Is their language difficult to learn?
I am Black and I am going to live in Denmark
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Yes, and we don't like people who doesn't speak it well!
Fun asides, Danish language have such a sophistication, so that for you to speak it properly you will need to train extensively to speak it well. You will most likely speak it bad and appear stupid.
Yes very difficult, so much so you shouldn't come here we don't understand English either.
But i have heard very good things about Sweden though.
Are Scandinavian languages mutually intelligible?
Not at all. I learned it while on the other side of the planet.
No it isn't. I think it's even one of the easiest language to learn for a native english speaker.
Only for some.
Swedish and Norwegian sounds like gobble de gook to me :/
Don't come to Denmark.
No, you won't be able to speak our language.
I've heard Sweden loves your kind, go there instead.
But can you not sound like a retard talking to a native dane?
Highly doubt it ;)
>I've heard Sweden loves your kind, go there instead.
I think this goy is on to sumfin
Not true at all
I was many times in syddanmark and got along very well only with german i never used my okish danish
>Come home white man
Grammar is as "simple" as English, though different. Pronounciation is absolutely bonkers.
We cut off endings of words and speak fast - but it's doable.
Though be prepared to take a lot of vitamin D, as there's not a lot of sun up here - I'm pale as wheat dough and I need to take supplements.
You'd need double that.
To a large extent, it sounds like strong dialects rather than different langauges.
Skam jer drenge, I lægger jer s'gu for tæt på ad Sup Forumstard's måde at behandle andre mennesker på.
Ya okay, I'm kidding.
Dansker i Japan her. Fuck hvor er der sygt varmt i det her land.
fuck off, we're full
Listen here Krautman, niggers don't go to the less populated areas, like southern Denmark. They go to the larger cities and stay there to fuck everything up.
See the USA for reference.
You sound too old to be a weaboo, but it's ironic that I'd judge someone on that point.
Skamme os over at sende spaderne til Sverige? Jeg lugter en svensk spion!
Yes stay in Canada
Fuck af.
fuck off, we're full. I heard that German girls crave Big Black Cock, go there
I would advice against going to Denmark. You should go live in England instead.
Brits will even throw their woman at you no questions asked
Dont listen to this racist! 99% of swedes would welcome you with open arms, you should definitely go to Sweden there is free housing for your kind there. and their women will throw themself at you.
For helvede, jeg troede naivt at vi Danskere var bedre end 4chans racistiske befolkning - at vi repræsenterede et åbent sind, at vi var forstående og generelt bedre uddannet.
Jeg tog fejl.
Der er et land på den anden side af broen der vil byde dig velkommen med åbne arme.
Gor os alle en tjeneste og flyt dertil.
On behalf of Denmark I'd like to make the following case: fuck off we're full.
Godt oversat. Meget direkte. Du havde mig næsten.
>Mentions he's black for no apparent reason
Is this man just trying to start shit?
t. Nydansker
Everything is difficult for a nigger to learn
It's a leaf, of course he is. It's just something he posts to lure out danish posters.
>et åpent sinn.
dude weed.
Ingen oversættelse her, ej heller nogen ironi.
Jeg mener hvad jeg skriver, jeg ved godt at det gor man ikke normalt her på stedet, hvor man helst skal være sarkastisk og sorthumoristisk og allerhelst sparke til alle der ligger ned.
Fodt og opvokset her, evigbleg som et lagen.
Tænk at det sku' være nodvendigt at nævne.
Min skamfolelse er nu fordoblet.
its a bait thread
Naj, forihelvede. Nu skall jeg bege en kege med dænske bog fan
>99% swedes
>SD has almost 30%
>this statistic
Something isn't right with this post
Thanks, can't wait to be here after graduating.
... og hvor helvede er mine O'er?
Soren, modt, polle...
Tror du skal hjem til Reddit igen.
>jeg troede naivt at vi Danskere var bedre end 4chans racistiske befolkning
luk computeren, uffe
>Ingen oversættelse her, ej heller nogen ironi
Hard to believe. It's a word for word translation of what people in UK, USA, Sweden etc. wrties when UKIP, Trump, SD etc. gets more and more votes. Or are social democrats like yourself that moronic across the world?
Fucking nigger.
Tag til Sandholm og sut pik.
From what I've seen from my time abroad. You either live in a rich area to survive off English, or you learn the language
jeg er racist og stolt, mit land skal ikke overrendes af perkere og negere
He should go to Africa
>Skam jer drenge, I lægger jer s'gu for tæt på ad Sup Forumstard's måde at behandle andre mennesker på.
Europeans are doomed by their own pathological altruism
You're gonna bake a cake with danish book fans?
Nice image.
Det er s'gu ikke mit problem at du ikke forstår dit eget sprog. Fænosse.
Patetisk: tillægsord
fremfort med el. præget af stærke folelser; fuld af patos; synonym folelsesfuld, folelsesladet
● for hojtidelig; overdrevent folelsesfuld el. dramatisk; synonym svulstig, hojstemt
Jeg ka' se du henter dit ordforråd hos amerikanerne og ikke taler ordentlig dansk.
Næh, du er såmænd bare uintelligent. Din stakkel.
t. jode
No, economic migrants like OP should go to hell.
>Det er s'gu ikke mit problem at du ikke forstår dit eget sprog
What do you mean? I do understand danish, but try to keep things in english on Sup Forums or go back to r/danmark where you so clearly belong.
Don't go to Denmark. Go to Russia or something, there's not really much blacks so a couple wouldn't ruin much.
No, I'm actually black.
I mentioned this detail to piss off those who insult us all day long.
everything is hard to learn when you are a nigger
Fuck off, nigger. Europe is full.
Jeg ka' li' mit sprog. Jeg bruger det nå jeg vil.
Ignore lowest common denominator, though it's a loud, annoying group.
Hvem er det du tror du hjælper, ved at åben og tolerant holdning overfor alle der vil ind i vores land?
please fortæl at du er af svensk æt
ǿ blev fjernet pga. blǿgspǿ
What do they have to do with it?
>when the jews infiltrate your country
Vores situation er selvforskyldt.
Derudover er det ligemeget hvad vi gor, menneskeheden er væk om ca. 100 årstid - vi har odelagt miljoet, så fuck os alle.
Enorme pikhjerne.
Nå alle i hidsige småborn, ka' i hygge jeg med jeres barnlige, ubegavede perma-had?
Fuck off monkey, move back to Africa. Why are you so racist and selfhating that you can't stand living among your own kin?
>å alle i hidsige småborn, ka' i hygge jeg med jeres barnlige, ubegavede perma-had
Does that mean you're finally leaving?
Hundehoved! Hængerov! Lusede amator! Socialdemokrat!
>Unironically believes in climate change
Can't cure retardation I suppose.
back 2 Leddit
how are you going to find a black woman in denmark? might be difficult
Unless the people stop him, he's not the one at fault here. After all, he is a nigger. I bet he can't even comprehend the ramifications of his actions.
I wouldn't mind a squad of nazis shooting him upon arrival, but that's really your call to make.
Everyday, Same thread, different country.
Remember to redpill the shills before you SAGE in all fields
Gook moot don't want danish ö to work
You should move to africa if you are black, but the best thing for this world would be if you killed yourself.
Fuck OFF you God damned monkey!
>Vores situation er selvforskyldt
Og hvordan er vores situation selvforskyldt? Den brede befolkning har ikke bedt disse mennesker om at komme.
Hvis du tænker på krigene i MENA, så er jeg helt enig i at de aldrig skulle have været foregået, og man skulle have ladet muslimerne gore deres ting, som vi har gjort det i Europa. Men det gor ikke mine born selvforskyldte, at skulle vokse op i et utrygt Danmark, med en god portion indavlede mennesker, der unægtelig tror på sort magi.
Denmark is like the mexico of scandinavia.
Ready to pay the Danegeld?
>t. Alternativet-hippie
man kan ikke styre et land med kram og kylligedans. men du må gerne få en enkeltbillet til Riyadh
LOOK A JEW, can't wait to deport you to Sweden, again
>Denmark is like the mexico of scandinavia
Posted Sven, struggling to hit the right keys on his keyboard as his eyes were clouded with a negro's semen.
>Hordes of migrants travel to the neighboring country to take low-paid jobs.
>Their country is in large debt.
>"Ey man, we use to be Carolus Rex esè."
Who told you that I wanted a black woman?
We got plenty, they're just all Muslims.
It's really easy to learn if you know English well, their in the same lingual family. You'll have no problem learning it if you practice it each day, I managed to learn abit of Swedish by just chatting online with Swedes.
> I am Black
Why don't you learn your ancestral language of Congolese and go back to the jungle?
Bliv på RUC din ubrugelige lorte humanistiske pladder abe.
So thats why Sweds travel to Denmark to work in low payd jobs? enjoy that abdulla dick in your as muhammed
based kike
you tell him
tag og flyt til sverige hanreje
>Based kike
As expected of an American.
Shut up, cuck.