This is how you do it.
>pic related
This is how you do it
That just seems rude.
It's actually not Islamic. Face covering is not supposed to happen. It's a Hindu tradition that's been picked up by Muslims but they shouldn't be covering their face in any case.
Based latvians with their non existent english skills.
still its foreign tradition and foreigners by default should fuck off as long we are talking about european ethnostates.
Good start, those three woman do need to go back though.
Doesn't matter. Not Islamic and it should be banned in any case.
Based Latvia
Why stop there? Prosecute the three people who do wear that garbage and take it a step further and ban the hijab.
The hijab needs to be banned everywhere possible, it's a symbol of Islamic indoctrination.
I still don't understand what kind of argument "despite being worn by only 3 women" is supposed to be.
If only 3 people got raped each year should it be legal? The number of people doing it is compeltely irrelevant.
Good job.
The face veil is anti Muslim and in fact should be banned from every country.
Good. For once the deep insecurity and inferiority complex of the Balts about lacking a culture benefits them.
Keep it up
>three women in entire country
Swede cried when reading
Even more you can do it becouse only 3 worn it. When 100000 worn it it is allready to late.
But its media you know.
Any person who hides their face in public for whatever reason is to not be trusted, antifa, burglars, and religious extremists cover their face for a reason... to not be identifiable when committing atrocities
That about how many female refugees there are in Sweden too though
>I still don't understand what kind of argument "despite being worn by only 3 women" is supposed to be
When insidious people try to argue for or against things they know are wrong they use all kinds of logical fallacies to back up their bullshit to prey on simple minded fools.
My thoughts exactly.
"Latvia bans pedophilia despite there only being 3 pedophiles in the whole country."
Fuck these reverse appeal to the majority arguments.
Exactly. The fact that they're trying to claim that it's part of the Muslim faith is laudable. It would be one thing if they said that having a beard is banned but this would totally be banned 100%
>Dispite being only worn by 3 women
what is the appropriate amount of women in face veil to ban it?
>oy vey you can carry a lockit rauncher!
And everybody can carry knives in their anuses (ask any prison guard). And men can grow beards / shave beards/wear fake facial hair to conceal their identity. Women can dye their hair and get new haircut. All these things should be banned and / or controlled.
>Face covering is not supposed to happen
You mean indian tradition not hindu tradition.Our women don't cover their heads like rural hindu indians women do
Well India was and is primarily hindu. They were ultra protective of their when, even burning widows on their husband's pyre in a practice called sutti.
The real redpill is a headscarf ban.
Uzbek authorities are removing more head scarves from more women in deveilings as the "hudjum" campaign has moved westward to the capital, Tashkent.
Qishloq Ovozi, working with RFE/RL's Uzbek Service, known locally as Ozodlik, has reported here and here on the hudjum in Uzbekistan's section of the Ferghana Valley.
Sources in Uzbekistan told Ozodlik the first such raid in the capital took place on June 5 at the Quyluk Bazaar in Tashkent's Bektemir district. Police arrived and detained women wearing the hijab, or Islamic head scarf, and took them to the district police station.
One person told Ozodlik that people are unhappy over the detentions but that "no one can do anything to defend them (the women), since everyone knows they themselves could be taken to the police station."
You mean sati
>hidden flag
go be triggered elsewhere shitskin
Actually I’m a Russian guy from Latvia, chink. Yes, I’m triggered by stupidity of our “government”. But hey, I’ve been saying for years that en masse Russians and Eastern Europeans are basically white negroes, so I’m not surprised.
t. Russian guy from Latvia
are the baltic states the last states in europe that care?
>Government telling people they can't wear this
Wouldn't support this in my state, to be honest.
Too bad they're friggin poor and have literally 0% impact on any happening in the world
Burkas are illegal in France too, but no one there gives a shit.
you already can't just go around wearing a KKK hood or a ski mask, why would you make an exception for some sandnigger face cloth?
I was in Bosanstan a week ago, in Sarajevo, to be exact. Hated it. It was multicultural and there were Arabs too and muslims too. I saw some women covering their whole body (ninjas). At least the Easter Sarajevo was better.
Yeah fuck those western cucks who say Bosnian muslims are different just because they met the children of cowards who ran from the war. Who now behave like drunken degenerates.
Bosnikas are sliding ever further into an Arab colony.
whos giong to police it?
W all know that Serbs were slaves of Turks up until the beginning of 19th century.
Good. Other countries take note. This needs to happen.
hello rare flag
They won't. They are already brainwashed.
>yaaay government is finally banning meaningless stuff!
sure hope they ban that one thing that i do aswell!
now there are Sandniggers wearing Ninja suits because you lost the War there. too bad. maybe Croats will do a better Job at Removing Kebab next time.
wwoooowww dude!!! It's only three women!!! why you would do that!!! it's better to do when they are million so you can't do shit without protest in your streets duh
>make illegal some of the easiest telltale signs between the invading and the native population
>this is good
have Sup Forums gone retarded?
do you mean laughable?
They banned face veil not hijab
could we start to see pogroms?
So what?
face veil is basically a jewish star, why are Sup Forums supporting the forced mixing of the natives and the invaders?
>meaningless stuff
Fuck off, retard.
>not liking freedom
Isn't Latvia a part of a women's vagina?
Just hang the three... don't waste the paper and time.
are you legit mentally challenged or what?
Islam is the antithesis of freedom.
You can't have both, dummy.
no ur thinking taintvia
yeah you have to choose between a muslim authoritariansim, or western authoritarianism
hurr logic
you cant talk logic to retards m8, don't waste your time
And now I know you're a fucking retard.
Kill yourself.
It's completely irrelevant what's actually written in the text, the only thing that matters is what practicing religious people of that faith do.
It's the typical libtard approach. They try to paint something as irrelevant because "it hardly ever happens" and delay all actions against it till it's basically too late to do anything.
Doesn't matter that it makes no sense at all, because they argue exclusively on an emotional level anyway.
More like very fearful Latvia
Fuck you
>Implying I'm blind and can't see they are a shitskin from a mile away
>Implying you can't SMELL them
great argument
>american education
>has kekistani flag
>eu flag
3 shitskins is already too much
Dr Doom is acting like a hypocrite!!
The everestjew will call you a newfag for saying that his flag is rare instead of uncommon although it is indeed rare; it happens like clockwork.
pick safety