can we even stop the degenerates?
Can we even stop the degenerates?
Come on, you're really telling me you wouldn't want to give them a gentle squeeze?
are you joking?
i fapped to the uncensored video of hte pussy grab thing. she had a camera inside too. shit was cash
You can stop tolerating them though.
I think she's Swiss...
Probably no Eidgenössin but some Seconda filth.
>all she had to do was marry a man and tell him she loves him every now and then and she'd have gotten all the attention she wants
>instead she has to let random strangers grab her boobs
i can find all kind of videos but not the one i saw
they stop themselves by hardly having any children
She is.
Yes, the spawn of a Slovak and a Spaniard.
vk com/video1499886_456239020
little little drumpfie is afraid of touching boobies
waaaahhh!!! degeneracy!!!!
Very progressive and brave.
I'm so proud of our Swiss artists!
Is that even legal?
Not in the Germanic caliphate
Is this just outright porn or is there some 'artistic' bull shit being pushed here?
how do you get to the point where you have absolutely no shame anymore and participate in shit like that?
I honestly cannot understand it, I am pretty sure I'd have to first destroy my brain with drugs before I'd consider even just going there, let alone participate
Yeah, realistically I probably wouldn't. My wife would be none too happy.
I'm surprised by how many different types of people are going up for a bit of action.
Men, women, all different ages.
I wish I had one of those finger boxes when i was younger
This is obviously art because it's pro-woman. Porn is anti-women. Learn the difference!
Good to know.
When enough people are either so dysfunctional that society no longer works or enough people get fed up. Europe is making break neck speed for option 1.
This is post modern art, I forgot the exact term.
(performans art)
Would not expect you to undestand.
>>Hurr Durr only art i like is 500 years old classical realism.
a circle of hell
recreated on earth
>modern (((art)))
I need pr0n of this chick
Due to population density, all big cities are prone to degeneracy. Instead of being outcast from a small community for doing dumb shit, you find a one that shares your degeneracy and end up fingering each other's asses on an art show.
>Would not expect you to undestand.
you understand this !?
Care to explain ?
Litteral circlejerk
Even then though - I did grow up in a city that was big enough to turn you anonymous as soon as you left the most immediate neighborhood, but I would never even consider that stuff.
Maybe it's because I actually got raised by my parents rather than being dropped off at some daycare for all of my youth.
This is the way the world ends, not with a whimper but with a fap.
>that guy in the end going all in
kek, I wouldn't be surprised at all if this idea was invented by a kike to further degrade us but, I would probably have gone in for a feel as well desu
You had to be there, cause its performance art.
But I'm guessing she wants people to think about sexuality, human contact and she shame factor in it.
She is there to provoke an reaction, I't not revelant if you like it or not, the fact you have an strong opinion about it proves it's art. Otherwise you would just disregard it, like you do when you see a bum on the street.
It's just a human expression, if it had impact, its art (for you). Get it now?
That's a tranny. That guy is feeling up another bloke!
It happened in Düsseldorf, where I live
haha fucking niggers, at least they are good for some laughs
>not with a bang but with a fap
you missed out on a pretty appropriate double entendre m8
Speaking of which, you are late for your simpson porn convention.
>mfw jerked off to the uncensored one where peopling are sticking their fingers into her pussy
Any vids?
ITT people who would join in being hypocritical
Muslim boys went right for it.
Eichenwald? Is that you?
I read that as genital squeeze
The degenerates will be purged along with the rest of the scum
Fucking hell. Degenerates are so bloody creative in their ways of pissing me off. I almost admire it.
>classic swiss boobie move
I would. I squeezed my girls last night. It was the best.
I've had about enough.
How do we as Sup Forums get pornography banned?
We had a germcuck here on Sup Forums that went to see her.. uhm.. "art". He started touching her like he was suppose to and was almost beaten by her guards when he passed the 5 seconds mark or whatever.
She has a nice pussy though, but weird nipples.
>the fact that you have a strong opinion about it makes it art.
This just in: Mexican cartel beheading videos are now art, on par with van gogh and mozart.
Should just kill yourself desu baka senpai
tfw you lack the self control necessary to even ban porn for yourself
I would love to see you have this conversation with someone addicted to heroin asking for heroin to be banned.
Pornography is a drug and must be placed on the list of scheduled drugs.
>watch porn everyday
>pol tells me im addicted to it
>take a month long vacation in europe
>literally not once think about pornography, too busy walking around all day looking at cool shit and partying with gorgeous people
Nah senpai, porn is addictive if your life is a meaningless void. If you're there you've got much bigger fish to fry than porn.
What do you think they feel like bros?
People get fired from their high paying jobs for getting caught viewing porn at work, you don't think they have big fish for frying?
It's not about rather or not it's addictive.
It's about bringing and end to degeneracy.
Sorry mate, not my fault you're too much of an animal to control your urges, but don't ban my shit up because of your lack of self control.
>people get fired for viewing porn
Ok you've convinced me, this is unacceptable. We must ban porn.
You're a dumbass mate.
ALSO you don't get to talk about banning degeneracy while anime posting.
Anime is the most degenerate thing in existence, kys weeb.
National Socialism
I'm just playing devils advocate here, you on the other hand sound like a sick little perverted sinner.
Repent or you're going to face eternal damnation.
And you people call us larpers
Fucking kill yourself
Does my faith in God scare you?
No its fucking cringeworthy
Can you legislate against degeneracy without inhibiting freedom?
Pornography is banned here. Still no shortage of degeneracy.
Someone needs to edit all these terrible videos together. We're reaching levels of degeneracy that shouldn't be possible.
>nigger fucking a german woman as communists burn the streets
I'm so fucking sorry Adolf. Sorry for what happened to your Volk.
I like you women (male)
Lol this is pretty funny though. 'These beasts in the streets want to act like animals? Let's show them how its done honey.'
How far up on the corruption scale is your country?
Guns are banned in Mexico, ya know?
Fuck off
Turkish tradition that one
why are cloghoppers such unapologetic degenerates
Yes mighty one, please stop. I am terribly intimidated.
>asking this question on a taiwanese knitting board
You are part of the problem, user.
I dont know what to do anymore. Race traitors are the first to go on rope day. Hopefully this helps
plz kill yourself.
From the amount of sick shit my Thai friend links me that ban must not be very well placed
Which ones specifically?