>claims to be a nationalist
>eats dead animals that cause hundreds of diseases and health complications because "it tastes good and i'm not mentally strong enough to sacrifice taste for my health"
Claims to be a nationalist
Other urls found in this thread:
There are far worse foods than meat. Eat in moderation and you will be fine.
Yeah man, smoke in moderation. Eat plutonium in moderation. Murder in moderation. Rape in moderation. If you do everything in moderation, you'll be fine.
Nope, your risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis increases with every bit of meat you eat.
Not only that, but processed meats are the epitomy of Jewish/elite control because the foods are filled with shit that gets you addicted to it. Milk is full of hormones and lowers testosterone.
This is the worst argument Ive seen. it is on par with:
>because it is 2017
Read above. Even a bit of meat increases your chances of getting many health complications. Literally every bit you eat of it. There's no arguing against not eating it.
this thread gave me hundreds of diseases
umad nigger
Lmao well then you're really fucking weak
>the weak faggot vegan said as his ass was getting rammed by Jamal, all the meanwhile eating more of his soy chips
I'm not a nigger, but you are, at least mentally.
>This is what vegan fags actually believe
It's also a blood sacrifice by the jews, exactly like when they're raping kids, because animals are innocent creatures so the more we kill em the more powerful the eternal jew gets.
Then I guess I should never go out because there is a small chance of getting hit by a car
manchild spotted
babby can't eat meat
Go take some philosophy classes I'm not payed to endure the way you make non existent links.
>What we consider as a while man has on average 2 % of Neanderthal.
>Neanderthals were carnivores
Vegefaggot btfo.
>(((he fell for the soy jew)))
is there even a more jewish food than GMO altered processed Soy products?
But that is an outright lie. You cannot provide a single study that provides anything more than a speculative correlation between meat and disease. You certainly cannot provide any evidence of a causal link.
Meat is good for you. Saturated fats are good for you. High cholesterol is an indication of longevity in the elderly.
Cvd being caused by meat consumption is pure misinformation often cited to further the vegan agenda.
If meat is so bad for us why did our ancestors eat it and not die from "health complications".
Why is it historically noted that once humans ate meat they got bigger and developed larger brains?
Vegans have higher testosterone levels than meat eaters.
A British Journal of Cancer study of 696 men (233 of whom were vegans) concluded this: “Vegans had 13% higher T [testosterone] concentration than meat-eaters and 8% higher than vegetarians.” Not only did vegan men have as much testosterone as meat eaters, they actually have 13% MORE of this manly hormone.
false analogy
>eating food is the same as rape
>claims to be white
>eats non white food
Appeal to Futility Fallacy—arguing that there is no point in doing something because nothing will change. A variation of “it’s all the same” and a close cousin of “Just shut up, please stop talking.” Example, “government is just human nature so there’s nothing we can do about its unlimited growth.”
If you want to be angry at someone, hate the chinks for eating dogs and cats after slaughtering them in a senselessly cruel and inhumane fashion, you little bitch.
>everyone died at 30 until the 20th century
Yeah, they were doing great :)))
(citation needed)
Eating meat causes you to be healthy.
Overeating and never exercising makes you fat.
You're really retarded if you think you're going to stop people from eating it.
You will never have the vegan malnourished dreamworld you live in be a reality.
>grows man tits from eating soy products
No thanks, I'll stick to moose and venison.
>claims to be nationalist
>doesn't eat meat
>tumblr / srs vegan finds Sup Forums
>Makes vegan thread
>Gets btfo, cries
All cholesterol is bad for you. All meat is bad for you.
Don't believe you.
>claims to be male
>eats tranny food
>wonders why his balls are so small
every food is worse than meat
vegetarianism is a psyop to make more people eat tofu and other soy-based products to increase xenoestrogen intake
>vegetaricuck = no protein = no muscles = untermensch = gassed
you must die in the name of Hitler.
>All meat is bad
>Literally every study you cite is beef
Causes you to be healthy, some studies for that?
BTW You can get every nutrient from plant food, apart from B12 which used to be in drinking water
Nobody cares. Kill yourself kike, you're not fooling anyone.
>All meat is bad for you
How delusional can you be.
Milk is full of estrogen. Soy has phyto-estrogens which DO NOT increase estrogen levels in humans. That is literally a lie made up by the Jewish meat industry
>5 out of 6 vegans drop out
>most are lefties
>majority of them also have deficiencies.
Eat your precious snake then, if it's so good for you!
If you don't watch this, you're gonna die prematurely.
That is literally a lie made up by Jews, you fucking moron
Milk is full of estrogen. Soy has phyto-estrogens which DO NOT increase estrogen levels in humans
its a great motivational tool to make things like pic related though.
I bet you're gonna say it's an appeal to nature too because we as humans eat meat because we're omnivores, aren't you?
>5 out of 6 vegans drop out
Yes because they are weak cucks
>most are lefties
Yes because most of them do it for the animals, a real man does it for his own health, not an argument
>majority of them also have deficiencies.
Because they don't know what the fuck they're doing
Europeans can probably digest fat better than other races
>yfw you realize that the white race can digest dietary fat better than other races.
Fallacy fallacy faggot.
You didn't explain why the cases are different, IE, no actual argument, just pointing out fallacies.
>cause hundreds of diseases and health complications
They don't unless you're a lazy fat fuck. You're not a lazy fat fuck, are you?
Meat is digested with great efficiency by humans. Some vegetables on the other hand are not, due to a lack of enzimes or an alkaline stomach in certain individuals.
This fucken guy.
phyto- literally just means plant. That's the equivalent of saying "it's fructose not sucrose so you can't intake too much of it and get fat!"
Also, not only does it contain estrogens, it also decreases testosterone levels, at least according to this study:
>Dillingham, BL et al. Soy protein isolates of varying isoflavone content exert minor effects on serum reproductive hormones in healthy young men. J Nutr. 2005; 135(3): 584-91
Testosterone production is decreased by soy protein intake as well as affecting a few other hormones.
This study:
>Chavarro, JE et al. Soy food and isoflavone intake in relation to semen quality parameters among men from an infertility clinic. Human Reprod. 2008; 23(11): 2584-2590
proved that consuming soy decreases your sperm count too.
Also, Hitler was against unnecessary killing of animals and promoted vegetarianism.
Why is it so hard to be a vegan? I've been a vegan for 10 years, because it makes me fucking supieror in every way. I have more beard, bigger muscles and a lot more energy than my meat eating peers.
The only problem I had was with my blood iron levels, since I donate blood regularly (it's good for your spine, blood letting etc). I fixed this by stating to cook my food in a cast iron skillet. B12 is a big pharma myth and all other nutrients literally exists in abundance in all vegetables/fruits. It's meat eaters who need supplements like vitamins and shit.
fucking hell, is there vegan threads on Sup Forums every day now?
every time i open up the catalog theres some cunt going on about being a vegan and taking the moral high ground in the process
Don't mind me OP just grilling some meat here, enjoy your grass though
There is no proof that we are omnivores. Having the ability to digest meat doesn't mean you're supposed to eat it. We have herbivorous teeth. We have herbivorous jaws, which can be moved sideways while carnivorous and omnivorous jaws can't. Only herbivores can develop atherosclerosis, so then explain how humans can get it. We don't have the natural instinct to hunt down animals and eat them raw. We don't have claws or anything similar with which to hunt down anything, we barely have fucking nails for Christ sake. All of our closest genetic relatives are herbivorous. These are just from the top of my head, there are thousands of other reasons
Oxen eat only grass, and they could easily stomp your entire family to death with their 2 tonne body. Please tell me again how plants are for little weak faggots.
Look at how much traffic Sup Forums has been getting since the US Election. These are normalfag redditors.
>le meat is unhealthy meme
to do the opposite of what the jew wants, eat these foods lol
>being an evolutionary cuckhold
We're at the top of the food chain for a reason.
The introduction of meat into the human diet contributed to the evolution of our brains.
Also only SJWs and some groups of shitskins dont eat meat.
Really makes you think..
>Hippie larping as a Nazi
I'd like to know your stance on fish meat and other seafoods, do you consider those meats healthy for human consumption?
For fuck sake, you're a complete moron.
Stopping consuming meat makes you healthier. If the argument is that "well I guess I can't go out if I get hit by a car", you could also say "Well I guess I should neck myself because I just might get cancer any second now" There are unfortunate events that might happen, but that doesn't mean you should let them dictate your life. But by quitting meat, you lower your chance of dying early and getting diseases.
i think u mean jack decapico
Of course it did. Then intelligence gave us the power of agriculture, which is much more effective and healthy for us.
Why do you cling to stone age memes? Are you a fucking half-ape nigger tier retard?
shall we move on to the ethics and environmentalism?
Here's one of mine from your same source
this one proves that consuming soy IN PLACE of meat fucks your testosterone over, while yours proves that consuming soy in moderation along with meat is fine. Lmfao imagine being as much of a dumbass as this hippy.
Well fish is kind of tricky, because there's fish that's very unhealthy and fish that's borderline good for you. Also fish has all kinds of toxins and plastic materials that they've picked from the waters.
T rex eat only meat and they could easily stomp your entire family to death with their 9 tonne body. Please tell me again how meats are for little weak faggots.
thats one shit study im amazed it got published
He might be a nigger, but he's right
Ate*, they all got extinct - remember? Why? Because eating meat is a fucking liability.
We also have teeth made for eating meat
If you can't handle your fallacies being pointed out don't use fallacies as arguments, just because you have the argument in your head or have put it in response to others doesn't excuse not having it in that post.
Carnivore/Herbivore/Omnivore is based on diet, on average Humans gravitate towards eating a mixed diet, we are Omnivores.
Tribes we haven't contacted with still hunter and gather, gather plants and hunt meat.
thank you for ignoring the evidence I posted.
We do not. Look up a bear
I cannot understand your argument replying to my first post. That literally does not make any sense
>average Humans gravitate towards eating a mixed diet, we are Omnivores.
Nope. Humans ate meat because it was available and easy to get.
I would murder you excessively, false flagging nigger
>they all got extinct - remember? Why? Because eating meat is a fucking liability.
>apart from vitamin B12
which is really crucial for red blood cells develompent
The average Indian also consumes much less meat than the west. Go figure, nigger.
So I guess I shouldn't go outside OR eat meat because a comet my fall on me?
M8 if people want to eat meat then let them. Stop being an annoying faggot and forcing people to adopt your unpopular lifestyle.
Get fucked faggot.
>doesnt eat meat
>wonders why he lacks the strength to fend of Jamal
>wonders why he jerks off to porn instead of fucking sluts on Thursday nights
By that logic, eating plants is a liability because this thing went extinct.
For some populations plants were available and easy to get, therefore it's not part of our diet and we don't eat it?
Elaborate on your point, you're not making sense.
I'm certain the the extinction events that revolved around volcanic eruptions (Siberian trap eruptions) meteor impact and ice ages were heavily influenced by the selection of omnivores and carnivores and they just brought the herbivores along for the ride because fuck those vegans right?
Um, bears eat people you dipshit
If you don't want to address me, post a picture of your wrists so we can see how low-T and limp they are.
>leftards LARPing as nazis
Mammoths ate grass and other plants. They also became* extinct. Because they got overhunted by humans with pointy sticks like the dumb animals they were.
This comment proves you've picked a stance and are only arguing towards it.
Borderline good for you?
Gee I guess I can eat those cuz Internet veganfag says I can but only if the evil corporations haven't poisoned the meat.
Fucking pussy. Get some toxoplasmosis going on and fucking rage through poisons and pollution.
Any moment passing up meat is a risk of not living how I want, and I'm unwilling to do that.
Take the meat pill faggot.
Cuspid/Canine teeth. We have 4, they are efficient at tearing material, like meats.
The premolars are almost like a hybrid of a molars and canines, being good at tearing and crushing.
Humans have been eating meat for thousnds of years, our teeth have evolved to reflect that.
OP wants us to devolve
Op abandoned thread?