Why the fuck are France so in bed with Germany when they should be one of the UK's greatest allies by now?
Why the fuck are France so in bed with Germany when they should be one of the UK's greatest allies by now?
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Germans women's, have you tried ? They are good, even the Turks one.
We never wanted to be in bed with anyone, our rotten leaders forced the EU meme and suddenly Germany became our bff.
Cause France wanted to get rid of it's shit Franc and have the same currency as Germany.
Maybe cause you were our ennemies for 1000 years and that no one can ever trust an English?
They trust us, stupid fucks
French are fucking traitors and cucks who did nothing in ww2
we've never been mates
>He thinks the Germans aren't you enemies
lol when the EU claims your nuclear weapons you'll be sorry.
We helped hitler the king of whites, it's was an honor. Also when we see how brits see French with their Anglo bullshit movie we can't help but thinking they hate us while German will do anything to keep us as their mate.
The French should be thankful that Britain even exists. If it wasn't for us, you're country wouldn't be here today.
We are allies with France / Germany.
Same shit now. Need to fight together.
It was their project from the beginning.
They forced us to agree to it as a condition of reunification.
They did a lot in WW2. French SS volunteers were the last people who defended the Führerbunker in Berlin, so the soviets couldn't take it on may day. Great allies.
Spoken like a true cuck.
France CREATE GB in 1066. be Thankful.
I am
>anglo bullshit movie
Not eclectic and artsy enough for French cinema?
France didn't exist. We ARE the Normans, WE are the original French.
Its about creating a counter-balance to the UK and US. As a culture the US and UK are Anglo, whereas France and Germany are continental European.
France sides with Germany on issues such as trade and war because they fear the gorwing influence of America over Europe.
Norman = north man. Only linguistically French.
How long before we see a power struggle between Macron and Merkel for control of the EU? There is no way his and her egos can both exist in the same union.
Because Bongs are gay
Considering Merkel is old enough to be Macron's mom, I think they have other plans.
You fucking autist
Dude no question avout it
>literally WE WUZing
Look where you are.
you've been done over our lad
Why would you want to be allies with a thousand year enemy when you can be allies with us instead :3
Ideally, we'd be in bed with neither and instead rule the European Union as our renewed Empire. I do prefer the English over the Germans, though. They're a perfidious breed, but we have a love/hate relationship. Mortal ennemies turned friendly rivals, though a part of our downfall is their fault. But we have never been friends with the Germans either, and between their inferiority complex and seemingly insatiable desire to destroy Europe by any means, they're definitely the lesser choice as far as potential friends go.
The few thousands of Norwegian settlers that arrived in the region that was henceforth called Normandy had little impact on the genetic, cultural makeup of the region, and they didn't suddenly replace the natives. They swore fealty to the crown, converted, nobles and settlers alike intermarried with locals, and adopted French customs. I doubt any of them, with maybe the exception the nobles even knew they had a single drop of nordic blood.
Macron keeps surprising me, and his recent calls for the Union to get it's shit together is either a sign of tensions to come, or just a way to appease tensions at home. We'll have to see.
Well, Macron has a thing for women that could his mom.
Because Burgers are gay
tfw the UK and France together could take out the EU but the French are too cucked
This. Considering the history we have with like, all of Europe, it makes sense that best ally we could ever hope for could only be found in the New World. We've only betrayed each others a few times, by our standards that makes you our best friend.
reminder that the french offered (twice) to merge with the UK, accept our queen as head of state and adopt the pound.
But our prime minister declined.
That would create a bilingual country which would be pretty shit.
>not hating the French
What's the point of calling yourself british
Exhibit A
>wanting to Allie with the eternal frog
>the UK would have just become a larger Canada
> the niggeriest country in europe and the united caliphate arguing
>Why the fuck are France so in bed with Germany when they should be one of the UK's greatest allies by now?
This is easy to answer: the French elite (as the German) thinks that a unified EU serves their best interest, regardless of wether this assumption is correct or not. GB is opposed to the EU, so France and Germany allied against GB.
What is it like to be on the receiving end, you cunts?
Yeah but France has an equal population to Britain so it won't be that easy.
This but even worse since it would 50/50 English French where as Canada is only like a quarter French speaking.
I doubt the union would hold after the WW2 (when the first proposal was)
>What is it like to be on the receiving end, you cunts?
Receiving what? A chode?
I remember a professor talking about this during a class. IIRC, it was an idea that was said maybe once during a diplomatic meeting, brainstorming, basically. But the British government took it seriously, started up the bureaucratic machine, created committees to determinate the positive and negative of such an union, did polls to test the waters and then like six months later came back with a huge dossier and a conclusion: that it wasn't worth it.
Except,on our side, it had been forgotten pretty much immediately. The professor said that it's something that happened time and time again in the diplomatic relationship between France and the UK in the mid-19th to 20th century: we'd propose something on the fly, like a joint intervention somewhere for example, the Brits would say "we'll think about it", then actually, seriously think about it and then come once we had forgotten about it or the situation that needed intervention was over.
Probably still happens once in a while, I'd imagine.
>yfw this time Poland invades G*rmany
>yfw the G*rman "army" is too weak to stop this
You sissies are just fucked because you both have no friends. France has 0 friends. Germany has 0 friends.
We have Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S, and you two can't bear it. So the little nerds go around in a group to try and protect themselves from the big mean Anglo.
It really is pathetic.
>England is not our best frie-
I'm not sure which one of us is the most cucked, honestly. Seems to be a race to the bottom. Sure, you got Brexit recently, and that's great, but the EU was really the least of your worries. Any news I hear from your country make you out to be more cucked by the day, EU or no EU. Nothing is done about Third World immigration and any criticism of it gets you jailed, there is no pushback against islam, you have no actually nationalist political movement, the Tories seem all around terrible and seem to try anything to soften the Brexit. And since you share the same language and are in the same cultural sphere as the Americans, their bullshit infects you much sooner (BLM, SJWs, for example). We'll have to see how Brexit turns out, I guess.
We have the US too, and all our "ex" colonies, though I guess that's less friends and more country we bully once in a while for ressources.
Because everyone hates Britain
and that's why we are the better country today
I don't know if the two World Wars completely erase everything else, though.
The fight, the real fight, is between the people and the corrupt, self-serving, weak, scheming, politicians.
France, GB, Germany should be allies, let rules the world.
Germany always was our true mortal enemy, Britain was a one time thing. Germans been fucking with us for 2000 years
Last time we were close to that, you ruined it all with your obsession with balance of power on the continent.
From what I've read it was mostly a French idea. The Brits in WWII didn't think it was a good idea since they wanted to appear as liberators, not conquerors of France. After WWII it was an economic idea, in fact the main French champion of it was a French economist.
He refers to Dunkirk, this shitty movie that literally spits on the French
because they hate each other for meme reasons
let's end this - Be strong. Be allied.
I haven't seen it yet, but from what I've read of it from those that have doesn't say anything negative about the French.
Tfw I live in former French territory (Cologne)
Such a meme, we don't even have enough of them. Like 4% of our population are women in the fuckable age bracket.
I wouldn't call 800 years of near constant warfare "meme reasons". We have even better reasons to hate the Germans, though, with them it's 2000 years of warfare.
That's reassuring, I was thinking of going to see it and was hoping they didn't forget us, since we aren't shown at all in the trailer, IIRC.
The Rhin is and will always be the natural border of France. I'm surprised we didn't have more of a lasting cultural influence, considering it was French territory for close to 20 years.
No ones like Germany here
I assure you OP
>Considering Merkel is old enough to be Macron's mum
Or his wife
They're in there. The same people that said nothing was negatively said about the French said they are in the film, just not for long. Just with the incorrect post-war Mas-36 rifles.
I hope there is a torrent of it soon enough so I can watch it.
They are both building caliphates.
caliphate of sweden provides the carrier killing subs.
caliphate of france provides the nukes
caliphate of germany provides the money and manpower.
Merkel is the worst leader Europe has ever had
France and England are both western European
I believe there is something deeply racial to explain why both the French and Welsh, English, appreciate rugby for example
It wouldn't be surprising if France had adopted cricket in the 19th Century
Whereas if Germany had adopted cricket, it would have been forced from Berlin, and the Germans would take the game too seriously
i admire the French, or at least the true french people, true friends of the Empire during its waning days.
Our men fought to keep it from German domination 2 times, it's a shame there won't be a third time the way things are going.
during Anzac day, i remember one of your ministers saying "Long live the Franco-Australian friendship"
>German autism would ruin a gentlemen sport
seems accurate, no doubt they would bog it down in even more rules so as to keep the game running as efficiently as possible rather as fluently and chivalrously.