how is slovenia handling the blackening of europe?
How is slovenia handling the blackening of europe?
By stealing leaked transport ministry database and selling it to russia and terrorists
I maybe see a couple of black persons per year.
Seen one this year.
We are too much of a shithole for anyone to want to come here
Our ruling politicians are more or less marxists and EU cock-suckers though, and already took some migrants in. There were already some protests against migrants, and some pro-migrant.
There is like one million of them they better start reproducing fast like 4 kids per family if they want to survive as a nation
I am actually so jealous on your countries..
ive been to slovenia though and it is a nicer more comfy place than most of germany ....
luckily gibs are less than 300€ which means u cant survive thru month without work.
Not that great. We have our own fifth column comprised of ex-yugo immigirants that shill "diversity" and "multiculturalism".
The first mosque in the country is being built right now, by retarded inbred Bosniaks financed by Quatar. They're also shilling for a constitutional(!!!) change so they can get minority """"rights""" paving the road for shitskins as our present constitution literally limits minority rights to Italians and Hungarians in their respective border areas. (and thanks to the EU-gypsies)
On our independence day, independence from COMMUNIST Yugoslavia, ex-yugo's held a concert in the center of the city called "I'll wear the red star" with prominent guests being yugo-shits talking about how great communism actually is.
Yeah, 150-250€ if you're Slovenian and looking for work.
1000€ if you're a gyppo or a mudshit with 5 kids plus free apartments or houses. Go ahead and google "stanovnajski sklad javni razpis" and look at the people listed. Its nothing but yugoshit and gypsies with a token Slovene here and there.
What blackening do you mean:
a.) Bosnian blacks
b.) Serbian blacks
c.) Croatian blacks
Most actual niggers are in Ljubljana, main city and they don't come directly from Africa, they are citizen of Switzerland, Germany and Italy, hopefully they get deport since i very doubt they can even speak Slovenian.
We're ok, but we need to get rid of the commies on the next ellections. I can't stand to see those faggy faces of the "left" such as Kordiš and that old drying cunt (forgot her name).
Also, we need to deal with Albanians ASAP! I had to kick an Albanian kid in a head yesterday, because he was picking on a Slovenian kid. How should we approach the Albanian problem?
We need to send Christians to goli otok and reinstall Commies.
>picture related company who can't pay their bills
Capitalism is pure crap, hasn't benefited a cent to Slovenia. We have same salaries or lower, but 300% higher prices and 3 times higher crime.
It's funny always when there is an interview with some communist cuck, they are super eager to take in refugees. But when they are asked if they would take them inside their own homes, they just shut up.
It's easy to virtue signal when you live inside your comfy ivory tower.
>We have same salaries or lower, but 300% higher prices and 3 times higher crime.
Literally bullshit disproven in 5 minutes
Average wage in € in 1990: ~150€
Average wage in € in 2016: ~1100€
Literally the only thing that is lagging behind is pensions, thanks to retarded communists and their ponzi scheme so that now they turned pro-refugees to "upkeep the """"social"""" state"
First of all Socialism ended in 1985 when Serbians pumped German mark into Yugoslavia and created inflation. We have the most expensive food, how are you proud of that? Look how much houses cost here compare to salary. In Yugoslavia you could buy a house for 10000 Euro with land. Look our gas prices, higher than in USA. Look out prices of cigarettes, higher than in Ango countries where they complain about high prices. Look our prices of new cars compare to salary.
Been based since 80s
Yeah, we had salary of 157 you turdo Jew retarded capitalist, i wonder how we paid for bread. In past you got paid vacation at any time and you got also got also at amount for food you shitlord claim it was salary, which you could transform into cash to your salary if you didn't want to eat food provided by company. GTFO you retarded Christian monkey. Everybody that worked in past could afford to buy a house. Where is this 1000 salary anyway? There are no long-term jobs unless you still working since Socialism times. People work based on contracts.
USA has really cheap fuel because of low taxes. But they don't get free collage and shit like that. So it's a bad comparison.
Free college? What free college? You didn't need college in Yugoslavia. Oh you mean Slovenian college after 1991, that's not Socialism. We got 6 universities in whole Yugoslavia, now we have more in Ljubljana alone.
No, that's my reasoning why fuel is cheaper in USA. healthcare and public collage costs money
Yugoslavia had almost 10% of its population working abroad sending remmitance back home, you fucking idiot.
>Yeah, we had salary of 157 you turdo Jew retarded capitalist, i wonder how we paid for bread.
With money, idiot, its just that you couldn't buy as much bread with Yugoslav wages than you can with Slovenian wages.
>In past you got paid vacation
There's literally a LAW that guarantees a certain amount of PAID vacations for EVERY employee. What do you think regres is you fucking idiot?
All I can gather from you so far is that you never worked in your life otherwise you'd know this. Typical socialist though.
> Look out prices of cigarettes, higher than in Ango countries where they complain about high prices.
The prices are LOWER than anglo countries and the only reason they are so expensive is because of tax specifically on tobacco.
>Look our prices of new cars compare to salary.
Any retard can buy a car today. In Yugoslavia people drove around in fucking Fičo's and stoenka's-. You were hot shit if you had a shitty TAS Golf.
>Everybody that worked in past could afford to buy a house.
"Afford" is a nice way of saying gib me dats untill gib me dats ran out and the economy collapsed.
Oh, not to mention how people "built" houses using debt that was disppeared due to infaltion. But that's okay, you got a house, who gives a shit that people on minimum wage get half their income stolen by the state.
Healthcare gone up from 13 per month to 30 per month and you also have to pay extra for new technology, for teeth for example and you also need extra insurance, which then totals 35 per month. Everything is going up. In past it was 13 and you got no extras to pay, that was 6 years ago.
good argument for capitalism. USA is pretty good
>Yugoslavia was working abroad
Is this why we had:
How do you trade you Jew if you have no foreign money allowed and no stocks and no foreign banks? In Yugoslavia you have part of national army, not foreign businessmen.
I've seen quite a few mudshits lately around shopping centres. Little bit worried tbqh.
You are a complete low IQ retard Christian Jew. Debt and welfare doesn't exists in Socialism. You can't borrow from foreigners if you are not part of international financial system. Never go full retard.
thank you senpai
Yugoslavia nationalized property, which means you don't rent, country owns everything, there is no debt if i own it all. That's what you always complained about, that no foreigner can own land or company here. If you own a thing you don't pay rent for it, there is no debt.
but isn't it better to have private property? Usually government is just a bunch of faggots. I would prefer them not own everything
Are you retarded? There was roughly 1.5 million Yugoslav workers working abroad as guest workers, especially in Germany and western Europe. Funny how they all worked in the evil capitalist west. Socialism was so great they couldn't get actual productive jobs in Yugoslavia and the government encouraged emigration of guest workers.
The same socialist today claim that emigration of Slovenes (that's not even a fraction of what it was in Yugoslavia) is proof of the failure of capitalism. Haha!
In 1988 Yugoslav guest workers sent home 4-5 billion dollars in remmittance. Roughly 5% of the entire Yugoslav GDP was Yugoslavs working in capitalist countries and sending money to Yugoslavia.
>socialism is so great we have to send workers to capitalist countries where they not only earn more, live better but can also afford to upkeep their families in Yugoslavia as well
>there is no debt
Yugoslavia had a yearly increase of 20% in debt. pic related.
Yeah, and an economy that's not failing, a trade surplus and economic growth. None of which Yugoslavia had.
Pic fucking related.
You and your Americanized economy, government ownership isn't public ownership. If i own my land then why should i pay to German money, i own it. How do i pay mr. German money if his money is worthless in Yugoslavia and my money is worthless in Germany?
Yeah mr. Amerishit, i own debt because i won my house, company and land and dollar is banned on my land. Gee wiz i wonder how i own dollars if dollar is worthless in Yugoslavia. Must be some Jesus anus magic. Go pick up sand and exchange it for gold, see what happens, that's how much dollar was worth here in Yugoslavia.
We're not going to get blacked. Rather, we're getting balkanized.
The Left threatens us by erasing our lingo by giving more gibs and muh rights to balkan scum
then, there's the qatari mosque, god help us
Of course it's fucking better to have private property, I'll never understand this public ownership crap.
What did the last 28 years show us?
Government can't even take care of its own companies, let alone its people.
I honestly think people that put their trust in the government at this stage, have been demoralized.
It's really self-evident since so many of them are young.
And we the young have been taught from high school onwards, that all is lost, since you know, we grew up during the 2008-???? economic crisis.
It's why I'm moving away as soon as I graduate college.
I just know that at one point commies are going to go full violence and nationalize everything while shooting dissenters.
People think it's not happening because muh Europe, but I actually know or have known couple of young ZL members,
and I can assure you these people will not shy away from violence in order to get what they want,
which I believe is a system similar to the one enacted by OF in the 1945-1948 period.
Violent stalinist revolution, each individual gets one room in a commie block to live in,
no freedom of speech, press, religion, no safety from death.
>I'll never understand this public ownership crap.
Of course you don't understand, how can a retarded Christian kike understand concept of own property? How can Christians survive without foreigner butt licking from Israel to USA.
Capitalists logic:
- nationalized country and ownership over my own land is debt.
- when every Slovenian rents a car, house and is getting cops on his ass because can't pay bills, that's not debt, that's freedom.
- Jesus isn't a Jew even when mentioned thousand times in bible
- Cultural Marxists are degenerates when they had ban on porn and prostitution, while freedom people who buy prostitutes and produce porn are not degenerate
If prostitutes exist and homeless exist, out of which none existed in Yugoslavia, should be proof enough people don't have money, nor ownership.
you are SLAVS which are part of the BALKANS and speak a SLAVIC language
stop being delusional fucks and larping like you are germans, they dont want you to be associated with them.
No one is larping as a german you retard. We just don't want tracksuit wearing degenerates in our country.
>a retarded Christian kike
>nationalized country and ownership over my own land is debt
>when every Slovenian rents a car, house and is getting cops on his ass because can't pay bills, that's not debt, that's freedom.
that's literally the system you want you fucking moron, who are you paying the bills to? Electricity and water providers are state-owned, and the only other way to get in debt is by not paying your taxes, which are now so insanely high you can simply forget about your inheritance, let alone ever buying anything more expensive than a car.
>Jesus isn't a Jew even when mentioned thousand times in bible
*tips fedora*
>Cultural Marxists are degenerates when they had ban on porn and prostitution, while freedom people who buy prostitutes and produce porn are not degenerate
If prostitutes exist and homeless exist, out of which none existed in Yugoslavia, should be proof enough people don't have money, nor ownership.
what the fuck are you on about, is this what Mladina says nowadays? lmao, gtfo u lazy sack of commie shit
they are part of the balkan they only blackening we do is the niggers eyes that we beat up
>Furs je lani izdal več kot 500 tisoč pisnih opominov, štiri petine dolžnikom posameznikom.
>Last year, Furs issued more than 500 thousand written warnings, four fifths to debtors to individuals.
Slovenia got 2 million people, 25% of people can't pay their bills, basically every third customer on bank is getting his balls tied.
>muh Capitalism is working goy, you aren't in debt goy, Socialism is bad goy, pay up goy
Are you sure you are in touch with reality?
At this point you are either trolling or have severe mental deficiencies. You're right about the dollar, half anyway, most people had German Marks instead, because Dinar was so shit.
Literally, people would discuss pricing in a foreign currency when buying a car because the Dinar was so unstable.
t. burger
they are niggers and jews of europe
Why do Christian retards keep on praising countries who have 5 times more debt than we have? Isn't it enough for you that 25% of people can't pay bills? Switzerland got double the migration of Sweden you nigger lover Christian kike.
You can't be both a jew and a nigger. That's like saying you can be both a serb and a croa... oh wait, that's the same thing.
>25% can't pay their bills
I'm sure that has nothing to do with the insane taxes, deadly amounts of reckless public spending and the fact you're paying for stuff like (((art))) and public television.
>socialism ever working
>not being socialist equals loving the Jew
only in Slovenia I could encounter idiots such as you.
Fact is that nobody had personal debt in Yugoslavia, fact is there were no prostitutes in Yugoslavia, fact is there were no homeless in Yugoslavia. No matter how you spin it, if you got debt, prostitutes, homeless, then you aren't a prosperous country. You can be as much 1st world or 1A world super military power, you ain't go money, simple as that. People who have money don't have higher debt than people who don't have money.
>muh Capitalism is working goy, you aren't in debt goy, Socialism is bad goy, pay up goy
Our economy is suffering due to leftie retards like you who will vote for corrupt rentseekers to fight "neoliberalism" (whatever that is) because they are the same economically illiterate yugonostalgic trash.
See, this is how socialist bullshit their way with statistics.
>NUMBER OF ISSUED "REMINDERS" for individual debtors: 419,332
>Total amount owned: 131.8 million €
Minimum wage in Slovenia: ~610€ NET (Gross ~900€, cost to the employer ~1100€, thank you socialist taxation). According to Socialists, having a debt of half of the minimum wage is "capitalist holding you by your balls" and "drowning in debt".
Meanwhile everyone owns a smartphone, a personal computer, internet connection, car ownership almost doubled in 20 years, etc. Go and break down those numbers on what exactly people are defaulting on. I bet a large portion of it is luxury items like iPhones and shit which you can get with no downpayment provided you tie down with them for several years.
Meanwhile, people were literally smuggling clothing from Treist in Italy not 30 years ago, you fucking faggot.
I've seen one coalburner slovenian chick with a little mongrel this year (heard the harlot speak), at least the father was still around, I guess
I hate the fact that we have a min wage
thank god for "dohodek iz dejavnosti" tho, the plebs have no idea :^)
Slovenia is kind of OK but we are too closed and isolated. While the West has too much immigration, we have to little of it. We need to strike the right balance. Slovenia needs at least 200k immigrants to become more competitive.
So you saying 500 thousand reminders for not paying bills out of 2 million people isn't enough? That's not even counting when they come for your property. So what if we have smartphones? Do you think luxury is when you walk in big city between skyscrapers where you wageslave and don't own them? Sure they might look rich and shiny, but that ain't your property, that's international property and as it just happens to be they decided to put niggers on those streets now. I don't need 1000 golden buildings around me if i don't own any of them. Monarchy cucks of course enjoy golden castles when they self don't have any money. Smartphone people are anyway known as cucks. Not many people buy new cars in Slovenia nowadays, they buy old cars.
>Meanwhile, people were literally smuggling clothing from Treist in Italy not 30 years ago, you fucking faggot.
Yes, because like you were proven wrong before, we had nationalized property, which means we had no debt and no foreign money and no foreign products, which is why we didn't had pineapple, since Yugoslavia can't grow pineapple, this we smuggled, big deal, but that came little later, around after 1985. Maybe you aren't educated in history, but we were in war with Italy and Germany and we banned their language here, so if you walked to Austrian/Italian border in 60ies you would get shot by Yugoslavian army.
no, you need to get your currency back and stop being cucked by the EU
Our currency is shit. We should be the first country to adopt cryptocurrency as national currency.
Why? Competitive in what field?
we need to purge the likes of you
our glorious fatherland will rejuvinate and reinvent itself once the commie mindset croaks and that will happen within 15 or so years
yup, you're in the best position to do it and I could see slovenes doing it because they want to carve their mark into history
Stop saying that. Lots of Albos and other Balkanites keep coming here.
>So you saying 500 thousand reminders for not paying bills out of 2 million people isn't enough?
Reminders for an average of 300€. This is the important part.
>So what if we have smartphones? Do you think luxury is when you walk in big city between skyscrapers where you wageslave and don't own them?
You are retarded because you somehow assume its not the peoples decision to get the iPhone and take the debt for it. NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO BUY LUXURIES WITH DEBT YOU IDIOT. GET OFF YOUR COMPUTER AND TAKE YOUR MONEY OUT THE BANK. GO MAKE A CO-OP. NO ONE IS STOPPING YOU.
Unlike in socialist dictatorships you are free.
>Yes, because like you were proven wrong before, we had nationalized property, which means we had no debt and no foreign money and no foreign products
No, seriously, you are retarded. Not only did we have massive debts we had a TRADE DEFICIT
see picYou are illiterate (economically or otherwise).
will never happen in current state of affairs because FURS would be unable to exert their terrorism if we did
We should unite and make yugo 2.0 but without serbs and eu technocrats
>having croniggers as compatriots
you're even more communist than our locals, which are already a detriment to everything
You can't trade with Yugoslavian money dumbass, it's nationalized money, worthless as German mark in Yugoslavia. You gone to your Austrian border for your cigarettes and pineapples after Tito died after 1985, when Serbians started selling Yugoslavia and introduced German mark, but that doesn't means you could store money abroad, since for that you need international financial system of transactions between countries.
We would be stronger so that's a plus. But I think it's too late for that, we should however make something out of intermarium.
nothing else to add
You would have no problem throwing us under the bus (cough, NDH, cough) if that was necessary. The only reason you would ever be willing to enter in such a political union is under the belief that you would be the politically dominant force. That's why you don't want Serbs in it (aside the whole chetnik vs ustasha thing).
Fun fact: We had a deal in the 90's that went far beyond just political support in our independence but included joint defense as well. It was turned down by Croatia under the naive presumption that a compromise with yugoland was still possible.
At this point its clear you're either trolling, severely mentally impaired or both.
how is but ale? spicy?
a yugoslav economic alliance like the v4 would be the best thing to do desu
Butale is a location from native literature that humorously represents Slovenia condensed into a single place which is full of dumbfucks who consider themselves anything but, or as the poster is implying people he doesn't like, namely anti internationalists anti marxists
What a retard. Why did we keep adding 0 to our yugo moniez?
Go back to šiptarstan.
"Stronger" for what? There's no military threat to us. We need a modern yet small professional military augmented with conscription. If there was ever a major war obviously we could not hold conventionally for long regardless and even attempting to do so could potentially wipe out an entire generation (again).
There's only one way to deal with this: Making invading you simply not worth it. Despite knowing they can win, the resources consumed to invade and occupy are not worth the effort, think Switzerland or Finland, while maintaining good relations with larger countries. Our terrain is also very suited to this, with almost 50% of the land area being forests coupled with extensive hills and mountains.
There's maybe 3 places in Slovenia where you could actually deploy large(er) armored formations. The Ljubljana basin and the Prekmurje region.
Not military strenght,political and economic strenght.We are currently EU colonies.
But we are already economically well tied.
>The top export destinations of Slovenia are Germany ($5.44B), Italy ($3.05B), Croatia ($2.15B), Austria ($2.15B) and France ($1.32B).
>The top import origins are Germany ($4.55B), Italy ($3.84B), Austria ($2.37B), China ($1.7B) and Croatia ($1.39B).
However, normal political relations are becoming increasingly impossible as Croatia is not making any concessions on any front, not even gestures of good will. The border dispute will obviously never be solved unless we bend backwards to whatever you want, no compromise, no nothing. You literally re-named the gulf of Piran on your maps...
This is particularly retarded because we never had any ethnic tension, wars, or large disputes, quite the opposite, mostly we were stuck in the same boat. So you would think a compromise could be hammered out.
Didn't they pass a hate speech law recently? Or were they just discussing it? We all could be going to jail for voicing differing views here, particularly far-right ones.
One thing to understand is - our current government is called centrist by our state-owned media, but if you compare them to situations in other countries, they would be left or far-left (for a bigger state, more spending, more social programs, higher taxes, limits on free speech, pro-LGBT, anti-nationalist, Tito-worshippers)
On the right the biggest party with longest tradition is SDS (center-right), the recent polls show they have the highest chance of winning. Then you have NSi (christian democrats, they have shown increasing leftist tendencies) and some other small parties that make up a minority of the vote.
One fucked up thing is our proportional voting system, which means that even if one party wins, they get like 20% of the vote, and have no majority because 5-7 other parties also got into the parliament, and they have to either build a coalition or have no power at all. And the left has made so many fake "new" parties with the same leftist ideologies that a lot of these are just the same thing. The voters don't know because they believe the state media lies.
I think the only hope that remains for us is some new right parties, thwt would tip the numbers balance to the right. Maybe a spin-off of some outcasts from other parties, predominately focused towards the young under-30 demographic where the most potential for an alt-right renaissance lies.
>Didn't they pass a hate speech law recently?
we've had a thing called (((sovražni govor))) for a long while
no convictions to this day tho
the only way we'll ever prosper is if we kill the welfare state
Maybe the Croats would be more cooperative if many of our politicians (including our president and many ministers) werent such egotistical left-wingers. Also they left the border negotiations because of leaked wire taps that showed our slovenian representative was leaking info to certain people. That representative was an ex-croatian intelligence agency employee. Coincidence? I think not.
Where is Zizek ? No one mentions Zizek in a Slovenia thread ?
Slovenian EPs
dr. Milan ZVER (EPP/SDS)
mag. Tanja FAJON (S&D/SD)
dr. Igor ŠOLTES (Greens/Lista dr. Igorja Šoltesa)
Patricija ŠULIN (EPP/SDS)
The leaks are irrelevant. Croatia agreed when it signed up to it which included that the court investigates any infractions and terminates the case if it were found that they were severe.
Croatia didn't care and unilaterally withdrew, something which they agreed not to do, the leaks were an excuse that's not helping them now, instead they're backing themselves in the corner making any compromise impossible. Now they can either bend in or get cucked,
>Muh shovinistic politicians
Yeah because theirs aren't, right.
Zizek is mostly famous abroad, then he got famous here because he was famous abroad. It's a small country thing. No idea how that happened btw.
Does he even go to Slovenia anymore ? He seems to spend most of his time in Britain
He's so popular internationally because he's a marxist commie
Holly shit you're in the same fucking shit as us. Is it genetical to white people?
He's damn entertaining and knowledgeable you mean
he comes to the state-owned marxist indoctrination faculty that "employs" him
ka vas bom svee zbutal tak da si še sami ne boste zavjideli kje ste
Kaj ste ravnokar izustili, nebodigatreba? Vam v preudarek, šolanje sem zaključil na samem Parnasu zahtevnega tečaja za urjenje mornariških tjulnjev in na plečih nosim tri stotnije pogibeli. Izveden sem v bojevanju na skrivoma in celokupno veljam za najboljšega daljnostrelca slovenskih obrambnih sil. Zame predstavljate nič več in nič manj kot predmet lova na daljavo. Odnarediti vas kanim s tenkočutnostjo, kakršne ne pomni svet, temu sem slovesno zaprisežen. Kaj si res iskreno domišljate, da si lahko na moj račun vse dovolite? Račune delate brez krčmarja! Govorivši to občujem s črno roko, razpredeno širom vesoljnega slovenstva in vaše medmrežno mesto se beleži v njihovo podatkovje v taistem hipu, tako da se, uboga para, le pripravite na hudo uro! Na ujmo, koder bodo plat zvona bili, a za vaše žitje zamanj. Urnemu ginevanju ste zapisani. Z vseobčno silo krenem nad vas, desetkrat sedem ducatov razstankov vaši biti stroječ in to zgolj z rokami! Ne samo, da sem tepežkanja vešč, ampak tudi z orožarno sem pobližje seznanjen, da bi jo lahko s toliko večjim pridom lahko koristil vam na neljubost širom sveta, nesrečnik! Ko bi vam bilo vsaj dano predvideti obseg mojega povračila, vašemu "bistroumnega" pridušanju navsled, tedaj bi nemara bili jezik za zobmi obdržali. A to vam je bilo docela nedomače, zatorej slednjič napoči obračun, capin razcapani! Uničevalno ihto nad vas prikličem, da vas z odplako vred proč odnese. Dnevi so vam šteti.
You should be grateful that you have us or you would be under Serbia cocksucking Slovenian can't even defend your country calling Croatians out, go fuck yourself
odstrani kebab
We're doing fine on that front, we do have some gypsies and albanians that should fuck off. But the real problem around these parts are communist and socialist trash. As you can see, some of them duly reported to this thread.
t. country that rejected a united defense in the 90's and had a 4 year long civil war instead
Also, you're welcome for providing training to Croatian units in Slovenia and the thousands of tonnes of military supplies you got from us, at least 20 cargo ships docked in Koper carrying arms to Croatia, there were literal air lifts of equipment from the airport in Maribor, at one point Croatian units were transported across Slovenia to their destinations. All of it against international law.
>At this time, HOS units were founded in Dalmatia. Until May 1991, Dalmatian HOS units were company-sized. In an agreement between Paraga and the Slovene Minister of Defense Janez Janša, the units were sent to Slovenia for training. By October 1991 the unit had grown to battalion size; it was called the 9th Battalion (the Rafael "Knight" Boban Battalion) and was commanded by Jozo Radanović, president of the HSP branch in Split. This unit became one of the most popular Croatian units; in early December 1991, Radanović was promoted to colonel in the HOS.
Literally from wikipedia. Also, pic related.
I love how every one of these threads ends up like this. Like we can't even have a discussion without name-calling and death threats.
One thing has been bugging me for quite some time, and that is
why do so many of our people look like jews?
Obviously they're not literal jews, but are they crypto-jews?
Descendants of jews? Result of jew-mixing?
Especially our politicians, look at their fucking noses, it's so weird
there is more solvenians in this thread then in whole slovenia
Because anthropologically we are similar to jews. Moral particularism + egalitarianism + collectivism. Jews felt like home here so there was no need for jews to keep to themselves/prevent interbreeding. Hopefully we get to take jews place as secret masters of the west after they get genocided.