How did universities become so cucked and why do professors and "intellectuals" feel they're superior to everyone

How did universities become so cucked and why do professors and "intellectuals" feel they're superior to everyone

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The so called regents (I dont know the exact english term) that are responsible for all courses from a certain field or an entire department literally work their asses off the entire year while actually having a great deal of knowledge from that certain field (and others).

The only smug posh fuckers one should be aware are those undergrads hired as assistants.

Just a theory

With the rise of the student loan system Jews began to flock to university administrations. Then, realizing what a gold mine of indoctrination they were sitting on, they began to infiltrate the ranks of the professors. That sense of superiority you refer to is just the typical Jewish attitude toward the goys.

STEM profs are fine tho.
it's psychology, sociology, history, etc. who are cucked

well they were once when universities had a monopoly on information.

now that the internet exists and people can learn the equivalent of a college course from a few articles and a half hour video, the entire system is a facade. a bubble waiting to pop.

they are 4 year LARPs that you are becoming more valuable as a person during your most important skill building years

you enslave yourself with debt while paying a Boomer's fat salary while Marxist ideas Mindrape you and your generation

you can learn all the salient parts of any STEM degree in a tenth of the time just going to the internet

you are literally going to college to waste years and make a Boomer feel important because he gets to be a shitty gatekeeper to knowledge for you

>this is how your grandkids will see you
No, this is

mate this has been around for a long time, just with the rise of social media its become a lot more prevalent

STEM are among the worst in my experience. religious ideas of "utility" and "progress" presented as objective. constant argument from authority and a need to compare themselves to others based on their degrees. I see STEM majors as nothing more than artisan craftsman at best and tools at worst, the man who pulls a lightly more complicated lever than normal. professors keep the pattern going.

the answers you seek are in here.

wait for the described meaning of the cafeteria scene in 1984 it truly is chilling. Orwell saw many things but the most valuable thing he left concrete in his writing is that 'certified' intellectuals are slaves more than masters.

The funny thing is they made BJ jewish now.

>indoctrinate as much young people as possible
>constantly tell them they are the hot shit and better than anyone because reason
>drop all classical education and philosophy
>create a whole generation of "well" educated sheep with not a glint of wisdom
the jews best trick so far.

just dont go to a shit uni then
stem literally drives the economy

the dismissal of philosophy as "pointless" is one of the most disastrous parts of contemporary academia in my opinion. I cringe every time I hear someone say "science is more useful than philosophy". what is science based in, exactly?

t. Someone without a science degree and likely no firm grasp on mathematics or physics

that's what I'm talking about, a religious feeling of importance of being the man who turns the wheel, "driving the economy! progress! utility!"

I have nothing but pity for someone who takes pride in being a cog in a machine. I'm happy they do it, the same that I'm happy there's some poor fuck that scrapes shit clogged up in pipes to keep my toilet working. I'm just not going to be that person and I'm definitely not going to see someone who enslaves themselves religiously to some purpose of utility as intelligent.

>you can learn all the salient parts of any STEM degree in a tenth of the time just going to the internet
I'd taught myself loads of mathematics before starting my undergrad degree; some of it was even graduate level like algebraic geometry, algebraic topology and homological algebra, but I had lots of knowledge gaps that were filled in my undergraduate years. I remember seeing research that indicated it is not unusual for autodidacts to have large holes in their knowledge and understanding, and I wasn't just relying on the internet either -- I also bought huge numbers of textbooks. I feel like my ability to teach myself has improved dramatically what at university.

And what you say is 100% false for postgrad degrees that require research like PhDs.

ok just die then
if u want a hot wife epic kids a lineage, a family that respects you. if u want to be the patriarch incarnate. you play the game. or you die sad and alone.

hopefully after 30 you start your own business.

Liberal arts
Being forced to take humanities and sociology courses alongside your science ones

STEM departments definitely have a religious conviction of self-worth. The professors are also often so sheltered they will accept whatever slander the sociology departments throw at them. "G-g-gee s-sorry, i guess i d-didn't realise how ableist jewtonian physics was..."

what do you know about the ceramic industry? how about the composition and laying of concrete? what chemical compounds are used to reinforce or color glass? do you know what equipment to use to remove biofilm from pipes?

>hurr look at me because I learned how to do a job I am smarter than everyone
keep rowing that oar, tool.

read this book

>play the game or else you will be sad and poor and miserable and no one will love you
I see you've been indoctrinated well. what else can you parrot to make yourself feel more like a snowflake?

Newton was not a jew.

I agree about learning on the internet, not sure about the tenth of the time.

And yes, 99% of professors are stupid boomers, with nevrosis, inferiority complexes, they live just to enjoy feeling superior from their position of power as professors. They're a basket case.

im not special
the only way you differentiate is with hard work kid

idc what u think
you are going to die sad and alone if u dont specialize and put in hard work

>people can learn the equivalent of a college course from a few articles and a half hour video

maybe in burgerland and considering your post, it seems like you've never been to an university before

it is your faith that everyone who does not work for rich men dies sad and alone. this is your religious belief, because it justifies the decisions you've made. you choose to be a worker ant because you've been tricked into some kind of doctrine that it's the only way to be happy.

>I have to spend over half of my waking life working for another man so that I have a mucus lathered orifice to put my penis inside of so that I am not miserable
oh I'm totally BTFO aren't I

Universities are Boomer welfare

you were born into the slave class deal with it
if u put in the work u might become owner class with luck

regardless u r going to have a shit life if u don't participate

where are you going to be at 70?

not participating is a Jewish psyop

Lol, from all your posts in this thread you sound like some dumbass who was too stupid to get a STEM degree and ended up transfering his generals to an ezpz 'smoke weed e'ryday' philosophy degree degenerate. You are a drain of resources on society. You have no new ideas.

I dropped out three years into uni after realizing it's a retarded pyramid scheme and that I'm wasting enormous amounts of time and resources on trying to get myself into a position where I spend over half of my waking life making money for someone else. intelligent people don't fall for it.

Intellectuals have always been more liberal slash progressive than the general population. Conservatism is an ideology held primarily by the unintellectual masses and a few, occasionally intelligent, authoritarians and elitists. Conservatism results largely from a difficulty in thinking abstractly, which is precisely what intellectuals do.

>not participating in making money for jews is a jewish psyop
what the fuck

you do more drugs than I do if you drink caffeine.

>you are a drain of resources on society
good job, you feel like you have to make money for another man to be inherently "useful". you fell for it. you sure showed me.

>philosophy is bad compared to science
what do you think science is based in? and you try to call me uneducated?

>it's a retarded pyramid scheme

like everywhere else

>I'm wasting enormous amounts of time and resources on trying to get myself into a position where I spend over half of my waking life making money for someone else

well. that's called taxes and you have to pay them with or without a degree

>intelligent people don't fall for it

you're not as intelligent as you might think

What does your abstract thinking have to do with the price of rice?

I can believe conservatism is an ideology primarily held by the masses, but the funny thing is the socialist intelligentsia are the first to be purged when there is a revolution, even a revolution that the intelligentsia themselves agitated for.

>not participating in making money for jews is a jewish psyop
>what the fuck

duh, the first things jews do is flood a place they have conquered with porno on public tv so the males stay at home masturbating

stop falling for the jew kid

they are hustling u into staying in ur moms basement being zero competition for them

at least niggas go out and try
thats why the nigga is dicking ur girl

According to what I have seen in two European countries:

Endogamy, fixed sponsors (usually national champions), collusion with them

>like everywhere else
you fell for it.

>well. that's called taxes and you have to pay them with or without a degree
you fell for another thing too.

>you're not as intelligent as you might think
seeing that you think that life is composed of holding up pyramid schemes and making money for other people and that there are no alternatives, I don't see how you are an authority on who is intelligent and who isn't whatsoever.

>the jews are controlling us all!!1! you have to show them who's boss by working for them!
>I literally cannot comprehend anything other than wanting to put my penis inside someone's orifice! there is nothing more important than sex!

how do u not see that u r the one being tricked into not participating, its a classic double misdirection u idiot

> And yes, 99% of professors are stupid boomers, with nevrosis, inferiority complexes, they live just to enjoy feeling superior from their position of power as professors. They're a basket case.

So true in Europe. I understand why business people laugh at academics.

Thinking abstractly is how we get the price of rice down.

The college system is something of a monopoly. A weaker monopoly than it used to be, thanks to the internet, but still a monopoly. You want to live? Get a job. You want a job? Lets see that degree, you silly goy. College really is just a meme but it's a meme that all of the employers buy into and at this moment in time, the hands of young people are simply tied. It's either play the game or be homeless.

because people who argue the opposite say things that are contrary to observable reality such as "you cannot be happy unless you work really hard for someone else and make a bunch of money so a woman will sleep with you."

Fell for what? If you want a change, you have to improve yourself, sacrifice time and money and last but not least come into a powerful position where you can change things. If you want a better world, you have to sacrifice something equally.

u need to think end game for your life dude
its the only way

>if you want change
why fix what isn't broken? that aside

>If you want a change, you have to improve yourself
therefore give all of your youth and resources to people who tell you things you can look up on the internet or at a library? seems a little bit non-sequitor...are you rambling?

there is nothing you can learn from uni that you can't learn more efficiently yourself. nowhere in the quark of an atom does it say "you need lots of money to be happy". that aside, there is no amount of money you can make from a career supplied by a degree that exceeds what you can make through entrepreneurism.

>you need to think end game for your life
>therefore spend all of your money and time being told things so that you can get a piece of paper that lets you spend all of your time making money for someone else

Professors and intellectual's often feel "superior" because they know a very good deal of information on a specific subject.

They might be very well versed in the chemistry of glass, for example, and are probably superior in that regards to the majority of the population.

The can also be dumb as a bag of rocks when it comes to other things.


>having kids
That's a good joke m8

When society treats science like religion, scientists become and behave like preachers.

>Why fix what isn't broken?

Well, if nothing is broken, why are you complaining?

>therefore give all of your youth and resources to people who tell you things you can look up on the internet or at a library? seems a little bit non-sequitor...are you rambling?

you really think that looking up for certain information is everything you do at uni?

>that aside, there is no amount of money you can make from a career supplied by a degree that exceeds what you can make through entrepreneurism.

seems like it's only the money you're after.

Yeah and liberals are also the lowest of the low socially so don't pretend to always have the high ground. The lowest of the low conservatives are lower middle class. While the absolute upper elite in any area are conservative. These people can think abstractly but still understand the reality of human existence. The later are basically animals with slightly more complicated social interactions and faggotry obsessed autists who are mad at their parents.

Positive reinforcement.

They've probably been told by other retarded individuals that they are smart therefore they start to believe it.

Same reason some women get incredibly vain and self-centred, they get told their pretty and beautiful all the time by desperate guys and then they start to believe it.

Same reason some fat people claim their fat is beautiful, they get positive reinforcement from others that believe that shit and they only hang around with those people so their view gets manipulated based on the interactions of the relatively small number of people they choose to be around them.

The same applies to liberals, sjw's, feminists etc

>Well, if nothing is broken, why are you complaining?
I'm not complaining about myself. the subject is university and the education system.

>you really think that looking up for certain information is everything you do at uni?
uni is all about information and job training. "here's how to row an oar, here, practice for a bit, here's a piece of paper that says you know how to row an oar, go row an oar and make some money you're so smart"

>seems like it's only the money you're after.
not sure why you're so obsessed with me, I'm talking about the education system and you keep bringing up me as though I'm relevant. is there a reason to go to uni other than to make money or learn something? these two things can be done easily without it unless you're stupid.

>The can also be dumb as a bag of rocks when it comes to other things.
This is very true. Typical academics. They think that because they understand some particular field at a higher level than average, it means that they're smarter than people who aren't as invested in that field. All their expertise means is that they are knowledgeable in their field of expertise, nothing more. For example, I'd venture to argue that if you put a top tier mathematician like Andrew Wiles up against a master tactician like Miyamoto Musashi in a game of wits, Musashi would wipe the floor with him. Does that make Musashi "smarter" than Wiles? Not necessarily, but the mathematician would be wise not to underestimate an opponent just because he's not academic.

>I'm not complaining about myself. the subject is university and the education system.

That the education system is broken is true, but why not trying to repair it? Why let it go on? Why don't you do anything else than just complaining?

>uni is all about information and job training.

Well. It is not. It's way more than this. Sure there are many task you have to do to get through, but it's also about talking to other people and maybe finding someone who shares the same views etc. Well, maybe your uni was way different than the one i go to. Who knows.

>is there a reason to go to uni other than to make money or learn something?

yeah there is. and no i am not obsessed with you as a person. i just don't like people who just complain and do nothing but shitpost on Sup Forums how bad everything is bla bla

>but why not trying to repair it? Why let it go on? Why don't you do anything else than just complaining?
why do you think I care? I don't give a fuck if people plug into some pyramid scheme and do chores. I'm just explaining why I don't view people who do so as intelligent.

>but it's also about talking to other people and maybe finding someone who shares the same views etc.
if you have to spend tons of money and time sitting in lectures and doing repetitive tasks because you want to socialize, you are going about multiple things extremely inefficiently at the same time.

>i just don't like people who just complain and do nothing but shitpost on Sup Forums how bad everything is bla bla
so you dislike yourself? then you should change yourself. personally, I like who I am and am happy, and wouldn't be posting here if I thought it was stupid.

>liberals are also the lowest of the low socially
Not really. Those are conservatives whose situation happens to align with the sympathies of liberals.

Yea, the upper elite do tend to be conservative, in part because liberals tend to care less about personal wealth. And by and large, their wealth is made on the backs of liberals, through their social and intellectual revolution, eg Stalin vs. Trotsky or Steve Jobs vs. Steve Wozniak.