Template with alpha, not sure how this one is layered.
Does anyone have the "When you're the 'you have 2 cows' meme for the new generation"?
this ?
Naw. Like it's the memeball but the caption is what I said in my last post.
idk, wait for other anons.
Thanks though. Might as well contribute.
I'm taking all of these over to T_D right now to really rack up some upvotes. I love trolling normies.
I don't have anything to contribute but I'll bump
good one
Made this some time ago.
More of a circle than a sphere.
>an-cap flag
This is ironic right?
Could anyone please make one of Brazil saying:
"When the most corrupt company suffers embezzlement in the bribes department"?
Who called Captain Obvious?
God dammit Brazil, get your shit together.
Thank you very much, friend!