Tell me Sup Forums, why shouldn't I move to Sweden? They seem to have it pretty good

Tell me Sup Forums, why shouldn't I move to Sweden? They seem to have it pretty good.

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Do it then. Life is the best teacher.

Any experience you have to share from Sweden?

Sweden already has enough shitskins as it is. Stay the hell outta there, olivenigger.

I only visited once, but the amount of "multiculturalism" made me extremely uncomfortable. Never again.

Why do you care, you are on another continent, which is also majority non-white.
Hm, I guess I have to see it to believe. Maybe I become redpilled.

It's great if you're black, if you're a respectable white man you might as well stay in Greece and be poor and masturbate to the image in your post.

>being attracted to Swedish whores

Odds that those girls sold out their fellow whites and voted to have muslims bend them over, and now have aids.

I hope you're at least 6' 3" otherwise you'll look rather inadequate for the ladies.

dont the greeks have good looking women?

Sounds about the same for Swedish men.

Swedish women are the worst. Humongous ego.

Fuck off we only want muslims

>sleep with as many as they want
Sweden has reached the final stage of Jew-ing

The more muslims we have the more free goat meat we find in the streets.

Fuck off we're full

thats a cat, Sven

This country is a joke. How do swedes stay this cool however?

sad to admit that im pretty ashamed of my country

if we're ever going to make sweden great again we need to start with bonnier, a jewish company controlling 7 of 9 mainstream newspapers, witch controlls the majority of people, its a funny ((coincidence)) who owns bonnier

excuse the bad english

Nah mate it's a goat(kid). Maybe you keep them as cats in Lithuania though,

Well, if you are a degenerate I guess it's pretty cool that all the women are down to fuck?


>implying uk and america arent as bad.

yeah they've got it real great...

How do you counter them? I could see some use in printing out propaganda and posting them all over an area, since they've restricted the internet.

Because you're a dirty shit skin

ive heard that its talk in sweden that we need to start censor the internet because of "hatespeech". Also bonnier is a big fan of that, ive finally decided to join the swedishdemocrats but i hope its not to late

Saturday I was getting back from the mountain to my hometown... and i was at this service station. And the place was PACKED, with long queues of people just outside the toilette, and not a single spot to even stop the car. So, i wedged my car somewhere between some stuff, and stood in my car while *other passengers of the car* went and do shit inside the bar.
And... i noticed i was next to the minivan of this Swedish family. And they were SO FAT. SO FAT. And they were sweating like pigs (because all the sittings\parking\spots with some shadow where gone, and we were in plain sunlight). And it was launch time. And they opened the boot of the car, and reached for 4 pieces of bread and... a stick of butter (btw... Lurpak butter, not some shitty German or Austrian or Italian butter...). And, this family of 4, in 5 minutes, ate that stick, entirely, just with bread. 500 kcal of butter per person, in 5 minutes.
God that was gruesome.

Haщe кypви щe ги зacpaмят.

our women are whores
apartments in Stockholm are ridiculously expensive, for a 40sqm apartment you either need to chosed a life-time of debt or risk getting mugged every night