She is right men are pigs and have destroyed our planet
>inb4 countless angry virgin manbabies start chimping out
She is right men are pigs and have destroyed our planet
>inb4 countless angry virgin manbabies start chimping out
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump men are obsolete and it's great!
>implying global war is a bad thing
Also, cherry picking.
But she is right have you seen the state of the modern world?
women are the real civilization destroyer
Men are Obsolete. Women no longer need men
They fought hard for their rights and now they have the right to vote and equal rights with men. They don't have to get married. They can go to college, start careers, and own their own money. They don't need a husband to give them money.
More women are living single now than ever before. They aren't even interested in men. They just go about their business. You see them walking down the street with earphones in, listening to their music, and ignoring YOUR catcalls. You see them in the bars and even the sports bars with groups of their friends chatting and laughing among themselves, but if you try to approach them, you'll get shot down because they aren't interested in men any more.
They even have a variety of sexual devices to please them at a moment's notice. Hitachi wands have basically made penises obsolete. And children? Well, they can just visit a sperm bank if they want one.
Women no longer need men. How does that make you feel?
European queens waged war more frequently than kings.
The country that was ruled by a queen.
Perhaps she should see how well African matriarchal tribes live?
And back when we weren't intellectually and culturally rotting we believed that women should behave in a Godly way, that is to say "11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety." 1 Timothy 2: 11-15
Eww don't post in my thread you creepy loser
The industrial revolution was started by a country ruled by a queen*
She's another low-iq who will not be voting or participating in the coming fascist regime
Hate on the superior sex (men) all you want. It will not change your genetic inferiority.
Please I want all women on one continent to make their own state so I can fucking kill the ones who say shit like this.Also sweetie sperm banks require men so this is probably just a leaf anyway.
None of us would be here, in a society, on the internet, using electronic devices, that run on electricity, if we didn't let men hold positions of power. We wouldn't be able to complain about men if men themselves didn't give us the opportunity and resources to complain about the men who gave us the opportunities and resources to complain.
Doesn't this imply that women could be better at this than men?
Should we laugh? And the intellectual and cultural rot is mostly caused by women and leftists in the academia
can i kill you. id pay you good money like 20.000 euros if you let me kill you u could give it to ur family
Single women make terrible mothers. Single father make excellent children. Men pay more taxes than women.
Women vote men out of the family
just look how many single mothers are there they don't even want men more, but they want the welfare to get money from men
so if men don't exist there would be no money for you women
>impotent virgin rage
Being raised by only a mother is absolutely disastrous for a child, I can't believe this is allowed. It certainly wouldn't last if it was the only thing happening, if that's what your bait implies is optimal.
Won't be long before the shit posting breaks your noodle arms.
>Single women make terrible mothers
Fake news
>Single father make excellent children
No most men are sexual predators. 75% of child abusers are men. 90% of murderers are men
Like I cant wait to return the flavor with robo-waifus and artificial wombs.
I mean if the insecure little whores dont keep either from seeing the light of day, of course.
Lol go see a therapist if you have such great mommy issues. It's not her fault you tunred out like that it's you stop being a manbaby and take some responsibility for your actions
Sources pls
Man built everything and if a man is to choose to destroy it all, then that is a mans right.
Either way though, most of the issues on a social level come from women.
Also implying war is a bad thing, you wouldnt have a computer if there were no wars. A lot of technological advances since the dawn of time first come up as a form of military equipment or strategy.
Saying men are at fault for intellectual and cultural rot to me translates to "men are responsible for shortcomings of women."
Funny how this dumb bitch pretends she is some great observer yet she is blind next to her eyes and cannot see anything further than from whats directly infront of her face. All women are like this and that is why they are inferior. No capability of understanding the past and future implications both material and immaterial. Material is all they know, sadly it is in their nature. But whats sad about this is that even when it comes to purely materialistic things which matter to them more than it matters to men, they are still inferior to men.
Why do you think anyone cares? You are already invisible to women. You just stay in your basement and masturbate to cartoons. With sexbots you will just be humping some machine making awkward motions back and fourth. Besides male sexbots are already a thing.
You know nothing about childs early development.
>encourages bringing a child into this world in a single parent household
There is nothing wrong with single mother households. Besides most of the time the man is responsible for breaking up the family.
He said single fathers, not men in general, roastie.
The modern world only decayed after we gave women the right to vote and the right to not have children.
FBI crime statistics
If there's nothing wrong with it than why are black people so fucking dumb and violent?
>Another entitled sexually frustrated omega male venting his anger on the Internet
Yeah that's temporary. You think the world will always stay this safe? You're fucking delusional.
I will ask again, source please.
I cant wait to murder every second womxn i meet after this all collapses and reverts to monarchies
It's Sage to say, another larping faggot b8 for yous
Projecting, I wasn't raised by a single mom, I don't think it's as common here as it is where you are in Canada.
Plus enjoy, I hope your ad hom attack against Molyneux will at least be humorous, but I doubt it.
Because of the patriarchy and this vile white male dominated world we live in. There is nothing fundamentally superior or better about "traditional" families.
Its certainly not women who are capable of keeping it as such.
I know you are baiting and i advise you to try a little bit harder, at least form an argument as retarded as it may be, it is still going to be better than this.
what have women ever built?
its wierd that people on here don't apply the same reasoning they use on other races and groups to males
they are more agressive, they should be removed from power, equal rights are fine, they just can't be able to hold power
>Cryptofascist lolbertarian white male opinions
Into the trash it goes come back with some peer reviewed studies and we will talk
For those curious, the feminazi in OP's image is a financial dominatrix. Her entire living comes from making men feel shit about themselves so she can extract money from their male guilt like the cunt parasite he is.
She even posted this image of castration tools, she clearly has some degenerate fetish.
If traditional families and culture aren't superior, then why was it able to dominate and conquer every other culture? Our current prosperity didn't happen by chance you retard
good, now apply the same reasoning to jews
I bet she'd call me racist for saying the exact same thing about niggers.
I am not b8ing you are just mad and confused because we are appropriating your memes and posting style to dismantle your system stay mad.
Even the ancient times Greeks knew putting women in charge was such a bad idea that they made a comedic play from it.
The net result of banning men is negative, the net result of banning Muslims is positive.
>that flag
>lecturing on responsibility
I have personal experience from single mothers and it does not work. I raised myself and never could rely on mother to help me. I have worked hard and still do to reach top performance. When I went out working sometimes she would steal my money and "pay me back" and just give me 10 pennies. The only reason she survived was because of my step father. The only reason I am alive is because I educated myself, taught myself valuable morals, and know my place in life.
All women are weak and server men. If you disagree there's always a cross to help you remember.
Hail Caesar.
>please give sources to your claims, i don't need to give sources to mine
Oh, so you're from leftypol and you're posting tweets from a financial dominatrix?
How does it feel to be a living embodiment of the cuck meme? Tell us about your wife's son
Women are actually responsible for all those.
Where do you even buy clothes like that?
Lol nice. Men are pathetic and weak. I am so happy for her
Scroll down and look at the studies. It's why I linked the site and not the video. And I'm sorry to say, but that wasn't funny, as I expected.
>men u suck
>now pay my bills
a self-hating e-hooker
what a surprise
All the older single women I know are fucking miserable. Several have simply given up trying to find anyone. They are my friends and I feel bad for them, but to suggest that this is empowering is just stupid.
I was raised by a single mother you fucking tard. I am the fucking srouce.
Random race: blacks
>blacks are more aggressive than whites
>blacks are not the most brilliant members of a society
>men are more aggressive than women
>men are the most brilliant members of a society
There you go, little baby
Kid looks like she knows exactly how fucked she is.
for whom`?
>us white males obviously
yeah, no, wars have been fought by men, still haven't heared any examples of women actually destroying a civilization, while men have, plenty of times
With creation always comes destruction. Men are the supreme creators and the supreme destroyers
>muh experience makes me able to make generalizations
yeah , the common fallacy of the right authoritarians
Examples of what? Of societies destroyed by women?
Sparta? Mouso tribe?
This is now a legion thread. Al those not in the legion are degenerates and will be slaughtered as such.
>75% of child abusers are men
kek. 60% of *all* child abuse in America is committed by single mothers. Mostly black.
barren womb
You are only appropriating only your own stupidity my friend. Simply using ad hominems unironically, as you say you are doing, is worse than using them ironically. You are becoming a meme yourself. Look at me im retarded, just kidding im pretending! How silly when all of your actions up till now can be summed up by a 2 panels of a 3 panel "comic" that doesnt contain more than 5 sentences? Act retarded long enough and you yourself will become retarded outside of your act.
Stupidity breeds stupidity, you fool other idiots that they are in good company.
women are so shit at everything they do they can't even assess the source of the problem properly
'omg its antisemitic to say Jews who run the institutions are ruining the world'
'all men are destroying the world'
Op can you get a tit out btw
Men are pigs they are walking wallets
In the legion there is no such thing as this degeneracy. Women are in their rightful place, as they should be.
>blacks are more agressive then whites
>blacks are a bane on society
>males are more agressive then women
>males are a bane on society
there you go alfredo
Men have also invented the lightbulb, discovered gravity etc.
If women ruled the world it'd be a lot more peaceful but we'd be living in mud shacks.
There are two sides you fucking retard.
Males literally made society and everything that goes with it. Blacks made nothing thats comparable.
Ave, true to Caesar.
Women exist only for children that will one day serve the glory of the Legion.
>intellectual and cultural contribution
You can pick ONLY ONE(1)
Actually men created everything, women are just background noise.
If you want to ask yourself a good noggin joggin question, ponder on this;
Who has gotten more rights within the last 100 years? Why do you think the destruction of society is being ushered in? Because women and PoC have found it necessary to become bizarro hitler and his regime.
Jews have destroyed traditional roles in society and have destroyed morality by desecrating christianity with paganism. In fact they have almost won the holy war, simply by sacrificing the goys.
That is what experience does, it allows you to make generalization to events. Fuck me I hope you are a leaf under there and not this retarded. This hurts to watch someone as retarded as you be alive and not 6 feet under not on dirt because that would be too good for a degenerate like you.
Hail brother
But in the case of blacks is true.
In the case of males it's not true, because society itself survives because of them
Is this really so hard to understand?
As I said earlier, European queens waged war more frequently, and removal of traditional gender roles and removal of requirements for strict requirement for monogamy correlates with destruction of cultures.
legion are homos
1. Wrong.
2. That's the result of industrialization.
3. This is natural.
4. That's the niggers' and women's fault.
So, if women ruled the world:
1. We would have no industrialization in the first place because muh pollution
2. We would have no world wars because there are no means to make the war worldwide. Really hard to take on multiple countries with just horses and sticks.
3. There would be no poverty because everyone would be equally poor.
3.5. Not even enough money to wage a war at all. Or have science. Or keep a state. Small tribes might be possible.
4. No intellect and culture = no rot.
In conclusion, perfect women's world is the same world we had 10000 years ago (or have in the shittiest parts of Africa).
great 2 examples without sources sure outweight the rest
why is a site so obsessed with generalizations so against this red pill?