Holy shit I just got robbed, what the fuck should I do ? I was hanging out with some friends at Alexander Platz near Berlin when I got separated from my buddies and decided to go home, suddenly 3-4 immigrants come jump on me and one of them pulls a fucking butterfly knife(they are illegal here) and tells me in broken english/german " Gib uns Geld oder wir fick dich deustcher", I then give him my wallet and runned as fast as I could and I couldn't even fucking fight them, they all seemed to have knifes. I am fucking terrified, should I call the police ?
Holy shit I just got robbed, what the fuck should I do...
Looks like your time is up, Hans. Just be glad that you were robbed and not corralled up into the back of a Blood Refinery van.
The of the Aryan is OVER.
Did you consider that maybe they need the money more than you?
this isn't funny you anglocuck, my legs are literally shaking right now!
Only if you want to go to prison for hate crimes.
Just imagine how much horror that poor refugee endured. Also, the sharing of wealth is part of their culture. By expecting your culture to overrule theirs you're committing cultural genocide.
Like the other good GentleAnglos in this thread, he likely needed that money a great deal more than you. It sounds like you are a rascist for running away. Why didn't you stay and invite them into your house so they could have a better look at your valuables?
So you looked like an easy target. Probably a scrawny twigneck manlet like all the other faggot cocksuckers out there.
Lift heavy shit and work on a proper appearance. For gods sake, people stop talking when I walk by. Why? Because I look like I'm more than willing and ready to rip someones face off and chew it like bubblegum.
And when it gets ugly, you do just that. You go fucking psycho. Fuck their butterfly chinese fucking toys, that shit breaks when you play a little bit too much with it.
Look/act like an easy target, get treated like one.
Wew, two times in two days? Talk about bad luck.
fake and gay. OP is a fag
why didnt you just shoot them with your gun in self defense?
Fight back you germanic pussy did your kind lose all your balls in ww2?
We killed all the tough ones
It's rage inducing to see all these sickly looking faggots over here, boy howdy!
No beard growth, glasses, no eye contact, no fucking chin or jaw on 'em either. Even most tall ones look like total fuckboys you could abuse for everything.
They're either skinnyfat or fat. When you see someone with white skin and a bit of muscles or lean meat, he's most likely a slav or something.
It is sickening.
How much cock do you suck? Hope you get raped by a pack of niggers
holy shit i just read a larp thread
neck yourself, moron
Copy fookin pasta
u not a reals m an
you let uhnuthuh man take your property
you're less than a man now
you're a little man, weak and gay
Not much you could do. Even if you had a knife as well, its not a fight you want to be in. They have nothing to lose, you do. If it was me, I'd make/buy a decent slingshot and keep it in my bag with a handful of ball bearings. Unload on them from a distance if you see them again.
Grow some balls you fucking pussy
Ha. Selbst schuld
>literally shaking right now
Stingy Hans. You should have given them your house and car as well.
Nice blogpost, faggot. Hang yourself.