Are fathers showing affection the reason for the gay spike?
How cruel must a man be to his own children to ensure their own survival?
Are fathers showing affection the reason for the gay spike?
How cruel must a man be to his own children to ensure their own survival?
Another pic of this degenerate ass family.
>How cruel must a man be to his own children to ensure their own survival?
How absent was your father for you to end up posting dog shit tier /pol threads for cheap ((yous)) as to lessen the every present realization that you're living joke offline as well as here?
Loving dads dont make you gay, retard
>jewish man allows his children to be raised as girls as the pretentious actress wife wanted a girl but hit their agreed to limit on children
Not surprising.
pls stop i'm dying
There are gay niggers so no
Legit, this is child abuse, and he should lose the kid.
t. Faggot
Look at how fucking depressed and angry the kid looks
I just hope he got a good video game or something out of this fucking ordeal
>talmud says you can rape goy children
>marry a goyem
>children are goys
>you can rape your children
This is so fucked up.
[citation needed]
Do you stormfags ever check if your quotes are real or just are happy that even fake ones exist if they support your ideology?
naomi is pretty hot
I unironically think so. A fathers affection should be for daughters exclusively, give it to sons and they turn into daughters
Mishnah (Niddah 44b)
They are really cute kids desu. Liev done good. How did he create such aryan looking kids, as a kike, though? That's all i wanna know
I liked him in Goon
Those two are girls right? RIGHT?
wait a fucking moment? is that a kid?
Is it normal to crossdress your kids in Murica?
Only the successful ones.
World was always gay, what the fuck are you smoking?
nope you morons its the drinking water lnks related
also here's one talking about what kind of water filters will actually filter this crap out
id blow a huge load of my man cream down her throat
ok which part?
His sons do look like girls. But they're not bad looking.
also whats with all the pedo faggots on this board?
Sup Forums is supposed to be the FBI containment board. or in other words you have to go back pedos
>The Fathers need to be the one who disciplines the children
>The Mothers are the ones who show affection and the Fathers serve as the role model
>Family can't have both parents acting feminine so the dude needs to be strict and harsh at times
>The father shows affection in a different way
if you've found a copy ctrl+f misnah
My father never showed any affection towards me since I was a baby, never hugged or even touched me, same with my mother - guess they didn't wanna look like pedos or something.
But I grew up to be a depressed virgin loser, so it clearly doesn't work
under fucking rated, but this is what we should count on for the donald era invasion Sup Forums had this board has changed forever. good work you fucking normies.
It's okay. You can suck my dick.
>tfw its fucking real
Cry more faggot. No one cares.
Just fuck my shit up
I don't understand it. Liev comes across as very manly. I know the kids look like their mom but at least he could turn them into alpha chads instead of sissy keks
that's a hangin'
Loving them makes them gay. Hating them turns them into trannies. Indifference is the only option miss all of little Billys baseball games because of work. Support the kid by providing for them not showering them with love.
1 fag 1 boy
>Kid playing dressup for Comic Con, the nerd equivalent of Halloween.
It's literally nothing
Just fuck my shit up senpai
which line in it says that?
Niddah 44b:23
or just (((google))) it faggot
Gay/trans spike is due to generational testosterone decline, especially affecting white western men. Now what could be behind the decline is up for speculation, but most likely poor diet and lifestyle choises.
>But I grew up to be a depressed virgin loser
Is this why hungarians hate everyone around them?
Lack of sex?
I'm amazed, being virgin in Hungary is like being the only male in a brothel with a free pass.
What happens when all the choices you have are bad?
don't pay attention to this shill the cause is clear, its in the water. see
>kid asked to be Harley Quinn
>child abuse
wtf are you talking about ? They are kids, just let them wear whatever the hell they want....
In what nigger world does a normal boy choose to be a crazy female whorish character?
Those genes have absolute blond tall alpha genes
Whatttt the fuckkkkkkkkk
Brad should take custody of his daughter and fuck off to somewhere that vile cunt and her adoptive shits can't go to
>making rational well thought decisions
If your SON wants to dress up as a female you simply dont allow it for his own sake.
Nigga kids are like a blank board, they are not influenced by society, yet, so they dress like whatever they find interesting. Harley Quinn was probably an interesting character for him so he decided to dress up like her. My cousin's daughter was dressing up as batman when she was a kid and yet she grew up completely normal...
Define kids own sake
but what if they consent?
>Kid asking to dress up for Comic Con, the nerd equivalent of Halloween
>Sup Forums screeches autistically over this
>blaming fathers for everything that could possibly go wrong
the only flaw of current "men" is that they fap too much and impregnate too little
if you spawn 2 little shits, chances are 1 might be a fuckup/tranny/fag - but better mollycoddle them cuz u are stuck with only 2
now lets imagine we would go back to spawning 6-10 kids like back in the day - let the weak ones die and reward the ones showing promise
I dont need to explain anyone why that's nearly impossible for the average guy to do, when it should be as easy as grabbing the first thot u see and dicking her real good.
First arm chair psychologists thought gay people were the result of not being close to their father and now they think it's the result of being too close
Did you ever think that the rise in homosexuality is simply a result of wider acceptance?
>they dont have any form of filter or self control
>let the jew manipulate them
woah, my almonds milk have milk activated and extracted almonds.
well duh, any normal person knows its not okay to sexualize children, they also know boys shouldn't dess up like crazy female whores too
but then again most sane people don't let their children watch r rated movies
>dress up as a female
Not really the issue. I wouldn't have a problem with my son wanting to dress up as a female superhero, it's the fact that this particular character looks like a fucking prostitute. The attire is flamboyant and sexualized, the make up is whorish. It totally crosses the line. Any normal father would explain this to his son.
>slippery slope is real
what are you some kind of bigot?
>i wouldnt have a problem with my son being a crossdresser
jew/pol/ everyone
O-Oh God, what the hell. Are they boys? Or are they girls? I can't tell! A cute either way.
its a girl in a cute costume whats wrong with that?
Oh thats right, you guys sexualise litearlly everything youve ever seen, and so just cant help but associate sexual things with her.
Youre literally male feminists
Nope, my father wasn't very emotive, bro still turned out gay
The character is literally a psychotic whore.
idk my dad is a hard ass military man not unlike the colonel in american beauty and I'm a lot like him but then my brother is a flaming homo so I think people are gonna swing whichever way they want despite how you raise them
i bet it is mostly single mothers that raise bi and gay boys.
it is typical burger and hidden pedophile behavior to sexualize everything kids wear or do.
kids think nothing like that, they just like the costume.
(((Liev Schreiber))), Schreiber's mother, who now lives on an ashram in Virginia, was born into a working class household of communists in Brooklyn, New York; her family was Jewish, descended from Polish and Ukrainian immigrants.
Be honest Sup Forums, you'd tap that
Gays being socially acceptable is the reason for the gay spike, you complete and utter imbecile.
of course the burger thinks there's nothing wrong with an 8 year old dressing up as a brainwashed crazy slutty whore
>its a girl in a cute costume whats wrong with that?
the fact that it is not a GIRL, it's a boy
>that lgbt flag that cried about stormfaggots but got BTFO and hasn't posted since
babby's first redpill
clearly forced into this publicity stunt
I am really enjoying this stormfront boogeyman even more than before. Shitskins have some fantasy about them which is quite amusing.
Qt shota irl
Never thought it'd come to this
; )
From outside looking in, I think the degeneracy in this family has more to do with pos modern liberalism.
Homos usually turn gay because they're molested by men from a young age.
What about the unmolested ones then
and how is this diffirent from you wanting to be batman as a kid?
Batman is just a guy dressed in very tight leather clothing, lurking in dark alleys, beating up people with mental issues.
if that does not scream closet faggot then nothing will.
Cause a male shouldn't want to have sex with batman but should want to with Harley
Did you wear girl clothes as a kid?
Soy in almost every processed food item is probably one reason.
a fucking leaf.
for halloween yes, yes i did.
They're probably slightly inclined to literal faggotry, from a young age, but SHOULD be taught by the parents that it's wrong, just like a child that might like to steal should be taught that its wrong.
Somebody should force the one on the right to undergo HRT.
She looks so proud and dignified and beautiful.