Just a friendly reminder that everyone has the potential to be great ,it doesnt really matter what color your skin is , as long as you're not a degenerate piece of shit and have good moral values you should be fine. stop obsessing about race and ethnicity Sup Forums
Just a friendly reminder that everyone has the potential to be great ,it doesnt really matter what color your skin is...
thanks babe
Everyone can be great, but it's best to do it for your own people. A great nigger is still a nigger in his genetic lineage.
yes but niggers have less of a great potential and are less likely to reach said potential than me
also this
absolutely true.
sadly there's some correlation that's way too strong to simply ignore it
I want to fuck asian women so hard
but youre a loser
Dress as a qt gril and post pics
why do you assume that? Don't project on to me
Even the sub-Saharan niggers with their average IQ being lower than your run-of-the-mill gorilla?
Spotted the nigger
Get the fuck out of here alt lite cuckboys. OUT!
Tell that to the minorities.
if you're not asian don't
>on Sup Forums
>not a loser
pick one
not black just realistic, most of the people on the board are actually losers who will never be important enough to remember in grand scheme of things
But I got the yellow fever man
shut up gayfer
yeah, were all going out for ice cream later, timmy.
You can't become great if you have an IQ of 70.
>be great
What exactly does that mean?
a nigger can be as intelligent as a white man ,how are they genetically worse ?
if they're raised properly yeah ,prove me wrong
They are genetically more prone to violence. Especially descendants of slaves since slaves were selected to be dumb and strong.
me too
idk what they mean by being great, life is actually a meaningless waste of time, just think about it everything humans have created in history are all distractions for our pointless existence
>friendly reminder that everyone has the potential to be great
I will never be fucking 10/10s on a weekly basis.
should've outgrown it once you turned 16 desu
what the fuck are you talking about ? Niggs are more agressive because they are raised in fucking ghettos killing each other etc ,if you adopted a black newborn and raise him in a rich neighborhood he wont behave any diffrent from a white kid
life is like this thing buddy
be a happy ,productive member of society basically.
i think its more about the upbringing ,well educated niggers in the us have basically the same iq as white people
>well educated niggers in the us have basically the same iq as white people
Education increases knowledge one possesses, not the IQ.
what im trying to say is that they are not less intellogent that whites
Not all of them, true. But average white guy's IQ > average black guy's IQ
>Good moral values, something in a person's head that cannot ever be actually verified
Sorry polish, blood has always been, and always will be, the best measure for both individual and group performance under stress. No amount of hand waving can wish that away, either.