What the hell happened?
40% of Asian women refuse to date Asian "men"
Shits rough mang
White guys switched to asian women because they're tighter and don't smell as bad as white women. Plus less of them are fucking roasties.
Damn nearly all Asian Hollywood stars date White men. Why do Asian women hate their own "men" so much?
Asian women literally dream about the rich white cock
That';s all according to online dating websites. As such the statistics are only slightly relevant. Asian communities in the west are largely insular in nature, meaning if any of them actually want an Asian boyfriend, they don't need a dating website.
But nearly 40% of Asian women in America marry White men the highest percentage of any racial group
Well, maybe this will persuade Asian guys not to immigrate to the West or immigrate with your family.
I doubt it though so fuck you.
I'm against White ex-pats going to your country and fucking your women but if Asians migrate to the West en masse then fuck you. You deserve to lose your women by 50%
Because white and Asian men alike need a good dose of testosterone.
Stop jerking off to hentai for a start
Wrong graph
And that includes first generation Asians. So 2nd and 3rd gen is even higher.
It didn't have to be like this Asianbros but you're part of the invasion of the West.
Sucks to be me right now
German men here get asian pussy easily
most asian men are too cucked by their desire to climb the socio economic ladder
I cannot stop fucking Asian pussy
I'm sorry Asian bros but it's too good
Self hating Asian women.
Crazy as fuck, but great in the sack
>Self hating Asian women
Holy shit you have to love Asian sluts
They are insane and they eagerly do anything in bed. They will take a full facial and be happy about it, because muh white dick
Is this how white women are with blacks?
Genetically modified soy.
Feminization of an entire people
I never usually see women like this with nogs
>and don't smell as bad as white women
White women smell?
Of sour urine and sweat. Thanks to body hair and tons of dairy in the diet.
if you're asian in the states you will never really feel assimilated.
you grow up to either feel like you to beat the white devil or uncomfortable with your status as a minority
white men have yellow fever because asian girls are exotic, but not considered savage.
all women are self-hating, except black ones, which despite having more than enough reasons to have low self-esteem, have it in strides but it doesn't help because no one wants to fuck them
Asian girls also watch anime. Trouble is, 99.9% of males in the show look like westerners. So, by default girls grow up thinking westerners are normal and Asian males are abnormal.
I'm not saying these people are Asian, but they claim to be. And many Asian males are becoming either this. Gamer kids. Or overbearing business men.
Asian women don't seem to like any of these. They prefer White Males with jobs in fields such as accounting, IT, some kind of software deal or just white Chads. Asian women fall for their own people's stereotypes and while they want money they don't want to marry a boring Chan the doctor who spends more time at work and not enough time spending money on her.
Trying to find a video of vicky li she liked it aboit a year ago it was of her walking up some stairs and on a bed.
Pretty high quality softcore style video. Anyone know what im talking about?
>accounting, IT, some kind of software deal or just white Chads
Literally all of those fields are full of Chinks. Asian women just worship BWC. Can't blame em though, hollywood and american culture literally tells them to hate themselves and marry a white man
roll for gf user
also can confirm. asian girls who didn't exclusively clique around other asians were some of the sluttiest girls at my school.
honestly the converse is also kinda true here. if you're fit and speak english well enough as an asian i see a lot of asian men with white girls here.
but you can tell they're whitewashed and they conduct themselves rather differently from more "pure" asians
lucky sob
Forever alone.
No thanks, my asian gf is hotter than these roasties.
Le roll
>internet dating
and nothing of value was lost
true redpill coming though
It's because asian mens testosterone is fucked up due to soy and asian women subconciously see this.
Sounds like an acknowledgment that your penis is small, desu. Asian women are tighter hurdur.
In my home, woman would not be seen with western dog!
Sauce on that Germanbro? I know it's about a wrestler mom that loses to cock, but that's all I remember.
Commies live in houses?
don't you guys eat western dogs?
Just because their pussies are tighter doesn't make your dick bigger, user. But keep dreaming while your own race's population is in a decline. 56%.
Asian men dislike race mixing, and are mostly conservative in nature. Either stay single or marry conservatively.
Asian women are simple/dumb/mainstream as fuck and fall for all the Jewy memes.
in reality it's the other way around.
asian men are smarter and more successful. white women love the asian sensation. i live in europe right now and european women love my asian sperm deep inside them hehehe
wew lad shes gettin big
Asian men are shit tier. They cheat a lot once they're in a position of power and money, they are not loyal, and treat their women like dogs. Although they are not sexual beasts, they are creeps who feel awkward during sex so they go for strange and extremely submissive shit. Of course not all of them but many of them yeah.
Even according to prostitutes Japanese men are the fucking worst, they are extremely violent (in a creepy way) towards women when they have sex.
if some chink spergs out include me in the screencap
They aren't brainwashed by Jews and can see white men are the most attractive.
They even settle with old sex tourists because they know it's still an improvement on their genetic line.
lol cry more
>fucking niggers stealing our white wimminz
>yeah boi asian bitches can't resist muh white dick
Why do white people that say they hate nigs, act like nigs?
that's only for the US. and honestly, there it's no surprise. would have found it more interesting if the same result had come from Asia
b-but asian female SJWs say it's white men who are fetishing them
Shill thread.
There aren't as many Whites in Asia than Asians in USA, proportionally speaking.
However, all the white bois settled in Asia have an Asian gf/wife. (Not those who already had a gf/wife before coming to Asia)
You forgot 0 you dumb fuck. I'm taking your waifu
Mods are stupid for leaving race-mixing threads up. Hapas and other mixed abominations must be exterminated. They're liberal filth who will vote against white interests.
Yes...Race-mix...Asian pussy was made for BIG WHITE COCK.
Fuck I cant stand asian women. Noth of my sisters and three of my cousins are with white guys, which isnt even the worst case, I know one filipino family in which all of the females are with non asian men. It sucks because I want my kids to be full asian, but its fucking hard when they are always sluts for white douchebags
yeah, just wanted to point out that it will also be due to the social environment (white societies are dominated by white men, and women love dominance) as well as a simple statistics: there are more decent whites to pick from than there are decent asians to pick from in the US.
0 means no gf, it was implied faggot. Enjoy ur 4
its not even political, its just a fucking fetish
how can you be politically incorrect to something that isnt political in the first place
then go to an Asian country. not exactly hard.
fuck, if I had the option to just go to a white country where everyone else is told to fuck off, I sure as hell would do so.
Go back to posting nigger dicks Chang
Why would you have that saved, to begin with, you faggot?
Small women = small parts
Big women = big parts
same goes for men
Exactly, take this shit to Sup Forums or some other board that this makes sense for. These threads weren't as common until Moot's prank happened and how he replaced all mods with Reddit garbage.
Night Mods = Best Mods
I work half-time in Asia and you'd be amazed to see how white guys who settled there are popular as fuck. Not the beta English teacher, talking about engineers, finance workers, or managers. If they are single, they are easily surrounded by 4-7 female coworkers when they go to the restaurant after work. And they all laugh at every single line he says. Asian pussy really craves for the alpha whitey.
My parents and I were both born here though, I have no cultural connection to asia. I dont want to pop out some happa with a white girl either. My sisters already did that. My other problem is my extreme attraction to black females.
One look at Japanese porn tells you everything you need to know about the creepiness of Japanese men
you guys are dumb. multiculturalism, race-mixing and reproduction are important topics of discussion.
we have to prepare for an interracial revolution.
Das jus bad hygien
Yeah, my point was mostly about this specific study. I didn't question white guys being popular in general. Especially in Asia they basically worship white men.
If only Asian women actually looked like they do in the photoshopped pictures.
i have chinese cousins in africa and they have children with the local women hehehe
african women love chinese cock
No, they love Chinese money.
then just rice some black women I guess. would probably do society a favor. unless you create offspring with the shrewdness of Asians but the behavior of nignogs. Then you created some super pest I guess
>when you have a racemixing fetish so bad you have to impose it on others
>I'm against White ex-pats going to your country and fucking your women
I try to be strong, but I'm not made of stone. How can I deny them when they're so thirsty for my white seed?
Haven't you seen red pilled comics lately.
Sums up the average basic bitch to a "T".
Isn't that the same for Asian women going after white men?
Women always desire to marry up, and in terms of wealth and social standing the ranking is black < asian < white
Who is that beauty in OP?
Stop eating avocado toast and stop watching House of cards
My white cock wants 2 and 6...
Anything but 5
>stop watching House of cards
Asian women are mentally ill
faker than pamela anderson's tits
Its your mileage not your height/weight
Women desire to breed with men who have resources, as instinct tells them - not unreasonably - that children with more resources are more likely to survive / breed themselves.
Whether those resources are genetic or financial doesn't make that much difference as to how much the gynie tingles.
>be one of the most hard working, and intelligent male demographics with non existent crime problems and high social mobility ...Should be the ideal mate according to women
>Be shitted on by your own women and be treated as essentially non entities by most women....even low IQ nignogs and Latinos get more play than you.
Asian males proves that modern women care more about how much of a thug your willing to be to get her bits tingly than whether you're a decent hard working male. Brutish masculinity trumps being a good guy following rules to success when it comes to modern women, and unfortunately Asian males are disadvantaged in this area. This is a problem since in this new dating environment post female empowerment, low intelligent males with violent tendencies and poor impulse control are the most likely to have multiple kids with women, since he ticks all the right boxes, yet intelligent but socially inept males don't get much play, which will in the long term, could lead to idiocracy. The fact that some of the most hard working males who contribute the most to our society are least likely to get married like Asians, shows that there's something wrong with modern women. This is almost reverse natural selection.
Guess how we can tell you're female?
Incorrect logic. Plenty of short guys have above average dicks in both length and girth. I knew this 6'5" faggot way back who I swear to god must have been a channer since all he talked about was his height and he kept complaining how his 5 inch dick looked comical next to his lanky frame. lol at him.
The way forward.
honestly, the avocado complaint had some merit but the house of cards one was just fucking retarded
>why don't you work 18 hours per day??
could only be said by someone who inherited but never did any real work. your productivity already goes down after 6-7 hours, after 12 you are just fried (either physically or mentally)
I've also known short women who were pretty loose
race mixing of any kind is wrong and disgusting!