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What's a Grossalarm?

vroom vroom

you're a brit, so you may know more about Switzerland

I thought the Swiss were not part of the EU, why the fuck do they have sand nigger attacks?

Don't tell me they cucked

mans literally "Great(er)-Alert"

big alarm

High alert of police

I see

Check the catalog before posting

We're also cucked, goy. The EU is imposing its immigration policy on us, otherwise they threaten to fuck us economically. Come visit some time and see for yourself.

we're pretty cucked, some places are impossible to live in and the population is massively socialist

They are in the Schengen free movement area so theoretically shitskins can hop the border from Germany.

Jesus fucking Christ I am getting sick of the EU
I take responsibility for my ZOGed fucking country, but this shit has got to stop

I am sick of seeing the white homeland invaded
I thought Switzerland was safe

God Fucking Damn It

fuck, I have much to learn
stupid as burger 'murican I am

I'll lurk more Euro threads to learn more

I am so fucking pissed

So what do we have left?
>Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania

Are there any left that can stop this madness...?

It's not as bad as in other countries but 5% of our population are muslims after all. Most of them albanians and turks and not arabs or north africans like in other countries. The only non-cucked countries in that regard are in eastern europe.

I thought ramadan was over?

Fuck. Hate it when i see swiss happenings on pol before even hearing about it

our ancestors are weeping

I hate (((Killary and Obongo))) for killing Gadaffi in Libya, they fucking opened the damn flood gates for sand niggers to flood Europe

That, and that bitch Merkel...


meme magic goes hard on this one

Exactly. They caused this clusterfuck to happen when they killed Gaddafi and funded terrorists in Syria and Iraq. They deserve to die. Fucking globalist kike puppets.

Think you meant not all noggers

remove kebab

Cus the less lavished places of Europe will do something.

I'm with you...I voted for Ron Paul in 2012 to no avail...we have an oligarchy here in the USA

Between Merkel, Killary, Obongo, and the rest of the EU, One World Government pieces of shit, Europe has been fucked over horribly

God, I fucking hate them

"Not a terroristic act", authorities confirm.

Guess we gotta pack it up, boys..


I've noticed, the poorer the European country is, like Poland, the harder they fight for their people and their country

Remove kebab

Also, perpetrator has been identified.

It's a gross alarm. Only issued at extremely disgusting situations. Ew.

"Dark white skinned assailant"

Day of the rope/retribution awaits these terrorists. They just have to pay for that.

you are not part of the EU.


English please we dont speak nazi

Pretty sure it was a redneck.

Only rednecks use chain saws.

Saw this in a documentary





Everyone relax the cacks. We don't know if this is peace related or not yet. It could very well be a white supremacist.

It was probably him. Must've been tired of seeing his homeland flooded with shitskins.

its getting heated...
Trump is just the beginning...

I've come to one final conclusion
>there are basically 2 choices we have in the West
>1 vote for the most right wing candidates that will keep all MENA Sand Niggers and Nogs OUT of our countries or 2 we vote for Globalists and GET FUCKED

Trump is a God Damn Kike worshiping Shabos Goy, but if he keeps the fucking Sand Niggers out of the USA, that is the best we can hope for

Its a damn shame how brainwashed so many people in Western European countries are
(excluding most anons on Sup Forums of course)


Hmm, I don't think this was related to the religion peace. Chainsaw isn't really their tool of preaching. If it was a knife, car or a bomb then there wouldn't be any doubt.

Population of 36,000 as of December 2016.


>but if he keeps the fucking Sand Niggers out of the USA, that is the best we can hope for

except he isn't, and isn't doing the wall either.
even Trump isn't strong enough.
you're fucked, we all are.

police confirm, not terror related.


Take that islamophobes.

It's too late
I'm sorry Katie.

>for their people and their country
Their motivations aren't quite as noble as that. But the effect is the same, so no complaints.



Preliminary reports claim that Swiss native Samuel Heid is the suspect at large.

The muslim ban already happened, refugees are down at 50,000 a year, the wall is already being planned

Kill yourself

until I hear his name his Antonio Pierre Schmidt I won't believe it


Kill yourself


Mountain jews had it comming

>Finlands press is reporting on it
>Some old man got chainsawed in the head
Very nice

He's SJW cuck

Serves you right for banning racing, faggots

Refugees are up kid. Theres more coming now from N. Africa, which are bred slightly different and more violent due to the chimp blood from the Southern countries.

Too many gypies

AAAALARM!!! THIS IS GROSSALARM: youtube.com/watch?v=erTE5mEOMeI

>shaved head
>190 cm

abort abort

you're missing the bible old chum

that's from a porno right? please tell me that shit isn't on television


look user, it was either Killary or Trump
guess how many countries would be on the travel ban with that bitch Killary in charge?

She would pull a Merkel in a heart beat, I know it
Trump was my country's only logical choice

The travel ban is still temporary though...
Trump 2020

Join Generation Identity if you're a white Italian and if you haven't done so already

What the fuck? You mountain niggers are supposed to keep this shit under control soI can keep my dream of getting out of the ZOG someday that keeps me from falling asleep with the engine running. Iceland is ruined, the Jews bankrupted them and then turned it into the flyover equivalent of a roadside motel. What the fuck....

Aber warum liegt hier Stroh?

Should be Samuel Heidi
Missed a good jape there.

Its austrian quallity porn

What is that paperclip letter anyway?

fucking switzerland now too?

Hard S, a little bit like the th in english

>She would pull a Merkel in a heart beat, I know it
>I know it
She fucking ADMITS it.


Didn't the train stations have those anti-Islam advertisements? I remember seeing a few in Montreal.

>a little bit like the th
u wot

It's more like a hard double S sound. Like the hard S sound in miSSing

Gee, then why do you suppose they haven't given a description of the perp? Since after all he is on the run. I'm so sick of our lying ZOGs covering up for the Jews' pets..

>hey everybody im a ameritard i know german because muh ancestor i am 1/126 german

oh, poor little baby, did I strike a nerve?
yeah, I did by the looks of it

Go back to r_thedonald Magapede Fagot



Swedish Chainsaw Massacre

They also burnt a serbfag some days ago

Le kek eksdee!!!1!1!1


Trump 2020
despite his flaws, he's the best we have

>The EU is imposing its immigration policy on us
Is it, though? You had a referendum to opt out of Schengen and severe your ties with the EU, and passed it. Your government is choosing to pick immigrants, not being forced to.

is he /ourguy/?

Looks fairly magreb

Its been a while

Our government is not our government anymore, most of these fucks either work only for themselves or straight up against people. And hardly anyone gives a shit, they just take it, every day, delivering their money to the authorities to finance Kwame and Ahmeds gold Rolex.

Suspending the freedom of movement of persons agreement would've meant to automatically suspend all other agreements with the EU as well and that would've fucked our economy colossally. So, you see how they're holding us hostage. Same with Hungary. "Accept the shitskins or else!"
The bill to restrict mass migration now turned into a policy of unemployment offices having to prioritize natives when giving out jobs in fields where unemployment passes a certain threshold. It was implemented not as intended and is therefore unconstitutional. If it wasn't for the EU, there wouldn't be a problem. The EU undermines the sovereignty and democracy of nations and must be destroyed at all costs.

You may call me a rapebaby or not, but I fucking hate muslims.
I was in Sarajevo a week ago and I sometimes saw ninjas. Bosnia claims it's secular, but Muslim women and Arabitches still wear hijabs, burkas and cover themselves, even their faces, just because they believe that this will make them "modest". These Muslim women hide from other people.
Europe will soon become Europastan.


It's Swiss for IT'S HAPPENING

the EU must be stopped
Remove Kebab

True. And they all secretly despise us and want everyone to become like them. Too bad the leftist traitor cucks suffer from mental illness, so they don't see that.