“He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.”
Revelation 13:16-17
End times are near
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Damn, the 15th time tonight. At least wait for the others to go down.
Whoever agrees that all transactions shall be done through a microchip deserves the end times.
this is some retarded paranoid shit
we all have the mark in our hands (everyone uses currency of some sort to buy/sell/participate in the economy)
keeping yourself from having the mark on your forehead - that's another story. i currently have the mark in my forehead, like many others. the idea of having lots of money gives me a feeling a security, and overwhelms my psychology.
uhh that's the left hand
The entire point of a mark on the hand or forehead is that it's the most often uncovered skin, and so immediately visible.
An implant isn't.
I've got a scar from my teenage years on my forehead. Does it count as a mark?
that's a right hand you fucking idiot
pic is left hand
then why is there fingernails visible above the bone.
its an MRI of a hand so of course you can see the fingernails
its a trick of perspective
i have a scar on my left hand is that it
Christcucks have been predicting the end times for almost 2000 years. (The plague, the mongols, the Huns, the Turks, any big natural disaster)
>it's really habbening this time you guys! Ignore the last 37 times we said it would happen
Do you understand how radiation works?
It's A mark, not THE mark.
the jungle nigger and the kraut are right
also, unfuck your nations
nigger that isn't an MRI
pic related part 1 is an MRI
this is a fucking x-ray
pic related
user said "a mark"
Fakest xray ever
>nofap device
Cynical britbongs have been making this snarky comment for almost 2000 years too.