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He only vetoed it because they sent the wrong version of the proposed law to the Senate.
Listen to his speech. He said it's unlawful and just badly written.
Now we need to support the President as PiS is going to try to smear him into submission.
>they sent the wrong version of the proposed law to the Senate.
Well thats what you get for putting a communist in charge of the changes :^)
much respect.
Hope something good comes out from this Polan
>PiS is going to try to smear him into submission.
I'm still trying to figure out if kaczynski isn't playing some sort of 4 dimensional chess here.
Don't see why though. They had to push the changes before 07.08, so the supreme court won't fuck with Kaminski's amnesty.
Now kaminski is fucked.
good goyim now open your boarders for some much needed diversity
which bill is that? what did he veto exactly?
nvm, just saw the link
>I'm still trying to figure out if kaczynski isn't playing some sort of 4 dimensional chess here.
I thought about this as well, but putting those bills and vetoing them only destroys popular support for PiS. Duda's popularity will skyrocket though. They've also managed to politicaly activize people who don't give a fuck about politics daily. And even though the opposition is trying to take all the glory, but it was a popular protest. We need a new opposition.
>burger education
The president just vetoed a law that violates the constitution. Nothing goy about it.
This is not how that works.
>One of the bills Duda said he would veto was intended to put the Supreme Court under the political control of the ruling majority, giving the justice minister, who is also prosecutor general, power to appoint judges.
Somehow burgers here think that Kaczynski and PiS are some kinda of right wing gurus figthing communists. The true is they have more communists among them than the god awful opposition, and they are just populist socialists.
Isn't Duda a PiS guy?
That's the point.
Redpill an interested burger in PiS, what is it?
And isn't your supreme court of justice full of post modernist faggots?
Never heard of that talking point before.
Essentially natsoc's retarded cousin larping.
Catho-socialists posing as a right wing party.
he announced this several days ago
Is this good or bad from a Sup Forums perspective?
Essentially WE WUZ FIGHTIN GOMMIES N SHEEIT. In reality, all Kaczyński did was attend a bunch of meetings, and their policies are essentially gibsmedats for everyone.
Good. It means Polan's president is finally growing his own balls. The courts need reform but not one that's unconstitutional.
Oh and the gommie purge is happening anyway.
Its good if you are autistic and live in 2005 where you think that any of this shit matters in the face shitskin invasion.
Pyrrhic victory for Stasi babushka.
So...fascism when?
ou vey, poles are becoming intolerant
They will come up with a new bill, just a bit "better" formulated. I hope they do it.
Poland needs a based black man to lead their country
Smart. Make the plebs think they won. Wait a few months. Pass the law while nobody is looking with minor reforms. Everybody is too tired to protest again.
The retards will protest even more now when they think it actually gives results.
Well good, everyone agrees that judiciary system needs some changes, but giving all the power to iron Zbyszek (minister of justice and attorney general) would be fucking ridiculous.
In no normal country attorney general has all the power over court.
What political ramifications will this have on poland?
Will they finally take in the horde?
A popular protest in a democratic country lead to the president vetoing an unconstitutional law. Polan is healthy democracy, nothing to see here EU, go away.
Also, we're still poor as fuck, nothing to see here, your gibs are in another country. Fuck off we're full.
>Also, we're still poor as fuck,
I'm not
But you're dense. Or a Jew.
Dziecko ubeków detected.
Not dense, smart and hard working.
Not sure about jew, my father says that my grandmas family are the descendants of hungary's jews, but i guess he says this to make my grandma mad.
nah, no one in my family was ever connected with politics.
>nah, no one in my family was ever connected with politics
as if that ever mattered.
Niech juz wszystko pierdolnie, przynajmniej smiesznie bedzie
>tfw lots of swedes visit poland to fix their teeth for cheap
>fixing teeth in Sweden costs like €5000 versus life-saving heart-transplant cost about €20
something's gotta pay for the gibsmedats
>Not dense, smart and hard working.
And yet you are as dense as it gets.
The meme that Poland is poor is just that: a meme. But we need to meme the idea that the country is too poor to take in refugees or ((((western)))) immigrants (who ALWAYS turn liberal).
Everyone in Poland knows we're not poor. But we need the rest of the world to think that we are.
If you've not grasped the idea yet, you're clearly just a useful idiot enjoying ((((dobra koniunktura)))) and EU gibs, i.e. a Jewish puppet.
Wtf I love national healthcare now
>meme buzzwords
>more of meme buzzwords
Relax my man, the time of bydlo is upon us. You will finally get your chance!
Except you can't fix your teeth with national healthcare in Poland.
It wasn't about Polish one
What what a traitorous fag
>how did you pick your judiciary so far?
in Poland judges basically appoint themselves couple that with them standing above the law and lack of any commie purge after '89 and you end up with a "special cast of people" - as they call themselves - that is utterly corrupt and complitely outside of peoples control to the point where the judges openly claim that it's not the people who are the source of power and legitymacy but law's interpretation provided by judges
we actually fairly recently had a case of high level judge being caught red handed setting up the court's judgement in favour of previous president - but he's colleges decided that it is not a serious crime and they've sentenced him to be moved to another court
so yeah
The commie purge is still happening my friend.
Lol, even their own boy, the president, can see that their law was dogshit.
sounds good to me
>The commie purge is still happening my friend.
show your flag coward.
>the time of bydlo is upon us
Yes, but unfortunately the bydlo will be brown and black.
>lets remove "commie" judges
>i know the right man for the job, tovarish Piotrowicz please stand up
you can't make this shit up
Okay, Pedro
They won't come here. There are no borders in the EU if they wanted they would have already been here my man. They all want to be in Germany and Sweden.
The president confirmed he is signing the third bill. He also promised he will now involve himself in rewriting the two rejected bills.
Commies will be purged, but PiSiory won't be electing their own guys (like ) either.
there are people who switched sides between the two camps but those few example can not be used to make rules
without the radical purge nothing will change
Indeed. They don't want to come here thanks to the "Poland is poor" meme. It is in our interest to keep the external opinion this way. By boasting about your own riches, you're helping to change that opinion.
I'm all for judiciary changes, i just don't want Zbyszek to have unlimited power. He is a terrible human being.
o-ok ;_;
>I am all for changes but I don't want anything to change
>German calling others fascist
Also do you realize that blll wanted to make the law a copy paste of german law right ? So by this you are implying Germany has fascist laws. How fucking dense can you Germans be ?
Norpost is best post
you can't have your cake and eat it! either leave the EU or take those POOR REFUGEES in hahahaha
Good point. There is a literal shitskin invasion and they come in not via war but rather through institutions that have become subversive. Poland needs to tighten them up hard so that they dont get leveraged to bring in shitskins. If they dont they will suffer the same fate we in the west suffer.
Jesus Christ, we dodged a bullet. I was certain he wouldn't do it
Go away Sasha, don't you have a country to enslave somewhere?
It's very good because the bill would require defendants to get the PROSECUTORS (instead of the judge's) approval as a prerequisite for retrial. Basic
>I want change for the sake of change, no matter whether it's a change for good or for worse
kys. The reforms PAD vetoed would have turned a shitty judiciary system into just as shitty a judiciary system but under Ziobro's full control.
this image is confusing, what are you trying to say?
Good. No reason going fascist if you're cunt is already 99% white. Just gonna shoot yourself in the foot if there's no hostile element to use this new government power against.
Exactly. We need judicial reform, but not this one.
>it's the jooos who are to blame for everything, including communism
“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it. The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships, the dominant material relationships grasped as ideas.”
tldr: the elite dictate the terms. If you dont have a cucked or Jew elite then you are ok but that still does not mean you are without an elite.
>ctrl + f "rundown"
anyone care to explain?
>I want changes
>i.e. I want the PiS proposed """laws""" that will fuck the judiciary even harder
Pisowskie trolle and strawmen, please leave.
is that all?
>no hostile element
Aren't you familiar with the "Polan is secretly run by communists since the fall of communism" meme?
I can't see why those terrible, White Islamophobic racists are upset at the enrichment caused by these magnificent Muslims. Murder, mayhem chaos, rape and other such multicultural, diverse experiences are wonders to behold and make our drab lives more exciting and livable. After all what can make life more livable than slaughtering people left and right?
people forget there were 3 (three) bills, not 2, and one of it will be passed that is the most important for average Joe. It proves that protesters are just bunch of retards.
>their policies are essentially gibsmedats for everyone.
I was against them since like forever. But fuck me, they're doing some gods work right now. 500+ (500 zł for every child per month) sounds like retarded commie idea but it works great. People buy more, so other people have more money to buy other goods, and therefore there is more money for government from taxes it's win-win situation. First time since many years we do not have budget deficit! We do not have mudslimes here and we are on a good way to improve our country, Last thing we have to do is to punish thievs from previos government and without courts we can't do that right now.
This. What is their problem? They are all racist sexist bigots and islomophobes.
Totally 3d chess, now he has sure of aproval and they will pass this bill anyway.
Lower taxes can do more than gibs at a cheaper cost. That said, 500+ is one easy way to bump demography.
>That said, 500+ is one easy way to bump demography
Sad story m8 but it did not work in Australia. Only the chavs and abos used it. The best bet is to get more conditions to the program so that middle class people use it - make it more money but tie it to couples that are married and have a house or mortgage. That will prevent the lowest qual DNA from using it.
Imagine if they did that in the USA? There would be 10000000000000000000000s of nigger babies. The same goes for the white trash - only they use it.
>Lower taxes can do more than gibs at a cheaper cost.
not really. you would have to force businesses to pay more if that happened. Poland is cheap labor right now. Comparing wages to GDP we have the lowest wages in europe. It's not only about taxes.
>Only the chavs and abos used it
yeah... it would be nice to fix it a little bit, but at the same time it isn't so bad cuz we do not have abos nor niggers here.
*We had a baby bonus (5000 AUD) on top of the already generous family tax benefit. It helps niggers and white trash mainly. The gov gave up because of the people that were using it.
It seems Duda finally realized what it means to be the president.
Thank god the guy finally found his balls inside his trousers
Kaczor simply lost it. He's senile.
>it isn't so bad cuz we do not have abos nor niggers here.
Yeah but you still have low class white trash - (hell Sup Forums always want to remind you of them). They are the ones that are going to use it. Trust me. You gotta make it focused on the middle class if you want Polska to win. Having low class breed in the modern world is like having niggers breed.
Poland has different demographics. That said, some people are already making babies just for the gibs.
Lower income tax leads to cheaper labour at a higher buying power and helps the working and the middle class spend more.
500 zł isn't much. The thing is most of our trash ran away to goymany, UK and other eastern countries when we joined EU and 500+ isn't enough to make them come back. I do not really agree it should be for middle class only, they just do not need it. It should be only for parents (husband and wife) who works, that's all.
that only works in theory. Our last government for 8 years promoted Poland as cheap labor, and thanks to that everyone treats us as that.