You have to go b-
You have to go b-
They're going back no matter what they look like.
well the european immigrants don't have to go back, non europeans do
>well the european immigrants don't have to go back, non europeans do
>not gonna be fucking me
>dont care what the whore looks like
>send her back
>sell her family's organs
Immigration I want
>lots of unmarried women looking to flee oppressive cultures and try some midpoint between their conservative ways and our libertarian values
Immigration I'll get
>"fighting age men" who paid people smugglers to join their friends to adventures to foreign lands where white women have been socially engineered to fuck non white men
You don't think this would be a problem if it wasn't almost strictly sub Saharan men, do you? Hell even strictly sub Saharan women would do.
um no sweetie. most of us are citizens :)
>sub Saharan women would do
Libertarians, everybody.
Pump and deport
I'm just saying, importing all those men in the state our women are in (feminists, hypergamists or something in between) is just salt on the wound.
Now importing crazy amounts of girls so any feminist country is like 2:1 girl to boy ratio, it just wouldn't matter how the women act because we can just walk away, turn around and there's a better woman who just saw what happens when we get earfulls of shit.
I like the americans of european descent and don't like the others, they can go back to their shithole countries
this isn't reddit. nobody cares about illegal vs legal here, you're subhumans and ruining this country whether you admit it or not you know it's true.
the illegal ones can stay and work for slave wages, the legal ones have to go
being a 3/10 monkey doesn't guarantee you citizenship
nice cherry pick, 90% look like pic related.
> citizenship
why should this monkey be entitled to live in our country just because some jew at immigration says so?
citizenship is a meme, illegals are better because they work for scraps and keep quiet. The citizen spic monkeys are the ones draining our country dry taking welfare along with their nigger friends
I hope you're joking because that thing is hideous.
and you think illegals pay tax and don't cause losses of jobs?
>You have to go b-
I believe the word you are looking for is boo? Or boriqua
>libertarian values
legal spicshits are taking as much total welfare as whites despite being over 3 times less populous.
I dont care if theyre legal or not they dont belong, but if I had to pick one to stay id pick the illegals staying. The legal ones sure aint doing my gardening and cleaning my toilet, theyre collecting free checks from my government taxes
Research it, cunt. We got shit like infinite negative rights and free market principles and our liberal party is still right wing (just not.. ancap liberal or even libertarian/liberal).
But our women are cunts so fuck off we're full, the men are really nice though if that's what you're into.
>ugly nose
>massive eyebrows
>brown skin
>1 in 100 look average like this; the other 99 go to troll tier
>she won't be your gf
Literal shit
Based attitude. You are a good bloke m8.
Come to Los Angeles. I'll show thousands of Mexican, Honduran, Guatemalan girls here that are Illegals or Daughters of Illegals.
NONE of them look like that. They're most shitty colored FAT pre diabetic muffin topped little midgets
>she won't be your gf
This seems to be the most important complaint.
I can drive around Los Angeles for hours and not see ONE fuckable Latina. They're short little sausage people for the most part.
You have to go back.
I think this girl actually has very mild fetal alcohol syndrome
You mean photoshopped?
thats what you get for raping the aztecs desu