Is Sup Forums a Catholic Board or an Orthodox board? I get that Vatican II and Pope Francis are all total cucks but I'd rather identify as a sedevacantist than join some slav/gypsy religion to be honest.
Is Sup Forums a Catholic Board or an Orthodox board...
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Sup Forums is christian
Fuck the church.
Who would buy a book with tim allen's face on it?
>Worshipping (((Jesus))) just because foreign invaders brought (((Christianity))) to europe and have build their churches on holy pagan places.
Good goys
Vatican II did literally nothing wrong
Pope Francis was being misquoted
It's a Christian board that is split between protestants and catholics. Orthodox are irrelevant in the US, and are usually more left-wing. If you are American, you shouldn't be partaking in a non-American sect if you want to genuinely preserve the country's past, instead, you idiots LARP as an irrelevant sect that is more liberal than protestantism as a whole.
The fuck. You calling Oxthodox Christanity a gyp religion? Gas yourself kike.
Here we go again, apparently conversions = "invaders" Let me guess, Cathedrals are sandnigger temples that are also not European, but mudhut pagan temples that resemble other styles are more based?
that meme unironicly makes the case for Protestantism
Christians do not need man made church,thanks
all we need is Christ within,the middle path
Orthodoxy is the answer you fucking faggots.
I'm torn. I was a Protestant who became and atheist, and the converted to Catholicism when I grew out of atheism, but the new pope is a cuck. I think I should look into to orthodoxy.
this and that
Tim isn't SO bad.
protestantism as kikery confirmed
Mormonism is the way to go!
Sup Forums is an Arian board.
We all know the Son is subordinate to the Father. Down with the Nicene Creed.
>some poorly versed missionary is sent to spread Christianity to the barbarians
>get a continent wide heresy
Thanks Arius you fucking prick
>Patrician tier: Catholicism.
>Middle tier: Orthodoxy.
>Shit tier: Protestantism.
>Enlightened tier: The Kingdom of God is within you, not in the church or organised worship and ritual.
worst thing is that arianism formed the basis of islam, which is basically a christian heresy
Islam combined many heresies like arianism, nestorianism, ebionite judaism and iconoclasty, this is analysed well by Mohammed's contemporary St John of Damascus.
Also Mohammed his mentor was a nestorian monk
What religion is Peterson?
Ok. :( I'll go hang out and talk to the Germans then, you meanie Constantine.
"oh magical sandnigger in space, the desert-god that does not belong to me"
Y'all motherfuckers should ice yourselves.
I smell a gnostic.
look he's talking like a nigger now
must be all that cum
>two great timeless works of literature vs a fucking self-help book
How on earth does it make the case for it?
hey look at all the friends I made. it'd be a shame if they were to... decide to move into the Roman empires ;0
Don't mind me lads.
I'm just here to laugh at low born Catholic ex-factory workers with middling IQ's and Slavic guys in track suits on welfare who don't even make it onto a table for white people who think they're hot shit because they're smarter than evangelicals.
Woopdy fucking doo.
I bet you all got molested by your priest.
Now go mow my lawn you fucking retards.
Fuck yeah, it feels good to be an Anglican.
enjoy hell
remember lazarus
osteen & related ilk are jesuit saboteurs
pol is a libertarian board
It never ends. Even the great Newton admitted the supremacy of the Father over the Son. You cannot win. The truth will be heard.
When will Sup Forums officially reject the Nicene Creed?
he's "deeply religious," and mostly speaks about Christianity. but he refuses to go into it in any detail.
one of his friends described him as being extremely orthodox in his thinking and he laughed.
No human mind can understand the mystery of the trinity, so your Newton is irrelevant. And the only arians that exist today are the Jehova's Witnesses.
I'd burn you at the stake if I had the chance.
OP unironically left Hamlet out because hurr Durr muh Protshitstants