>Americans think it's okay to dress their sons like this
Americans think it's okay to dress their sons like this
You just know when the cameras aren't around, daddy gonna fuck that little faggot.
Britbong, in all honesty, your country is dying.
were all going down
>leiv schriber
Dad's raping them for sure.
.brits think it's okay to dress their daughters like this
not a doubt in my mind
>implying liberals are Americans
Commiefornians are not Americans.
When will this degeneracy end?
you just know
I think freedom is an important part of American culture so, yeah. I do think it's okay for him to dress how he wants too. It's equally okay for people to frown on it and say they don't agree with it. Freedom nigger. Do you speak it?
>when it all returns to nothing
>hollywood kikes
hover handing your own kids. fuck.
WTF I love Jesus now. Repent.
as long as he stretches his ass every day it's fine because he gonna git raped.
Just like in those Chinese cartoons!
Kids that age don't have much of a sexual or gender identity. It doesn't mean anything and it won't turn the boy gay.
It's the crazies who decide their 4-year-old is trans we should worry about.
>Bongs think it's okay to mutilate their sons like this
>parents were jewish marxists
Kid never stood a chance.
>Canadians think it's okay to "tuck" their son like this
You don't understand, the poor man hasn't known his kids for a long time.
They may as well have died in a house fire at this point.
>gender identity
Develops between 5 and 7. The kid is 8.
that's the look of sucking cock
Would insert my penis into his boipussy to be quite honest.
Why its "not ok"?
White boys belong in chastity and a dress.
>tfw you didn't trap when you were younger
>roleplay with dressup
That father is a Sup Forumsoldfag
>hiding your flag
>having chastity pics on hand
I see you, leaf.
Why are white people so feminine? Seems like your whole race was just made to be fucked.
If you go to arab or brown countries, they associate wh*te with femininity
raping his own kids
checks out
> implying they haven't been subverted from a young age. The culture has been corrupted a long time ago
no. what you associate white with is superiority. highborns were always white. even erdogan is white while all the low iq shit genetic browner turks work out in the fields or make pizzas in the shops for slave wage.
pale skin equals superiority its how its always been,
the same reason why ur not allowed to be high caste in India if u have brown skin
HAHHAHAHA the 1 inch paki dick is telling us how feminine the european race is HAHHA good one pajeet now go stroke ur 1 incher you fucking manlet HAHAHAH
>TFW your dad rapes your little brother, destroying his soul, but he dresses like a trap so you rape him too
I have been to brown countries(where there is whites and browns) and wh*te skin on men is seen as feminine. stay mad sissy boi
>No foreskin Americlap
>tfw when you will never slut it up as a hebe and sell your anal virginity to the highest bidder
Fuck, I should stop playing those porn games.
someones mad
(you) t.paki with 1 inch dick
(you) someone who will never satisfy a brown woman and never a white woman
>(you) t.paki with 1 inch dick
(you) someone who will never satisfy a brown woman and never a white woman
projecting much?
If you are wh*te go to a brown country and hangout with them and ask them If they find white skin(pale not dark white) on male feminine. They will say yes
>Be shit skin
>See white goat
>Give my shitskin seed to white goat
>Start shitposting my shitskin on a mongolian basket weaving board
>That bulge
say that again you cumskin
My dad is a literal nazi and I dressed up as wonder woman when I was like 3.
Now as a 28 year old straight I see it had no impact on me.
French think it's okay to dress their sons like this
>Severe Cognitive Dissonance
>Educates Europeans about their homeland
Are they his sons? Or actually daughters?
>Have shit skin
>Fuck goats especially the white ones
>Get offended and start posting images trying to save face at being known as the race full of goatfuckers
>Can't let them know better post more images I saved just for this occasion
>Have 50 IQ
(You) again
There aren't many American flags on this thread, are they all too ashamed to admit it? The ones that are hear are either shit posting or trying to change the subject.
>bestiality is legal in 5 states and legal in all of Canada and in some EU countries.
>Most Islamic countries(Iran, SA) it is illegal and punished by death penalty
>calls me a goatfucker
AmeriFat education everyone
>not dressing your son like that and ravaging his sweet, tender boipucci
What are you, gay?
daddy's little monster
you are sick
Wait! That's a male child!?
Day of the rope, when?
You guys fuck goats so much over there that you'll kill each other if you get caught doing it? What a world you goatfuckers must live in to think that it's better to fuck goats get caught for fucking goats and killed rather than just you know... Not fucking animals.
Are you 12 ?
how can one post be so dumb?
I'm sure you would like to legalize it.
How does he not get beaten the fuck up? That would happen to any kid that tries to pull this shit here and their parents wouldn't let them meet them.
This. My fellow burger's arrogance offends me.
They usually live in very far left communities where people who say anything bad about it get ostracized and the judges are all pedophiles that fuck little boys so the parents never get charged with child abuse.
this is what we fought WWII for
>I'm sure you would like to legalize it.
Nice projection shitskin. Say hi to your wife/sister for me.
not everybody is a quasi-human like you abdul
>White people
honestly pathetic.
ive lost everything
Most homosexuals are black.
It's not ok to dress your daughters like that.
non-whites are faggots at almost twice the rate as whites.
Isn't that because they have larger populations?
I am talking about just in America. Who knows what fucked up shit non-whites to in their countries.
>That would happen to any kid that tries to pull this shit here
No it wouldn't, you faggot and you know it.
You have trannies (or known as hajiara) walking around streets whoring for money because that's practically Paki tradition.
You degenerate fuckfaces.
Because reacting with violence is nigger tier intelligence aka chimping out like a fucking savage.
>3 is not 8
>what is developmental psychology?
Retard tranny faggot spotted
Beating up a kid who has mental problems is generally frowned upon in modern society
Hollywood is one big Luciferian tranny cult these days. Lots of people on TV are gender swapped, so we don't see them among us. Literally They Live!
Burger here, I'll sign whatever petitions are being circled to have trannies and their parents gassed en masse.
California should be turned into a mass grave.
This is not true. Look at Mexico, the whiter Mexicans are perceived a higher social class.
It's not too late for you to become luciferian and either a booby trap or a regular trap.
Bassed on what I've seen however, I'd advise against joining a cult similar to the hollywoodian ones and becoming a tranny for it is too irreversible.
levi ...
>brits think
do not error
No kid is going to beat him up because that would ruin his chance of fucking him some day.
It's time to implement the three cent solution.