Shots fired.
Shots fired
Other urls found in this thread:
>can't do anything about this "sewer"
>appointed Goldman Sachs guys to his team
>new zealand
>can't find a half attractive woman to fuck
>this sheep will do.
No Trump don't kill the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
>can't find a proper place to shart
>this mart will do
>please ignore the big NYT/WaPo story coming out today.
Damn, Trump is so transparent.
drain yourself piss drinker ;)
>Can't find a proper place to shart
>My next generation's skin will do
Yes finally, Trump is going on offense, maybe WH user is right about 27 july
Took him long enough, fuck GOP, fuck DNC
The only people pushing "shart in mart" are "poo in loos". Nice flag Pajeet. . How bad must your life be that you are envious of not having a mart to shart in or the free capital to just purchase more bottoms anytime you want. Anyways good talking to ya. Mind that street and watch your feet.
>Trump is going on offense
I wish.
"Worse than anyone ever thought"
He keeps doing this thing where he isn't informed on something, then looks into it, then announces obvious shit as if it's a revelation and he's the first person to see it.
gee, he's starting to be a little bit repetitive and boring.
>Trump is going on offense
He posted on Twitter. In the real world, he's not doing shit.
Always archive shills
haha more twitter shitflings, so funny! Funny how it's so bad there that all his cabinet members are "sewer people"
Yes remove them from the swamp please.
im not sure why the old donny even tweets these things after attending the cloning centers for how many years now?
Rekt and keked
Love it that the EU is against the house "mandatory sanctions" bill that has bipartisan support, trump can now veto it and claim it would hurt allies if he doesn't, uniparty outplayed :)
Maybe Macron is (our guy )
A sewer is a system of drains, my God he's completely retarded
Oh shi-
You should eat more spinach, it will help build up a little muscle in your sub beta body, and be quit when adults speak
Can't wait for 25 million Americans to lose their health insurance thanks to Trump.
>brings up valid argument
>better call him a sheepfucker
the absolute state of burgers
Fucking LOL
I'm sorry if the truth is hurting your feelings but Trump isn't doing anything. Hillary is still free, the swamp still exists and he spends more time shitposting on social media than he does doing his job.
At least he'll be impeached and jailed soon. There's comfort in that.
Precisely the right comeback
That's a bold fucking claim, Donald, "much worse than anyone ever thought". Some of us thought it was fucking Nibiru, so this better be good.
If humans listened to cucks like you we would still live in caves
did you grab this picture from my desktop
We're at the point where it's not amusing anymore. It's just the rantings of a crazy old man who is better suited for medical experimentation than the presidency.
He's not going to drain the swamp, CNN isn't a giant conspiracy, Hillary Clinton doesn't matter anymore and referencing her in any way is just pathetic, he lost the popular vote and that's not a conspiracy either.
Someone needs to put this man on medication.
>bombs assad
what did he mean by this?
>Can't find a white woman to marry
>This Mexican will do
Me neither, I'm on Obamacare and because of how shit it is I'd be better off without it. Horrible inept doctors are the only people willing to take it because they aren't good enough to get any other patients, been fucked up over 2 years straight and they have only worsened my situation with loads of meds and treatments that were for things they realized later I never had which caused issues I wouldn't have had without them. I'd be better off with nothing so I'd have no hopeful thinking, no unnecessary issues, and just suck it up like I should have, and also not get fucking taxed for not having anything.
>tfw healthcare didn't exist before the ACA and people just died on the streets
>Some of us thought it was fucking Nibiru
too bad nazi tech cant repair brains
I love this president.
I live in a southern Californian city where one of every two people is a spic and I don't know a single white person married to, or that has even dated, a Mexican.
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Be happy your president is telling the truth, for fucks sake guys. It is a literal sewer he can't just wave a magic wand and fix the massive corruption of the US goverment in a year.
Are you serious? Look at how he's being attacked currently. It's not like he has all the power goys.
>Can't find courage of the past
>This beer will do
He's incapable of telling the truth. Even if what he says is true, it becomes a lie when he says it. It's a super power.
>I live in a southern California city
>One of every two people is a spic
sounds great
jus' tryina help push 'im tru da fence mate!
>A fucking leaf
>Can't make a good post
>This shitpost will do
You're a leaf aren't you?
He means the jews are in control retards
Not all the power? He has all the information of the alfabet agency's.
Agreed. Imagine if Hillary had won. This entire war on the media would be non existent. We would still be living in a country where the media just lied unchecked all day and night. Trump has essentially demanded that all Americans focus on their bullshit for the next 8 years. They will never recover from his constant onslaught against them.
wtf leave the poor cunt alone. His girlfriend is cheating on him.
>cleaning out the media's (((talking heads)))
this gonna be good
>elect autistic grapefruit
>whole world laughs at how idiotic Americans can be
>Jews are still in control
>not a single major thing trump promised was done
>absolutely fucking nothing
I'm loving it. He has called out ALL the bullshit. Man, I hope no one shoots him...
You mean 25 million niggers and spics? Could care less.
trump takes strong painkillers already for his back pain & other such pain
hes fine, shut your cuck hole
>reddit spacing (BAD)
>no reddit spacing (GOOD)
how to identify people from here & people from other places
its really that simple folks
>then announces obvious shit as if it's a revelation
You still live under a monarchy.
You're not in a position where you should be acting enlightened about "obvious shit" because your country is apparently dumb as fuck.
>>absolutely fucking nothing
He is shit canning bullshit regulations repealing laws undoing the liberty killing bullshit, but who cares right/ He been in for 7 months AND STILL NO WALL.
What a tool.
Drain the Sewer of the literal DC sludges of shit and urine they call politicians
Drain the Mindrape Media Sewer poisoning the public against ever making America great again or fixing the gigantic financial bubble they've made
Great comeback m8. That'll sure show everyone your president isn't a globalist jew puppet.
you make us burgers look even more like backwards inbreds than we really are
Will be looking for you on the Day Of The Bake.
>Hillary Clinton doesn't matter anymore and referencing her in any way is just pathetic, he lost the popular vote and that's not a conspiracy either.
She is just the latest face of corruption and scumbag demagoguery the tip of the spear, so yes she does matter. He should put her under house arrest and watch them all scurry for their rocks and dark places.
The only way to control the Sewer is to take away all their boy rape slaves or give them even more nubile children if they agree to vote in the MAGA agenda
the sad truth is there is no other way
Trump's the biggest beta cuck there is. he has the strongest republican cabinet there's been in years with control over all three branches of government and he still can't get anything done but make excuses and whine on twitter.
He still fucking brings up hillary for fucks sake. Whiny weak Cuckold.
>27 july
he goes on a twitter roll whenever something big is coming against him but id be surprised
Wow, a bunch of words in a tweet. It's literally nothing. #Mueller
don't listen to the haters, america has won again. that's why they are so salty.
Name the law she's broken. The exact legislature. I dislike her but you follow due process.
I fucking love Trump
Why doesn't Trump declare a state of emergency, summon the military and drive out all of the filthy fucking rats by force due to treason?
Comey already testified that he leaked specifically to get a special counsel. That's Mueller. The drain gets pulled between Comey and that nyt faggot.
>Yes finally, Trump is going on offense
He's whining on Twitter about his wimpy AG who won't bring it and about the Republicans who aren't protecting him.
Offense. Lol.
>maybe WH user is right about 27 july
The ninja star of death slingshot is coming! We get you dumb 4/pol/ rednecks every single time. Seriously. You're the dumbest fucking people on the planet. Even 8/pol/ laughs at you for believing what we feed you.
Doesn't know the difference between a swamp and a sewer, kek
>A bill that would criminalise boycotts against Israel has been signed by 45 US senators and 237 congressman.
>The so-called “Israel Anti-Boycott Act” would impose fines of up to $250,000 (£192,000) on any US citizen “engaged in interstate or foreign commerce” who supports a boycott of Israeli goods and services.
>Still, the bill – reportedly drafted with the help of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) – has received widespread bipartisan support.
>Conservatives like Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida also support it.
Ok, Israel's 50 extra states.
She has broken numerous laws, the head of the FBI helped her quite a bit by giving every one guilty of anything immunity, and all of her employees took the fifth in front of congress so let's not play the bullshit game of she hasn't been convicted...she was convicted in the court of public opinion and yet she won't go away. She is such a stupid cunt she thinks I didn't vote for her because of Russians. She really is that fucked in the head.
>wahhhh i cant do anything and im passing the buck to the media
Literally half his tweets this year have been this.
I only check the Trump's twitter just to see the handful of liberal weirdos post memes from the early 2000's. Look at that shit they post, it's low res and ancient looking.
Yeah I can tell the intelligence just oozes from your post. 8 chan is a clusterfuck of pseudointellectuals who were hacked and doxxed like retards.
He just keeps saying the same thing, over and over
>muh Fake News
>remember that slogan during my campaign?
He'll never run. It's all a publicity stunt.
everyone knows it will be HER TURN in november so just stop.
When will he lock her up?
kind of reminds me of (you)
G-get fucked- that can be true cc-can it?
Let'stake a look at your nation's history, hmm,I am on wikipedia, holy fuck, you have always been cucked, never won anything.
No wonder your so pathetic.
If you havnt fucking noticed most of the rebulicans are deepstate cunts that dont like him.
Not only is it trump vs dems but trump vs dems and republicans.
Im suprised hes gotten as much done as he has already.