Question for minimum wage advocates. You think the minimum wage is somehow able to magically change the law of supply and demand, so why not make the minimum wage a million dollars an hour?
Question for minimum wage advocates...
It's not a bad idea. Then we could go full Weimar and build a new government from the ashes.
The point of a minimum wage is to prevent the taxpayer from subsidizing buisnesses and workers willing to agree on compensation below what it takes to provide basic support for that worker.
If we have no minimum the slack will have to be picked up by the social safety nets.
A person working 40 hours should make enough at a minimum that they are barely ineligible for foodstamps and medicaid. Otherwise their employment is still a drain on society. This means in today's dollars minimum should be between 10 and 12 an hour.
there's a difference between 'we want people to be able to live something other than barebones poverty while working a fulltime job' and your idiot strawman, dipshit
have a cute snake
when ever a minimum wage is increased in croatia 10-15% of jobs dissapear, so how is that a good thing exactly?
Obviously that goes up or down based on location. there are places you could easily live on $7/hr, and there are places where that would be impossible.
I was looking up information about this exact topic a few days ago. It's amazing to me how many shills there are on both sides and I mean literal shills. Like I can understand why big companies would try and run PR campaign against the min. wage, but there's even more of these little PR groups fighting for the increase.
The increase in minimum wage decreases income inequality. So inflation will be equivalent to what it was before, however, it brings money down from the upper classes and into the hands of the lower classes.
TLDR; it's a good way to steal the jews wealth
because then suddenly it's going to cost 50 million for a cheeseburger
you forget that the jews own majority of jobs, and if they have to pay you for the job more than they did before, guess what, they are going to fire one person and the other will have to kill themself working to cover two person workload. before you want to raise a wage you need to deal with the people that are paying it.
Question for cuckservatives. How do you explain Australia having a minimum wage for casual work at the equivalent of $18.30 in US dollars + 9% Superannuation and a lower unemployment?
No it's not, at all. Most of you fail to realize the majority of people are employed by small businesses, not some greasy kike corporation. All you do is create an artificial barrier of entry to people on the very bottom, stagnate their and people just above them's wages and potential raises, cut benefits, hours, etc., and burden small businesses running on small margins.
>Work my way up from making $7 an hour to making $20 an hour after 15 years of work at shit jobs
>Over night some fucking moron flipping burgers makes almost what I make
> it brings money down from the upper classes
It takes money from the middle class and give it to parasites, the kike bankers don't care about it.
Because that's a reductio ad absurdum. It's not a real argument. The goal in socio-economic terms is to set the wage at a level where it provides as much money to the lowest-income workers that the economy can comfortably support, which means the point slightly below which you'd encounter things like inflation and employment contraction due to wages.
We don't have much inflation nowadays, and labor inputs are actually a shrinking proportion of a lot of industries due to automation and efficiency. Agriculture has cut wage inputs down to 10% or so of total production inputs compared to a third or so a few decades ago.
Low-wage workers have the highest marginal propensity to spend, meaning that they tend to spend money quickly and locally, which is something we should be encouraging.
>t. econ grad student
because the cost of living is not set by the buyers, it is set by the producers.
the US has the most wasted food (produce that literally just gets thrown out because of sell by dates) and over-inflated prices in the western worlds with wages that do not match.
The prices set by the suppliers are not set because of demand or value but artificially inflated for profit despite the supply being higher than the demand.
Artificial scarcity, minimum wage sets the bar as to how much work is worth. Minimum wage needs to match purchasing power, when it does the quality of life rises for everyone.
That doesnt mean 'set it to a million dollars', it means that the min. wage should be in balance with the cost of living for the average person, (which also means bringing the min. wage down when it exceeds it too much) which it currently is not.
Just because you do something from 9 to 5 doesn't mean you should be compensated for performing this activity in a way that you can live comfortably from it. If you are so annoyed that there are full-time jobs that don't pay well enough for your liking maybe we should encourage companies to cut those jobs and automate them already.
or you could just cut welfare and force companies to choose between raising wages or dealing with lowered productivity from dying workers.
Correct. Minimum wage doesn't affect giant corporations in the slightest. It helps them by pricing out and straining upstarts and competition. Without digging or anything I bet if I looked behind the curtain on a lot of minimum wage lobbying I would find corporation money shilling for it behind the scenes.
Why not just out a bajillion dollars and make every American rich af. stupid selfish government
How do you explain our higher costs of living, you socialist cuck?
>just because you work everyday does not mean you're entitled a living wage
>crony capitalism in a nutshell.
>If we have no minimum the slack will have to be picked up by the social safety nets
or maybe if you make the minimum higher then workers who at least earn a little money will lose their jobs and become 100% reliant on welfare
Yep. Walmart is one of the biggest advocates for minimum wage increases. It culls their competition.
Why not? Our currency is basically fucking imaginary at this point anyway.
>this is the moron's fault
if it takes you 2 days to dig a ditch with a shovel while a guy with a backho can do it in 2 hours do you deserve 8x as much pay?
When you are replaceable you can consider yourself lucky that your """job""" even exists.
How much have YOU tipped today?
It primarily depends on cost of living, you stupid faggot.
You can get a nice big apartment here for less than $500 a month, all bills paid.
However, in San Francisco, a shoebox runs you $3,500 a month.
That's not directly related to the minimum wage; that an efficiency/productivity issue. If you developed a machine to do the digging with no human intervention, it would eliminate human labor altogether, but it wouldn't deal with the question of what the remaining human workers ought to be paid.
It's not a strawman. I didn't misrepresent your argument. I just took it to its logical conclusion. Trying to legislate against supply and demand is like trying to legislate against gravity. You can't change the laws of nature.
Tipping should be illegal. its abused by owners to suppress wages even further.
>a reductio ad absurdum. It's not a real argument
Reductio ad absurdum is a real arugment. Either the law of supply and demand is true or it isn't. Every economist of the past 200 years has recognized it as true. Do you honestly think you know more about economics than the past 200 years of the science?
Fuck off retard
Higher cost of living you stupid mother fucker, congrats you get paid a larger number to bad everything costs more so in reality you dont make anymore money chances are you make less.
It isn't in this case, because it doesn't address a proposition actually being made. No one is arguing to raise the minimum wage to a million dollars per hour. That's outside the parameters of the debate.
That's like saying people shouldn't take aspirin because taking a a kilo of it will destroy your stomach and kill you. No one argues for that - the dosage debate takes place in the dozens or hundreds of milligrams and is constrained by your goals, which deal with the improvement of your health. Not its destruction.
Appeal to authority fallicy?
Ecconimc is as much a science as is phycology.
>No one is arguing to raise the minimum wage to a million dollars per hour
I never said anyone was. However, minimum wage advocates DO insist that supply and demand somehow doesn't apply to labor. This is an extraordinary claim, and it requires extraordinary evidence.
>Appeal to authority fallicy?
No, it's not a fallacy. It's possible (although) unlikely, that you are right and everything we know about economics is wrong. However, the burden of proof is very much on you at this point.
>Ecconimc is as much a science as is phycology.
Of course it's a science. People and resources behave in certain predictable ways. Economics can describe this.
"Supply and demand" in the context of labor is meaningless outside the wider context of the society in which it takes place. I mean, Haiti still has fucking slavery - the effective "minimum wage" is the quantity of food required to keep the slave alive.
There is plenty of demand for this kind of labor, but it's not necessarily the kind of labor we'd even want to allow, because it really shits up the rest of society. In other words, quantity of "labor," as such, is not the most important factor in whether or not a society is good or shit.
The number I picked was based on us federal guidelines. I understand that there are places where their calculations are generous.
You could, but that brings other social ills
Some will. As long as that amount is less than what we save on payments to working people it is a net gain. Also that marginal worker will have time and incentive to find a better job or work on their skills.
It's a two way thing. Cost of living isn't fixed. States and municipalities shoud set their own higher if their local needs differ (and that is reflected in social programs)
The short of it is that prices should reflect costs and basic support of the worker is a cost in a good or service
>"Supply and demand" in the context of labor is meaningless outside the wider context of the society in which it takes place.
Wrong. Economic theory doesn't care about such irrelevancies. It only tells you how to maximize economic utility.
>he thinks states shouldn't decide their own minimum wage
If inflation is bad enough that you need 50 an hour wages for a full time 40 hours a week job in order to not be in poverty then yeah, the minimum wage should be that. otherwise you're strawmanning and not actually arguing the point
>laws of nature
>economics which is a manmade 'science'
>supply and demand didn't even exist prior to industrialization in the form it has today
Your cost of living is like 1.3 to 1.5 more expensive than ours idiot.
No. I think the federal minimum should be based on federal poverty guidelines for social programs the states/cities should have higher minimums if they need them.
What do you guys think of that recent study where they showed that in places with minimum wage increases, non-minimum wage earners ended up making 30% more?
Eliminate the safety nets
Oh good lord. This is why everyone thinks that libertarians are hopeless spergs. We don't live in an "economic theory;" we live in a society.
Stop flooding the US labor market with immigrants willing to work for pennies.
The supply of labor will decrease and wages will rise on their own.
I'm pretty butthurt about it actually. Didn't understand a word of the study, or the methods because I never went to some fancy college or shit. But i've been making memes that say it's a lie, so I'm not too worried about it.
Big companies should want a min wage increase because it stamps out competitors. Although I can see why they'd shill against it now because there's already virtually no competition in many sectors so it would just end up cutting profits in the near term.
>being so butthurt you roleplay as a salve for your asspain
I find it astonishing how goyim are trained so well to respect money, to slave away for it without question, to rabidly lust after it with drooling desire at all times. This applies to every single user in this thread as well. Muh job, muh savings, muh mortgage, muh this, muh that; only ever thinking within the narrow boundaries of a permissible vocabulary your masters authorize you to roam in. How tame and domesticated you all are. Incredible.
Despite the Jew-controlled monetary system being the lifeblood of the Jew's rule over this planet - a system which, if allowed to continue, guarantees with 100% certainty that any goy's descendants will suffer immensely as pitiful mongrel slaves - none of you show any flicker of an intention of ever challenging it or replacing it. None of you even seem to acknowledge it's a problem or to understand how it works. You're all content to hand over autonomous control of your willpower to a point system controlled by Jews, sometimes even gloating about how many Jew good goy point$ you have.
It's become clear to me that the Jews' dominance over this planet is secure and permanent. No amount of autistic screeching on a Sentinelese cavepainting forum will ever change that. I have thus come to the bitter conclusion that the only way my children will have any chance at a good life is if I impregnate a Jewess. I suggest you all do the same.
It boils down to one simple question: Do you want your children to be safe and happy, or do you want them to be miserable labor drones (like you probably are right now)?
Stop torturing yourself with concern over the fate of the white race. Most whites would happily assault you if they knew what lurked in your heart. Those are the people you call your brothers? Those are the people you want to save? Really? Aren't you tired of fighting this losing battle?
Breed with a Jewess. Escaping all of this psychological torture you pointlessly subject yourself to is just one creampie away.
You know I'm right.
I don' tknow what the fuck you mean that I roleplay as a slave. I'm not into cuck shit, you libcuck shariablue faggot
>steal Jews wealth
Kek, increased income means increased credit. Jews will just make it all back in credit card payments when min wage workers see their credit limit double.
Minimum wage is a way to transfer wealth TOO the Jews. It raises the barrier to entry for small business(goy business) and allows Big Jew-run multinationals who have the budget and operations to bear cost of the increased wage.
Why not link the study, or an article about it, rather than vaguely referring to it? I'd be interested in seeing the methodology.
>The goal in socio-economic terms is to set the wage at a level where it provides as much money to the lowest-income workers
fuck em
how's that for a goal you redistributing shit eater
stop giving these people more money for doing absolutely jack shit extra
start telling them to step their game up
this is why you cucks lose every time
you keep championing losers
you are resistant to the fundamental idea of winning
winning disgusts you so you try to make everyone losers by lowering the bar to the fucking lowest it can possibly go
you wont be happy until everyone is a fucking mentally handicapped broke mixed race amputee with some kind of fucking trauma
fuck that you fucking piker
stop telling people to be losers
start telling them to be winners
start telling them that doing stupid shit and making stupid choices will make them broke
start telling them that not everyone is equal and that bums are fucking garbage
this bullshit equality mantra is killing us
you are killing us
Unemployment is a meaningless number because Jews changed the meaning to something pointless.
You want to look at worker productivity and workforce participation.
The only true way to increase wages is to increase demand for jobs. You can do this by:
-cutting the supply of workers(lowering immigration)
-increased innovation(eliminate hurdles and regulations that hinder startups) creating more jobs
-tariffs on foreign manufactured goods(increased demand for local manufacturing)
Right now our country is in dire need of innovation in the healthcare industry. Why? Because it's the most heavily regulated industry in America and and startup that discovers a new drug or treatment has to go through a decade of research and hundreds of millions of dollars in FDA trials just to gain access to the market.
The goal is not to "set" a minimum wage at all. What kind of delusional shitbag actually thinks the world works like this?
Might as well start placing price controls on bread and gasoline while you're at it.
You do realize that minimum wage workers are all retards that spend money they don't have, right? Increase their wages and Jews will just increase the limit on their credit cards so they can still spend more than they make.
No that's just nature. You get paid what you and your employer decide your labor is worth. If you can't produce, well your labor isn't worth much so you are not entitled to be paid much.
And don't start with "muh living wage" shit. Poor people in the US are living better than Kings in the 18th century. The majority of them aren't starving, they're fucking obese. They have air-conditioning, they have flatscreen TV's, they have Cable packages with HBO, they spend all their money on stupid shit so they're always fucked when the get an unexpected expense.
We can't keep subsidizing these retards. They will just continue to breed at unsustainable levels and be a net drain on everyone around them until society collapses.
The best way to tackle poverty would be to offer every woman below the poverty line $1,000 to get a permanent IUD. Less poor people breeding = less poor people