Is shoenice /ourguy/?

Is shoenice /ourguy/?

Truth bombs
Direct hit

I don't understand how anyone could say that about Hila. She is a nice lady

No, but he wasn't wrong here, I'll give you that.

/ourguy/? More like /who/.
Who is this fag and why did OP screencap his post and post it on Sup Forums?

I got no idea. I have heard about h3h3, who is a kike.
Look at my name to see if this thread is relevant.

he is a fucking retards that eats stupid shit on camera.

He almost died one time when he applied superglue on his lips ...The genius did not realize he was being trolled hard. The fumes of the glue almost caused him to pass out.

don't waste your time with this fucking idiot

Shoenice is fucking trash and he should be gassed into oblivion, but he was right this one time, he will never be /ourguy/ though

Didnt know he is brazilian

He is American

Saw his stupid shit on live leak

No he's not /ourguy/ he's just stirring up controversy for views.

Well, she's a jew so there's that

ShoeNice is a degenerate conman who has scammed people out of money so he can buy drugs, and he desperately tries to hang on to his original popularity by literally eating shit and drain cleaner.

No, even an idiot can call the sky blue.


just like it says in mein kampf, the jew is unoffended by all manner of insults and slander, but call him a jew and he recoils

Ethan 'Sweden is doing just fine' Klein
Ethan 'Pewdiepie won't do, we need a Jew at the top of youtube not a goy' Klein
Ethan 'Fuck you for saying Jews did 9/11' Klein
Ethan 'Believe the Holocaust religion' Klein
Ethan 'Dump Trump' Klein

a few videos of sorta funny tourettes humour is not worth it for all the political stuff he brings to the table

he's gonna start poisoning his audience against countersemitism next

and his number one priority will be youtube shekels

He already is.
Watch his joey salads interview

are Jews ever not cancer?

>nice seeming tourettes dude making humble youtube videos - gets big - let's use the full force of this media platform and audience to cover up Jewish crimes against humanity

He has a video ridiculing "JEWS DID 9/11" video.
In another video some guy makes a jew joke and ethan spends 1 min complaining about the joke.