the dirt away.
our pagan religion was prominent with fact that we knew very well what Devil is. There are quite a lot of folk stories about how Devil gets tricked and ends up with short stick. Also a nice flag with Devil in cage and being laughed at. And some letters / reports to pope how pagans have better understanding of some of the concepts carpenter came up with.
>we have Ushakovs at power
and reason is fact that we have ton of small parties, while russians have one.
yeah, and you manage to bleed even while playing water polo. we all can say mean things about each other if we want.
youre on the spectrum
the liberal party just crashed and burned, the only threat are old commie farmers who just want more money for themselves and russians
>history lessons
And here I was thinking that it's having ones own separate language, culture and ethicity today that makes it so. But of course only your historical elite denotes if you're real or not.
tell me more about how your liberal party crashed and burned
as you may have heard, our liberal party is also crashing and burning in USA lol
The jews fear the Balt.
>But of course only your historical elite denotes if you're real or not.
At least you have learned something important today.
Got caught stealing and laundering money right before the elections.