What went wrong?
What went wrong?
They may as well cancel brexit. Everyone even the leftists marching in london knew this was a racist vote to get rid of immigrants. Our democracy is a sham.
Stop it with the Brexit bait, mate. Poor buggers in Britland are already suffering enough. Even the fish stopped swimming to the British isles after Brexit.
who gives a fuck if they are eu migrants, just keep out the non eu migrants
EU going into panic over so many countries wanting to leave
Thinking you can win against the people who are in control via democracy is what went wrong. We have the illusion of options in our society, but we actually have no say over the really big stuff. Unluckily for the west, Demographic replacement by the third world is too important to not let happen. Japan also has the illusion of choice, but the elites here, like in all the other Asian countries, are against destroying native population.
Tl;dr Brits should riot and strike until borders are shut immediately
Yes because we really want millions of the new germans and swedes immigrating to our country via the eu. All those refugees are coming here once they get eu citizenship we need to close the borders.
time for him to return
Politicians no longer work for the people.
they're gonna hold a second vote then after the globalist parties imports enough votes to swing the votes heavily back in their favor
It's still more likely that eu migrants are less likely to be shitskins though and non eu migrants are almost certainly shitskins.
i could be wrong though i am just a burger with little understanding
>the fact that he left in the first place
m8 there is literally no hope for us
Will britbongs ever tire of failing?
Shrunken empire, pajeets, mudslims, barely managed to retain Scotland, cucked by Germany at every turn, and now can't even Brexit properly.
Time to Euthanise the redcoats for their own good.
wtf i thought canada was worse off than britain. You guys are like our little sister going through a 'phase' We need to kick your faggot ass i say we should conquer you, but that would give us to many liberals then trump would never get re elected
Yeah, first 'post-nation' state here.
Get fucked you retard leaf.
Swear I'll stab a cunt if they try to gyp us out of this.
Let's rebel, fellow britbongs. If they refuse to listen to us we will have no choice but to fight the establishment and make our voices heard through action!
Now, where are my weapons...
>implying there's hope
There is nothing wrong with that. There are still too many whites who can still replicate enough that they won't be completely marginalized eventually, and that's truly a problem if you are one who understand that diversity is strength.
Think of it this way instead. If the US have totally open borders only to Canada and a shut wall to Mexico. Canada decides to welcome all Mexican "refugees" and grants citizenship after 2-3 years. When they finally have the citizenship they are free to move to the US where they have all their families. That's the case with the EU and Brexit, as long as they keep the borders open for European migrants. Not to mention the flood of gypsies freely settling down in the UK as they are just as bad as the other "refugees".
There's a lot of things going on in the background.
Personally I think Brexit will require some major will power to make us self regulating.
It would appear that some here in the UK would rather be led than lead. Many changes of leadership may happen with much political back stabbing & bloodshed yet to come before Brexit ends as a reality.
>What went wrong?
EU, its a quagmire of political corruption, banks and EU commission are trying to fuck up Brexit by any means.
Who gives a fuck? EU migration doesn't even compare to one thousandth of colonial migration and you all know it.
Brexit was kike bait and you all swallowed it hard.
Canada never really had a country.
Britain had a country, an empire and everything. It utterly failed, lost everything and bent over for its colonials to rape it anally until the last brit is dead and buried.
>Tl;dr Brits should riot and strike until borders are shut immediately
And that will never, ever, happen. They will just bend over and spread their ass cheeks for ever more "Asian immigration" like the good little cucks they are and this will continue until every last native European is eradicated. After all, it would be impolite to object.
White genocide was bait to get subhumans talking openly about their disdain for whites. They ate it all up too.
Referenda are an idea alien to the British constitution and this was the worst way to purse that end.
The correct British way to do this was to elect a parliamentary majority which campaigned on the idea of leaving the EU. Then the MPs would actually be committed to carrying that through.
Instead we gutted the parties which actually campaigned for leaving the EU (e.g. UKIP) and ended up with the same pro-Europe elite only with it's hands 'tied' (but not very tightly) to enact changes with which disagree and which they will work to undermine on every step of the way. It's like a parody of the saying about having a cake and eating it too - only we get to pay for the cake but not eat it.
I (and some others) said this way back during the 2015 electoral campaign: the Tories were not to be trusted on this even if they carry out a referendum and even if the idea of Brexit wins. Referenda are a shit, foreign idea.