ITT: irrefutable evidence that there are more than two genders
ITT: irrefutable evidence that there are more than two genders
Other urls found in this thread:
snowflake logic 101...
no gender = gender
>the biologist dropped his copy of Genes for Dummies and ran of out the room crying those crocodile tears
>A Tumblr post
>Bill Nye
>The science goy
>Comic depicting woman who's obviously schizophrenic due to the fact that she's able to talk to household appliances such as lamps
How fucking fat do you need to be to require that many and lengthy breaks between short words even in text?
God is a man dumasses
Perfectly reasonable, scientists often lie. Look at Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.
Tacoes so random xD
Deuteronomy 22:5King James Version (KJV)
5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
His god is not a biological organism what the fuck kind of argument is that... it actually highlights the absurdity of her position more than anything else..
80-toed, one-legged Blibabomopedsthps exist.
>Look at Nazi Germany
Where did our scientists actually lie?
They said Jews were non-white
>God has no gender
>the Bible repeatedly calls God 'He'.
I hate it when liberals pretend they know anything about Christianity.
Which is true. What is your point
Being "transgender" is just straight up not accepting pronouns people call you, which is not liking your nickname in high school - tier. These people are children, and are too lazy to face reality, and want to go the easy way.
>God, no gender
Reminds me of when there was apparently no mention of homosexuality in the bible
>Nephews "Bring a special person to school day"
>In class and he's showing me the projects they've been working on
>Teacher starts teaching about some left wing SJW stuff about how to refer to people with proper pronouns like they/them instead of using her/him which could be offensive
>Nephew puts his hand up
>"Yes, user" the teacher asks
>"is it okay to call people faggots"
>I bust out laughing
>Teacher is in shock but quickly recovers and tells him off and takes me and him into the back room
>Lectures me about being a role model
>Tell her to be serious how could she not laugh
>She calls me an imbecile and tells me to leave
>Grab her ass on the way out
>Get home
>Police waiting at my house
>Charged with sexual assault
>Nephew comes home
>summerfag thinks jews are white
good goy
"Jews look hwite to me"
God created man(male) in his image so god is a male too.
If there were more then 2 genders God would say there is.
>Unironically autorithy fallacy
>1. the state of being male or female
Pretty fucking clear, desu
Denial of Einsteinian physics.
Anybody have that smuggle that's all "okay you have a good argument but I came up with an imaginary situation in which we argue and I absolutely trounce you so there"? Because that's pretty much this goddamn post.
You better do it I solved 8 catpchas for this.
look like a bunch of genetic freaks to me
>fuck you lady
I can guarantee Tacos are not real. Wake up people! Tacos are a MexiJew psyop you're all falling for.
How dumb will people feel when they are looking back on their life and realize they spend the whole damned thing being hung up on their genitality?
Fuck you user i wish this story was true..
>i am literally a god
>no I'm not mentally ill
>I am God
>I'm not insane.
I actually have no clue if thats right. Do Gods have genders? Or are they just a God?
I might be wrong but didnt god make adam in his likeness? Thus pretty much confirming god is male. Eve or whatever was made later because adam was bored or am i wrong?
God may not have a gender in our understanding of it. But constantly god refers to himself as a father like figure.
God told him that jacking off is sinful and he was getting blueballs
The Abrahamic God is clearly a man...I'm sick of waiting, boys. When is the day of the rope going to happen.
>God the father
>Jesus Christ the son of God
The only one I've never heard referenced as a gendered entity is the holy ghost, but I would bet my last dollar that the retard who posted this couldn't tell me what role the holy ghost plays in the Trinity.
On a side note for you Christians of Sup Forums is it's blessed Trinity or holy trinity? Growing up we were taught holy, but I have been hearing blessed recently and I can't figure out why
But everybody knows god male.
The bible literally says God is a he though.
Man is made in the image of God, yes.
Powerflu... .
Unironically the best journalist in the world today, Rachel Maddow, is neither a woman nor a man.
>Man was created in God's image
>Adam (male) wad created first, Eve (female) was created later when God deemed it necessary for man to not be alone.
I don't think God would have created a male first if He was female/not male...
Y is male, X exclusively is female. However, there are chromosome combinations like XXY or just X. Also, the definition of "sex" is different than that of "gender". While sex is biological, gender is social. (Not to say that there isn't a basis for gender in the biological constitution of men and women).
> "26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after *our* likeness"
Couldn't the 'man' that is the 'imago Dei' simply be archetypical? It says man was made in gods image but like a full few "hours" of one of those allegorical "days". Then Eden is planted and Adam shows up. But back up a sec to the initial creation.
> " 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; *****male and female***** created he them."
What if he is both? neither? Mitotic?
>Trying to reason into cosmic antiquity with a current mindset of "he's gotta be a man or a woman"
>your God... has no gender...
God is a man you mentally ill, dick-mutilating faggot. That's why God is always referred to as 'He' by Christians, Muslims, and even Jews. That's why Abrahamic religions are patriarchal.
>God creates Adam in his own image.
>Jesus is a man and repeatedly refers to God as his farther
What the hell is this? Do they ever not decieve? Does their trickery know no bounds?
1. I don't believe in dog but also don't believe that there are more then 2 genders
2. If god is real then he would be a man
Quote those scientists, thanks.
>Wearing hatlets
Beta status is genetic and cultural to the Jew, it seems. It's probably the reason why they "acquire"/steal shekels.
>Non-diabetic, type-1 diabetes, type-2 diabetes are all diabetes statuses.
>Agender, male, female, bi-gendered... Are all gender identities.
Nazi scientists never lied. Soviets, meanwhile, rejected science in favor of Lysenkoism.
>not having diabetes is a form of diabetes
>This thing that only exists as a figment of my imagination is totally real!
In other news, I have just invented this animal called a Snurgke. It exists by drinking tea and listening to experemental Jazz.
why can the left make up genders but dismiss pedophilia evidence as imaginary?
>I would bet my last dollar that the retard who posted this couldn't tell me what role the holy ghost plays in the Trinity
I'd be interested in knowing this, because Christians can never explain it, it seems.
God exists outside of the universe, separate from it. Why would he have a gender at all? It's just a way of writing that makes sense to humans. Creating something in your "image" doesn't mean a 1:1 copy, it could mean something like he's a bipedal being, or he has the same number of limbs, some of the defining features are similar, reasons/thinks in the same way, and so on. But then again, if he's all powerful and doesn't necessarily exist in a physical form all the time, does that mean that he ever actually "is" a certain form? He can turn into anything at any time and retain his powers. What I'm really wondering about though, is who did he have children with? If he's male, there needs to be a female as well since "male" requires "female" to exist. Male/female is an adaptation for procreation reasons, one can not exist without the other. There are species that just divide, like early cells did but not as simplistic obviously, or those that impregnate themselves.
So if God is a "he", where is "she"?
Gender isn't just a disease/malfunction that you catch/develop though. Gender is part of your entire organism, determined from the start. You're either male, or female. That's it. There's no inbetween, and no, fuck-ups by nature where genes are tangled up resulting in a defective baby, doesn't mean that there's a "third" gender or more, those are just defective humans.
>the same rules apply to God that apply to man
>ITT: irrefutable evidence that there are more than two genders
what's google
you can find tons of gender identity related studies easily that support this
You're a google.
>god is special being
>snowflakes want to be special
>they want to become a god
im not religious, faggot
wtf I hate trump now
Am I supposed to take advice from a literal retard?
>Refuting Parthenogenesis
>Schizofrenic behavior
Wew, I should bring out some bingo cards for this kind of arguments
shut the fucking fuck up nigger
God, like Zeus is a sky god - Symbolic representation of the sky - The sky has no actual gender - WE gave Zeus his gender , we made it up , its not true - So GOD has as much gender as the sky (which is 0 )
>I can't argue my point so let google do it
But if God isn't real how are their fake genders real?
And most of those studies are trash. Social sciences were a mistake.
Who writes this garbage? It is not that god has no sex but that he has all the aspects of both the feminine and the masculine. When god created Adam he created him in his image, that is containing both the masculine and the feminine. When he created Eve he split the masculine and feminine. Each of us is part of the whole. That is why it is important for men and women to work together, when you join forces you can create new life, an ability that mirrors god. This is also why (((they))) are pushing theories like feminism which causes men and women to fight and prevents the reunion of the masculine and feminine. It is just another way to keep people distant from god and trapped in the material world.
why do u even tell this story
like seriously
did u think people would believe? i mean.... it wasnt even funny...or relevant... and it didn't really have a point..
seriously what the fuck were you thinking when u wrote this
who are you
fuck you mean gender is a spectrum where are the quarter males at?
isn't it past your bedtime, mate?
what?? why are you saying this? are you assuming im a child from my post? why? what made you think that? and if you did think that, why bother even replying to my post? what did you hope to get out of it?
he, him, businessman: masculine
She, her, waitress: feminine
he, they (group of mixed sex individuals as referent), driver: common
stick, house: neuter
I, me, you: unmarked for gender
Is this some cylindrical Straya meta self-trolling?
God created man to be like him
Hang on, aren't these the same people who claim that race doesn't exist?
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>tries to fix his reddit spacing in second post
you really are pathetic.
"But I'm same gender as God!"
reddit spacing???? never heard anybody use that term before... and how would u even know its 'reddit spacing' without visiting reddit yourself?? even if you do visit reddit i dont care, because its just a website and it doesnt matter, but u seem to think its an insult