University literally flipping out over posters because it might hurt their Chinese student influx
What do you think Sup Forums?
Also what is happening in your part of Australia?
University literally flipping out over posters because it might hurt their Chinese student influx
What do you think Sup Forums?
Also what is happening in your part of Australia?
Other urls found in this thread:
Chinese bloggers mad af
Poster in question
What does the poster say?
Who made it?
No Chinese are allowed within this area. If intrusion occurs, deportation will likely happen!
Seems to be a nationalist group called antipodean resistance according to the article.
Lol lol need muh gookies to fund muh gender studies department.
Labor is going to win. They will shitskin us into oblivion btw, as if that is happening already.
LNP is no better than Labor on that front. In fact they might even be worse.
Gotta keep that china bankflow a rolling, we might have to actually invest in the country if that stops!
yeah the future isn't looking great right now.
Hopefully it doesn't end up with some sort of civil infighting.
well they managed to stop the boats at least and despite all the complaining have stood firm on that.
Don't think they are gonna stay in this time though.
yes, yes, good goy. focus on the boats and not the ever increasing immigration levels
Based as fuck!
deport yourself, cunt
>the boats
lol you fell for the bait and switch. Enjoy your chinks and pajeets.
:^) I was once a good goy.
Na they coming in from all fronts at least they stopped one.
I doubt it will come to much violence. Everyone is a cunt and everyone knows it.
Literally just a name claiming I am some random aussie.
Yeah maybe. It's hard to know how much we are getting because of all the different types of visas and shit.
>some sort of civil infighting.
Sounds great
yeah, shits fucked
no pajeets where I am, probably means they are coming. will know when we get a designated street I guess.
It's the school kids q and a tonight. I bet it's just gay little cunts saying aw why isn't there a perfect utopia with lots of smiling refugees for me waiting when I leave school?
This is a gen z test.
I think Labor might end up being better in terms of numbers of immigrants it lets in because they are not so concerned with the pleas of business for more shitskin workers.
they will probably let in more muslim refugees though.
Maybe. The media doesn't say much though so they can do pretty much what they want.
Fuck m8s you are on Sup Forums and did not take the red pill? The (((boats))) is a dog whistle. Howard increased, yes thats right, fucking increased, shitskin and chink mass immigration at the same time he was talking about the (((boats)) AND he had bipartisan support on that. Dont belive me - check the fucking ABS stats. Wake the fuck up. The elite have abandoned the social contract. they are now preying on us via house prices and other predatory initiatives. We work hard, but our wages go backwards and the (((elite))) get richer. The west is dead. The middle class is dead. Australia is dead.
This cunt gets it:
Are you a newfag m8? You sound very fresh.
Probably will happen soon, they cut centrelink down or off and watch the australian masses rise up
what's going on here? I go to all the effort of making a thread and archiving a shit ton of articles and all you cunts hang out here.
I know when I'm not wanted.
>also, is the replacement of qt ready to make the qanda thread if she doesn't rock up?
Bingo girl was threatening suicide last week wasn't she?
You better be the backup then m8 since you like to make threads.
Been here since Sup Forums started, I don't make thread often though.
nah, I organised with some fella last week that he'd go in the archives and copy paste her format and make it
Labor is about 20k boat people and 10k legit refugees per year.
Liberal is 50k mid skilled migrants with 100k unskilled family and 50k low skilled migrants via regional visas that no one talks about, meaning 200k per year. John Howard literally started this.
>Howard increased, yes thats right, fucking increased
Somewhere between and extra 50-75% iirc, then ALP AND LNP increased it further and further. We're surrounded by traitors, lads.
Breakdown of the social services; health, welfare etc will kick shit off guaranteed
in case this is the aus/pol/ that takes off, here's the archived stories
China's state media warns of further warship deployment to Western waters
SA energy plan advertising a 'waste of money', Opposition says
Alice Springs council to vote on youth curfew as children roam streets
Federal Government broke promises over refugee resettlement deal with US, UNHCR says
George Pell confirms he will attend court hearing on historical sexual assault charges
Greens leader Richard Di Natale assures grieving heartland in northern NSW the party will survive
Man dies after being shot in head while out with friends in Parawa forest
Pelican euthanased after 'cruel' attack by two men in Melbourne's north
Former Jehovah's Witness jailed for inappropriately touching teenage girls
Inflation nightclub police shooting was 'assault, battery', injured pair say
everyday another redpill.
damn, way more coming in than I thought, I live remote so it hasn't really hit here yet, hear the capital cities are pretty screwed though.
Bingo girl was only attention-seeking with her suicide threats anyway.
Kek, I need to print out copies of that poster and put them around my uni, thankfully it's not quite as gook infested as Monash tho
You need to check to see if there is a thread up before hitting post m8.
You have messed up.
yeah I know, I checked and then I started archiving shit and by the time I posted op made this one.
Watch out for CCTV
racist whites that took the time to learn the ancient shotacon runes.
yeah boats are retarded, the reffos are running away ahead of the muzzies that come here on golden tickets with their daddies money.
I wish that commie didn't make us nogunz
ffs how are we this shit at posting?
* Josh Frydenberg - Minister for the Environment and Energy
* Catherine King - Shadow Health Minister
* Pinidu Chandrasekera - Parade College, Bundoora
* Aretha Brown - Williamstown High School
* Jock Maddern - Kaniva College
* Jacinta Speer - The MacRobertson Girls' High School
Tell me we're gonna have prank calls on the radio show afters. pls.
I'm gonna take that as a comment and move on
>We're surrounded by traitors, lads
Yep fucking this. I fucking think one nation is shit but still vote for them every time. Am fucking so pissed I am thinking of doing politics soon - Once I get my clay set up in Qld.
oh shit, might have to tune in.
I'm so sick of fucking working and being one of the only people who actually has any work ethic at my job
I'm having a sober night so I don't think I'll be able to handle that one
>Tell me we're gonna have prank calls on the radio show afters. pls.
You betcha. Too many keks to be had.
BTW, hi lurking ABC staffers.
squared is not doubled.. why do niggers get off light?
Ahahahah this is comedy gold, god bless Australia
Pauline ain't perfect, but she's the perfect spot to park your senate preferences until someone better comes along. At least the fucked up crossbench can neuter some of the more retarded shit coming through the lower house
>abc staffers
are they really? do we have confirmation?
hi abc staff. what's it like working for the propaganda wing of centrelink??
>put up wrongthink posters
>only one doing that shit in the area so they don't get official notice
>it's only a matter of time till uni administration decides to review camera records to find me
Thank fucking Christ I'm a huge coward and only put up posters in the toilets for random shitters to ponder upon or I'd definitely get caught.
Yeah, I was thinking about that, any anons have ideas on how to evade being seen by (((CCTV))) I was thinking I could go in late at night wearing a cheap coat and a balaclava when I put up the posters then go into a bathroom, take off the coat and mask, throw them in the bin then walk out, I'm actually mates with one of the security guards so even if I was caught I probably still wouldn't get in shit
>also tfw pinko scum put Socialist Alternative stickers all over the campus and get away with it
Just wear one of these, they will think you're a jew
You should put on a dress and put up posters all over the women's toilets too, that way if you get caught the uni can't do shit because you could complain about transphobia
You will be caught and you will get in serious shit. Do not underestimate how seriously they take this stuff.
If you want to do it do it at a uni you are not a student at.
anyone else hooked on these?
>why do niggers get off light?
You gonna try and explain maths to a nig nog?
top kek
Is nobody picking up on how sus Opie sounds? I don't trust this aus/pol/ thread.
This is why you only put up subtle shit, I put up a big poster of the smug trump pepe in a computer lab after just after he won last year (cringey I know) and it's still there.
Of course if you put something explicitly racist up you're going to get in trouble.
Just don't take the balaclava off.
I reckon it'd be pretty easy. it's not like we have a UK level of CCTV.
>Jacket, collar up
is all you need i'd reckon. The trick is not doing anything that can link back to you. Don't use your travel card, go to the 7/11 right after etc.
Have your car/transportation located a wee while away, preferrably through a park if possible, and off you go.
Never heard of them. What do they taste like?
Yeah I still have no idea why the right is so disorganised. One nation candidates srsly would have a mean IQ of like 90 but they are speaking truths that no other cunt will say. I am, no larp, considering politics soon. Sup Forums has gotta do its part. I just gotta consider the costs i.e. jail time, harassment, economic threats, social ostracism etc.
yeah I get where you're coming from with the website shit and he's a namefag with low memefu
Yes there is something off about him. I made reference to it here:
>don't take the balaclava off
ever, because the university is a business worth millions of dollars with political connections and they'll clock you on the camera at the servo across the road.
I've actually went into the women toilets by mistake while absolutely smashed, the girls there were massive betas and didn't even say anything to me. No need for dresses desu.
Dick Smith need to stop being a cocktease and start his political party, only cunt out there with name recognition who backs slashing immigration
I have a good idea. Just pay some gook to put up the posters he wouldn't even read them.
No. I can only tolerate going into gook grocery shops every now and then.
Last time I was in one they had these huge packets of noodles, looked like a big bail of hay, for about two bucks or something.
It's no wonder they take over so quick. The cunts work too hard. It's gotta stop.
>funny point
pretty much all wasabi in aus is actually horseradish with green dye, actual wasabi doesn't come in a paste and is dry and flakey even when its wet.
They sell em at woolies
I get coles delivered
Put MORE posters up and if you are arrested, get bail and go to the russian/american embassy (it's in yarralumla off the main road) in Canberra and apply for political asylum, then report back to us and you will be a hero!
You can become the race version of Julian assange!
If news corp and 2gb started telling boomers how gooked were getting they'd be on side in a flash. Unfortunately boomers are dumb cunts.
Yeah, shit's fucked in Brissy mate, getting on a bus is like stepping into Singapore
Just like asian ear wax.
Good point, going to another uni and putting up posters is probably far safer, the good news is that ethnics already hate white Australians and think we're racist as fuck despite how incredibly tolerant we actually are (just imagine how badly Indians would be treated if they studied at a Chinese university or vice versa) so even a few harmless posters could be enough to make them butthurt enough to not study in Australia
It's worse in my area, some dude wrote "praise KEK" on the wall of one of the toilet stalls and the commies fucking hammered away at the wall to remove the bit of paint/gyprock where Kek was written, leaving the "praise" for some reason.
I really want China and India to go to war. Imagine all the ones here getting in fights with each other
fuck yeah, he's the best notable personality in our nation
It's one of those thing I never really crave but when I do I go absolute to town with it.
you know why they are so cheap?
because they buy OUR WHEAT, because out GOVERNMENT allows companies like COLES to operate and buy any business that pays them more, then they pay them NOTHING, whilst at the same time CHARGING for FUCKING WATER.
Qanda staff don't lurk. They're legit all fucking faggot lefty ABC admin freaks. Glasses, bobs and limp queer wrists. They're probs cabcharging it to Redfern for their poppers as we speak.
I have an even better idea, Japs hate chinks so much that they'd probably put up the posters for free
Not many asians where I live
Other suburbs west of note. Not Asian, stay away from
West of Brisbane
Annerley - Literally Moslems
Goodna - Literally Refugees
Springfield - Literally India
Redbank Plains - Literally Samoa or other Islanders
Leichhardt - Literally Bogans
Walloon - Literally Abo's
>t.concerned white male
Yeah I would be 5+ years away if I did set up. Either way - I cant be the only bloke that can see how bad it has got and how rotten the establishment is. We need them to be scared of us instead of them overriding us every time. The social contract has been broken. They don't care for us anymore and they are destroying our nation as they say they are saving us. Fuck I hate liberal-labor.
he stopped posting from right here onwards
good catch mate, AFP ed
This is the truth.
but i'm barry casidy
Lmao good MO to put it in the language
It's a uniparty mate make no mistake about it
Apparently, China's major news paper Global Times essentially bluntly said to everyone to get used to chinese warships off their coasts from now on, and that australian media went shill with too much reaction to their spy ship near QLD.
I've worked it out though. Chinese electronic spy ships are designed probably to be able to connect to Australian Wifi when off our coast, so they can shit post to /auspol without being blocked by their country.
Yeah I did see that..
O m8. The fucking ABC bantz I could yarn. All fucking freak SJW cucks. Fucking Zan m8. Got yarns about fuckin Tillie too. All fucking freaks.
>They're legit all fucking faggot lefty ABC admin freaks.
Thats a given. I do wonder if the admin filtering calls that come in to qanda extra is savvy enough to know we're coming.
>designed probably to be able to connect to Australian Wifi when off our coast
I don't know what sort of future tech the chinks have on their ships that's capable of compensating for our shit tier internet.
Nah cunt. The show runner was the faggot who started Rage. He can barely walk let alone get his AIDS-rotted fingers around a phone.
North Brisbane is where it's at, come home white man
no one else is commenting on how op disappeared